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8 Days Kenya Luxury Camping Safari- Bush to Beach

Tour Plan


Embark on an exhilarating 8 Days Kenya Luxury Camping Safari- Bush to Beach safari journey through the heart of Kenya's most iconic national parks, immersing yourself in the wonders of Africa's wildlife and landscapes like never before! Our carefully curated safari adventure promises an unforgettable experience that combines adventure, luxury, and immersion in nature.

Your safari begins in the legendary Masai Mara Game Reserve, known for its rich biodiversity and the dramatic spectacle of the Great Migration. Witness herds of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles as they traverse the plains, pursued by predators in a timeless cycle of life.

As your journey continues, delve into the serene beauty of Lake Naivasha, where a guided walking safari awaits. Encounter diverse animal species up close, from graceful antelopes to colorful birdlife, all against the backdrop of the lake's tranquil waters.

Next, venture into the vastness of Amboseli National Park and Tsavo East, where the Big Five—lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros—roam freely in their natural habitats. Marvel at the majestic elephants against the awe-inspiring backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro in Amboseli, and explore Tsavo East's rugged terrain and volcanic rock formations.

For an added dose of adventure, embark on a thrilling 4-hour hike with a knowledgeable local guide up Marungu Hills, soaking in panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and wildlife.

Finally, conclude your safari expedition in style on Diani Beach along the Kenyan Coast. Unwind amidst pristine white sands, turquoise waters, and swaying palm trees—a perfect retreat to reflect on your incredible wildlife encounters and safari adventures.

Throughout your journey, rest assured that you'll travel in comfort and style in our custom-made 4x4 safari vehicle with a pop-up roof, ensuring optimal wildlife viewing and photography opportunities. Our small, cozy, and mobile campsites near park borders provide a unique blend of convenience and immersion in nature, allowing you to connect with Africa's wilderness on a deeper level.

Join us on this thrilling safari odyssey, where each day brings new discoveries, untamed beauty, and cherished memories that will last a lifetime. Get ready to be amazed by Kenya's natural treasures and wildlife wonders!


  • Park fees
  • All activities
  • All accommodation
  • Professional driver/guide
  • All Taxes/VAT
  • Drinking water
  • International flights
  • Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour
  • Tips
  • Personal and baggage insurance
  • Government imposed increase of taxes and/or park fees

Tour Plan

Day 01 Nairobi to Masai Mara National Reserve - Kenya

Embark on your unforgettable adventure with our Best Kenya National Parks Safari, commencing with a personalized pick-up from your accommodations in Nairobi. Upon arrival, you'll be warmly welcomed and introduced to your fellow travelers and seasoned guide. Our knowledgeable guide will brief you on the exciting itinerary ahead for your 8-day budget camping excursion.

Experience the stunning landscapes from the comfort of our custom 4x4 Toyota Land Cruisers, complete with roof hatches for unparalleled views. Throughout your journey, cozy two-person tents await you at intimate campgrounds with basic restroom facilities. A skilled chef will be on hand to skillfully prepare all your meals, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in this remarkable wildlife adventure.

Prepare to be enchanted by the majestic vistas of the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, where the scenery transitions from lush trees to sprawling grasslands as you descend. Upon reaching the renowned Masai Mara in the early afternoon, you'll encounter the legendary Big Five: elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, and rhinos. For those witnessing the world-famous Great Migration, anticipation will be rewarded as over a million wildebeest, hundreds of thousands of zebras, and numerous Thomson's gazelles traverse from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara.

From July to October, the spectacle unfolds as these animals seek greener pastures, igniting thrilling pursuits with predators like lions and hyenas. A highlight of your Masai Mara safari is witnessing the breathtaking river crossings, where countless wildebeest, zebras, topis, and gazelles brave crocodile-infested waters.

