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Home > Destinations > Africa Birding Safaris

Exodus Safaris invites birding enthusiasts to embark on a captivating journey through Africa’s diverse ecosystems with their specialized birding safaris. With a keen focus on ornithological exploration, these safaris offer a unique opportunity to discover the rich avian biodiversity of the continent while traversing iconic landscapes and pristine wilderness areas. Led by experienced guides with extensive knowledge of bird species and habitats, Exodus Safaris’ birding safaris provide an immersive experience that combines birdwatching with adventure, education, and conservation.

Designed to cater to birders of all levels, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, Africa birding safaris with Exodus Safaris encompass a range of destinations, each offering unique birding opportunities. From the wetlands of the Okavango Delta to the forests of Uganda and the savannahs of Tanzania, travelers have the chance to spot an incredible array of bird species, including endemic and migratory birds, while learning about their behavior, ecology, and conservation status. With comfortable accommodations, well-planned itineraries, and expert guidance, Exodus Safaris’ birding safaris promise an unforgettable adventure filled with remarkable avian encounters and awe-inspiring natural wonders.

Why Go on Africa Birding Safaris?

What to Do on Africa Birding Safaris

Birdwatching Excursions

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The primary activity on Africa birding safaris is, of course, birdwatching. Participants embark on guided excursions led by expert birding guides to seek out and observe a diverse array of bird species in their natural habitats. From wetlands and forests to savannahs and mountains, Africa offers an abundance of birding hotspots to explore.

Identifying Bird Species

Ecuador Birdwatching tours

Participants have the opportunity to identify and learn about different bird species encountered during their safari. Guides assist in spotting birds and provide valuable insights into their behavior, plumage, calls, and ecological roles. Learning to recognize and identify birds adds an educational dimension to the safari experience.

Photography Opportunities

bird photo

Africa’s stunning landscapes and diverse birdlife offer exceptional photography opportunities for enthusiasts. Participants can capture memorable moments of bird sightings, behavior, and interactions, as well as scenic vistas and wildlife encounters. Photographing birds in their natural habitats allows for the creation of stunning images and lasting memories.

Exploring Diverse Habitats


Birding safaris in Africa often involve exploring a variety of habitats, each harboring unique bird species. Participants may journey through rainforests, wetlands, grasslands, deserts, and coastal areas, gaining insights into the diverse ecosystems and the birds adapted to thrive in them.

Learning from Expert Guides

bird guides

Expert birding guides accompany participants throughout the safari, offering valuable knowledge and guidance. Guides share information about bird species, habitats, ecology, and conservation, enriching the safari experience with their expertise. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions, engage in discussions, and deepen their understanding of Africa’s avian biodiversity.

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the perfect Africa Birding safari for you

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Popular Africa Birding Safaris


Each Moment On Africa Birding Safaris Promises a Breathtaking Adventure

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When is the best month to go on Africa Birding Safaris?

Africa Birding Safaris in January

Chobe River Birding Tours scaled 1

  •  Okavango Delta, Botswana

    January offers excellent birding opportunities in the Okavango Delta as many bird species are breeding during this time. Travelers can spot a variety of waterfowl, including herons, storks, and kingfishers, as well as raptors and other species attracted to the delta’s abundant prey.

Africa Birding Safaris in February

Birding in Lake Nakuru National Parkss

  •  Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

    February is a great time for birding safaris in Lake Nakuru National Park, known for its vast flocks of flamingos that gather along the lake’s shores. Travelers can also spot other waterbirds, such as pelicans and cormorants, as well as raptors and terrestrial species in the park’s woodlands.

Africa Birding Safaris in March

birding in kruger

  •  Kruger National Park, South Africa

    March marks the end of the rainy season in Kruger National Park, making it an excellent time for birding safaris as migratory species return and resident birds become more active. Travelers can explore diverse habitats, including riverine forests, savannahs, and grasslands, to spot a wide variety of bird species.

Africa Birding Safaris in April


  • Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda

    April offers birding enthusiasts the opportunity to explore Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, home to over 350 bird species, including numerous Albertine Rift endemics. Travelers can participate in guided birding walks through the forest, seeking out elusive species such as the African green broadbill and Shelley’s crimsonwing.

Africa Birding Safaris in May


  • Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia

    May is an ideal time for birding safaris in Lower Zambezi National Park as bird activity increases along the Zambezi River. Travelers can spot waterbirds, such as herons and egrets, as well as raptors, including fish eagles and African skimmers, against the backdrop of the park’s scenic landscapes.