Your base camp, situated just beyond the park's borders, offers a serene retreat amidst the wilderness. Enjoy a magical dinner under the stars, surrounded by nature's symphony of evening bird calls and rustling wildlife, followed by fireside gatherings. Covering a distance of 270 km from Nairobi in a scenic 5 to 6-hour drive, your journey to the Masai Mara includes both lunch and dinner, ensuring a seamless and memorable safari experience.

Day 02 Masai Mara National Reserve - Kenya

As dawn breaks, you greet the morning with anticipation, eager to embark on a day of exploration across the vast African plain teeming with the remarkable wildlife of Masai Mara National Reserve. The symphony of birdsong and the gentle hum of insects surround you, while the sky paints itself in mesmerizing hues, creating a moment etched in your memory forever.

After a hearty breakfast prepared over the crackling campfire, you join your guide for an immersive budget safari, poised to uncover the wonders of the Mara. Your gaze sweeps across the horizon, scanning for glimpses of the famed Big Five: elephants, lions, leopards, rhinos, and buffalo.

In this region, the chances of encountering African lions are high, with the possibility of encountering the striking black-maned males adding to the excitement. The plains pulsate with the movements of zebra, antelope, hartebeest, wildebeest, and gazelles, ever vigilant against the predators concealed amidst the tall grass and tree canopies.

As you traverse the landscape, the elegant presence of Masai giraffes browsing the foliage along rivers and hillsides catches your eye. Further downstream, the tranquil waters host a spectacle of hippos, crocodiles, warthogs, and buffalo, their watchful eyes tracking your every step.

Amidst this diverse ecosystem, a myriad of bird species grace the skies. Your guide, adept in ornithology, assists in identifying the avian residents, from majestic raptors and vultures to the countless species numbering beyond 470 and beyond. Each sighting adds depth to your safari experience, a tapestry of nature unfolding before your eyes.

Day 03 Masai Mara Region to Lake Naivasha - Kenya

This morning marks our departure from the captivating landscapes of Masai Mara as we journey towards Lake Naivasha, following a delightful breakfast by the campfire. The early hours offer a prime opportunity to witness nocturnal creatures retreating into seclusion for the day, with the possibility of encountering elusive civets or caracals in search of their next meal.

Our route spans approximately six and a half hours, covering a distance of 310 km (roughly 192 miles) as we traverse through undulating savannas and majestic mountain ranges nestled within the Kenyan Rift Valley.

Upon arrival at the shores of Lake Naivasha, a sprawling expanse of approximately 13 km awaits, adorned with verdant swamplands where hippos and buffaloes seek respite from the warm climate. Amidst the canopy of fever trees, the playful antics of colobus monkeys may capture your attention as they frolic in the treetops.

Nestled within the heart of the lake lies the Crescent Island Conservancy, its status as an island or peninsula dependent on the fluctuating water levels. With few predators present, herbivores roam freely across its terrain. Your afternoon unfolds with a guided walking safari across Crescent Island, offering intimate encounters with its diverse wildlife. Against the backdrop of soaring fish eagles, you'll immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the African bush, keeping a keen eye out for Masai giraffes and dik-dik antelopes amid the lush papyrus plants and grasslands.

As night descends, we return to our campsite nestled near the lake's edge. Beneath the sheltering canopy of trees, you'll be enveloped in the tranquil ambiance as hippos graze in the darkness, while African birds and animals serenade you with their soothing melodies, creating a serene prelude to the night's rest.

Day 04 Lake Naivasha to Amboseli National Park - Kenya

As the sun rose over Lake Naivasha, you embarked on a southerly journey towards Amboseli National Park. After a scenic drive of 5 hours, you arrived at your destination, welcomed by Amboseli's semi-arid climate, which receives an average rainfall of 350 mm annually. Despite its arid surroundings, the meadows of Amboseli thrive, nourished by the glacier melt cascading from Mount Kilimanjaro, situated roughly 50 km away.

Upon entering the park, you were greeted by a breathtaking array of wildlife. Amboseli is renowned for its vast herds of elephants, often seen congregating around the marshlands to quench their thirst. The park also hosts a diverse array of bird species, including majestic raptors and elegant pelicans.