Africa Birding Safaris in June


  • Kafue National Park, Zambia

    June offers excellent birding opportunities in Kafue National Park as resident bird species become more active during the dry season. Travelers can explore the park’s diverse habitats, from miombo woodlands to wetlands, to spot a variety of birds, including kingfishers, bee-eaters, and raptors.

Africa Birding Safaris in July

birds in murchison

  •  Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe

    July is a great time for birding safaris in Hwange National Park as bird activity increases around waterholes and pans. Travelers can spot a variety of bird species, including raptors, waterfowl, and songbirds, while exploring the park’s grasslands, woodlands, and vlei areas.

Africa Birding Safaris in August

getting to serengeti

  •  Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

    August offers birding enthusiasts the opportunity to explore the Serengeti National Park, known for its diverse birdlife and spectacular wildlife migrations. Travelers can spot a variety of bird species, including raptors, ostriches, and bustards, while witnessing the Great Migration of wildebeest and zebra.

Africa Birding Safaris in September

chobe birds

  • Chobe National Park, Botswana

    September is an excellent time for birding safaris in Chobe National Park as bird activity increases along the Chobe River. Travelers can spot waterbirds, such as herons and ibises, as well as raptors, including African fish eagles and martial eagles, while cruising along the river on boat safaris.

Africa Birding Safaris in October


  •  Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania

    October offers birding enthusiasts the opportunity to explore the Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its high concentration of wildlife and bird species. Travelers can spot a variety of bird species, including flamingos, pelicans, and crowned cranes, while exploring the crater’s diverse habitats.

Africa Birding Safaris in November

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  •  Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

    November is a great time for birding safaris in Queen Elizabeth National Park as migratory bird species begin to arrive from Europe and Asia. Travelers can spot a variety of bird species, including waterbirds, raptors, and forest birds, while exploring the park’s diverse habitats, including wetlands, savannahs, and forests.

Africa Birding Safaris in December


  •  Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana

    December offers birding enthusiasts the opportunity to explore Moremi Game Reserve, known for its diverse birdlife and pristine wilderness areas. Travelers can spot a variety of bird species, including waterbirds, raptors, and songbirds, while exploring the reserve’s lush forests, floodplains, and lagoons.

Our Recommended Tours in Africa Birding Safaris


Customize these suggested Africa Birding Safaris tours to suit your budget and safari experience

Seeking One-of-a-Kind Africa Birding Safaris Experience?

bird watching

Birding Safaris in Africa

kruger nationa2l park game drive

Big Five Safaris in Africa

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Big Cat Safaris in Africa
9q honeymoon sundowners

Honeymoons in Africa

family safari

Honeymoons in Africa

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Big Cat Safaris in Africa

Why travel with us?

Latest Feedback from Adventurers Who Organized and Reserved their Africa Birding Safaris
Expeditions through Exodus Safaris

FAQ about Africa Birding Safaris

  •  A birding safari is a specialized wildlife tour focused on observing and identifying bird species in their natural habitats. While regular safaris often prioritize mammal sightings, birding safaris specifically target birdwatching opportunities, providing birding enthusiasts with expert guides and specialized activities tailored to their interests.

  •  No prior birding experience is required to join a birding safari. Birding safaris cater to birdwatchers of all levels, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts, with expert guides providing assistance in spotting, identifying, and learning about bird species encountered during the safari.

  •  Africa birding safaris offer opportunities to observe a diverse array of bird species, including endemic, migratory, and resident birds. Depending on the destination and season, participants may encounter waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, and other avian species adapted to various habitats, from wetlands and forests to savannahs and deserts.

  •  Essential equipment for a birding safari includes binoculars, a field guidebook or app, a notebook for recording observations, and a camera for documenting bird sightings. Additionally, participants may benefit from a spotting scope, a birding journal, and comfortable clothing and footwear suitable for outdoor activities.

  •  Yes, birding safaris can be suitable for families and children, offering educational and recreational opportunities for participants of all ages. Many birding tour operators provide family-friendly activities, such as guided nature walks, bird-themed games, and interactive learning experiences tailored to children's interests.

  •  The best time for an Africa birding safari varies depending on the destination and the migratory patterns of bird species. Generally, the dry season, which typically occurs during the Southern Hemisphere winter (June to August), is considered optimal for birding as birds are more concentrated around water sources.

  •  Birding safaris contribute to conservation efforts by promoting ecotourism, raising awareness about the importance of protecting birds and their habitats, and supporting local communities engaged in conservation initiatives. Revenue generated from birding tourism often funds conservation projects, habitat restoration, and wildlife monitoring programs, helping to safeguard Africa's avian biodiversity for future generations.