As dusk descends, the silhouette of Mount Kilimanjaro emerges against the dusky sky, while the stars twinkle brightly overhead, casting a spellbinding aura over the open expanse. Your safari concludes after a 6-hour drive covering approximately 330 km and three sumptuous meals, leaving you enchanted by the captivating beauty of Amboseli National Park.

Day 05 Amboseli National Park - Kenya

As the morning sun casts its glow upon the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro, you prepare for a day filled with wildlife encounters on the fifth leg of your Best Kenya National Parks Safari. From the vantage point of the observation hill, you'll witness hippos, buffalos, and elephants leisurely traversing the marshland, their presence accentuated by the sparse vegetation that dots the landscape.

Embarking on a trek to Lake Amboseli, you'll be struck by the stark contrast between the dusty, arid terrain and the lush greenery of the marshlands. Journeying across the savannahs, you'll marvel at the sight of zebra, Grant's and Thomson's gazelles, wildebeest, and majestic birds such as the secretary bird and ostrich. Keep your senses keen for the exhilarating possibility of encountering cheetahs on the prowl, as well as the stealthy presence of hyenas, lions, and jackals trailing the herds.

As twilight blankets the endless horizon of Amboseli, you'll gather with fellow travelers around the crackling campfire, exchanging tales of the day's adventures while the haunting calls of nightjars serenade the night sky, lulling you into a peaceful slumber under the shimmering stars.

Throughout your full-day guided wildlife safari drive, breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided, ensuring that every moment of your safari experience is enriched with culinary delights and unforgettable wildlife encounters.

Day 06 Amboseli National Park to Tsavo East National Park - Kenya

On the sixth day of our Kenya budget camping excursion, bid adieu to the enchanting vistas of Amboseli as we venture southeastward to the awe-inspiring Tsavo East National Park.

This segment of the expansive Tsavo National Park, spanning 22,000 km2, is celebrated for its remarkable biodiversity and scenic splendor. Encompassing over 11,500 km2, the park showcases breathtaking landforms sculpted by volcanic activity, alongside diverse habitats accommodating a rich tapestry of over 500 bird, mammal, and reptile species.

The park's diversity is evident in its contrasting landscapes: the southern expanse features expansive dry grasslands, while the northern reaches boast dense Acacia-Commiphora woodlands, a haven for browsing giraffes.

Traverse the riverine forests adorned with acacia and palm trees lining the meandering Galana River, where sightings of dik-diks, waterbucks, and kudus are commonplace as they quench their thirst. Amidst this verdant backdrop, glimpse gazelles, impala, klipspringer, duikers, plains and Grevy's zebras, alongside spotted and striped hyenas, jackals, leopards, African hunting dogs, and various mongoose species.

Witness the unforgettable sight of Tsavo's renowned red elephants, adorned in the iron-rich red volcanic dust that lends them their distinctive hue. Marvel at the majestic Mudanda Rock, a 1.6 km rocky outcrop offering panoramic views of hippos and crocodiles nestled in the natural dam below, with sightings of warthogs, marsh mongooses, and clawless otters adding to the spectacle. Encounter the unique male lions of Tsavo, characterized by their distinctive lack of manes.

Spot some of these iconic Big Cats congregating around Aruba Dam and the Kanderi Swamp, or basking in the sun atop the numerous kopjes. Behold the imposing Yatta Plateau, stretching an unparalleled 290 km, its volcanic contours shaped by lava flows from Ol Doinyo Sabuk Mountain. During the wet season, seasonal pools and swamps dot its length, while dense bush offers captivating vistas of the park, with the majestic Mount Kilimanjaro providing a breathtaking backdrop to the west.

Following a leisurely afternoon immersed in the wonders of Tsavo East National Park, indulge in a rejuvenating dinner and convivial fireside drinks with fellow travelers, before surrendering to the embrace of the wilderness, your mind abuzz with the extraordinary sightings witnessed throughout the day.

Distance: Approximately 3 hours and 200 km from Amboseli to Tsavo East National Park.

Food: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner included.

Activities: Afternoon guided wildlife safari drive.

Day 07 Tsavo East National Park to Tsavo Conservancy - Kenya

The hearty camp breakfast heralds the commencement of your second game drive in Tsavo East National Park for the day. Keep your senses keen as you traverse the landscape, on the lookout for elusive creatures such as aardwolves, civet cats, bat-eared foxes, pangolins, and porcupines, while marveling at the sight of leopards and caracals nestled amidst the sheltering branches of trees.

Behold the awe-inspiring spectacle of the majestic red elephants, utilizing the iron-rich red soil to shield their skin from the sun and insects. Remain vigilant for further encounters with the iconic Big Five and a diverse array of birdlife. Your journey then transitions to the Tsavo Conservancy, a vital link between the two Tsavo Parks, facilitating the unhindered migration of animals.

During the dry season, visitors are treated to the breathtaking sight of elephants, giraffes, and other herbivores traversing the conservancy en route to the west, where water sources abound. As evening descends, unwind by the fire, enveloped by the tranquil ambiance of the African night sky, as the symphony of wilderness sounds serenades your senses. This marks your final safari dinner in the African bush, your last night immersed in the untamed beauty of nature's embrace.

Day 08 Tsavo Conservancy to Diani Beach - Kenya

Embark on a remarkable journey on the final day of your Kenyan National Park Safari: join an insightful guide for a captivating 4-hour walk through the Marungu Hills. Immerse yourself in the scents of the wilderness and the gentle rustling of small creatures amidst the underbrush, while absorbing the sights and absorbing insights about the indigenous fauna and flora.

At the summit of the hill, be entranced by panoramic vistas of the sprawling plains and soaring birds of prey stretching as far as the eye can see. With a stroke of luck, you may even catch sight of some elusive small wildlife!

Later, prepare for a change of scenery as you embark on a coastal drive. Witness the transition from the rust-red soils of the plains to verdant, lush forests, where playful monkeys frolic among the trees. As you approach the pristine white sands and crystalline blue waters of Diani Beach, bid farewell to your guide and fellow travelers, ready to embark on the next leg of your journey.

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    Benjamin Archer


    Adventure of a Lifetime

    Embark on the adventure of a lifetime as you explore Kenya’s diverse landscapes and remarkable wildlife.

    August 21, 2023

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    Isla Hawthorne


    Enchanting Kenya

    Kenya’s beauty and charm will captivate your heart on this enchanting luxury camping safari.

    August 21, 2023

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    Leo Everly


    Nature's Symphony

    Immerse yourself in the symphony of sounds created by Kenya’s wildlife while camping in luxury.

    August 21, 2023

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    Stella Montgomery


    Safari Dreams Come True

    This safari turned my dreams into reality as I encountered the Big Five and witnessed unforgettable sunsets.

    August 21, 2023

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    Ethan Donovan


    Luxury Camping at its Finest

    Experience the epitome of luxury camping with exceptional accommodations and personalized service.

    August 21, 2023

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    Noah Barrett


    Escape to Serengeti

    Immerse yourself in the breathtaking landscapes of Serengeti National Park on this unforgettable safari.

    August 21, 2023

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    Mia Delaney


    A Taste of Paradise

    Indulge in the flavors of Kenya while surrounded by the enchanting beauty of its untamed landscapes.

    August 21, 2023

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    Harrison Brooks


    Safari Bliss

    This 8 day Kenya luxury camping safari exceeded all my expectations and left me in a state of bliss.

    August 21, 2023

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    Penelope Blackwood


    Majestic Wildlife Encounters

    Witness the majestic wildlife up close and personal on this awe inspiring luxury camping safari.

    August 21, 2023

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    Sebastian Merrick


    Unleash Your Wild Side

    Get ready to unleash your inner adventurer as you embark on a wild safari through Kenya’s wonders.

    August 21, 2023

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