Africa birding safari destinations along with approximate prices

Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

00 top 10 Best Kenya Safari Lodges and Camps BW

  • Approximate Price Per Person: $200 – $400 per day
  • Maasai Mara National Reserve is renowned for its spectacular wildlife and diverse birdlife, making it a prime destination for birding safaris in Kenya. Visitors can explore the reserve’s vast grasslands, acacia woodlands, and Mara River, spotting a variety of bird species, including raptors, waterfowl, and migratory birds.

Okavango Delta, Botswana

Chobe Savanna LodgeLR 51 1024x682 1

  • Approximate Price Per Person: $300 – $600 per day
  • The Okavango Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Africa’s premier birding destinations, with its network of channels, lagoons, and floodplains supporting a rich variety of birdlife. Birding safaris in the Okavango Delta offer opportunities to spot herons, egrets, ibises, and other waterbirds, as well as raptors and colorful songbirds.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda

Bird watching in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park

  • Approximate Price Per Person: $250 – $500 per day
  • Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is a biodiversity hotspot and home to over 350 bird species, including numerous Albertine Rift endemics. Birding safaris in Bwindi offer the chance to spot elusive forest birds such as the African green broadbill, bar-tailed trogon, and Shelley’s crimsonwing, while exploring the lush montane forests of the park.

Kruger National Park, South Africa


  • Approximate Price Per Person: $150 – $300 per day
  • Kruger National Park is one of Africa’s largest and most famous game reserves, renowned for its diverse wildlife and excellent birding opportunities. Birding safaris in Kruger offer the chance to spot a wide variety of bird species, including raptors, waterbirds, and colorful songbirds, while exploring the park’s diverse habitats, from savannahs to riverine forests.

Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana

Botswana Wildlife Safaris

  • Approximate Price Per Person: $300 – $600 per day
  • Moremi Game Reserve is located within the Okavango Delta and offers some of the best birding opportunities in Botswana. Birding safaris in Moremi allow visitors to explore a variety of habitats, including floodplains, mopane woodlands, and riverine forests, while spotting a diverse array of bird species, including herons, kingfishers, and raptors.

5 Types of Africa Birding Safaris

Classic Birding Safari

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Classic birding safaris focus on visiting renowned birding destinations across Africa, such as national parks, wetlands, and forests. Participants explore diverse habitats while seeking out a wide variety of bird species, from colorful songbirds to majestic raptors. These safaris often include expert guides, comfortable accommodations, and opportunities for photography and wildlife viewing. With carefully planned itineraries and expert guidance, participants can maximize their birding experiences and create unforgettable memories of Africa’s avian wonders.

Specialty Birding Safari

Kakamega Forest Reserve

Specialty birding safaris cater to birdwatchers with specific interests, such as targeting particular bird species, observing bird behavior, or focusing on bird photography. These safaris may include visits to specialized birding sites, guided excursions led by expert birding guides, and customized itineraries tailored to participants’ preferences. Participants can immerse themselves in their passion for birds while learning from knowledgeable guides and fellow enthusiasts, making these safaris a rewarding and personalized experience.


Migratory Birding Safari

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Migratory birding safaris coincide with the seasonal migrations of birds between breeding and wintering grounds. Participants have the opportunity to witness spectacular bird migrations, such as the movement of raptors across the African continent or the arrival of migratory waterfowl at wetland sanctuaries. These safaris often follow migratory routes and include stops at key birding sites along the way. Experienced guides provide insights into migration patterns, behavior, and the importance of conserving critical stopover sites for migratory birds.


Endemic Birding Safari


Endemic birding safaris focus on seeking out bird species that are unique to specific regions or countries in Africa. Participants explore habitats where endemic birds occur, such as mountain forests, island ecosystems, or endemic bird hotspots. These safaris offer the chance to spot rare and localized species found nowhere else in the world. Expert guides with specialized knowledge of local avifauna enhance the experience by sharing insights into the conservation status, ecology, and behavior of endemic bird species.

Cultural Birding Safari

rural kenya

Cultural birding safaris combine birdwatching with cultural experiences, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the local traditions, customs, and lifestyles of African communities. These safaris may include visits to indigenous villages, cultural performances, and interactions with local birding guides who share their knowledge of both birds and cultural heritage. By blending birding with cultural immersion, these safaris offer a holistic and enriching exploration of Africa’s biodiversity and human heritage.

Everything About Africa Birding Safaris


Lake Nakuru Park

Africa birding safaris offer birdwatching enthusiasts the opportunity to explore the continent’s diverse ecosystems and observe its rich avian biodiversity up close. From the lush rainforests of Central Africa to the expansive savannahs of East Africa and the coastal wetlands of Southern Africa, Africa is a paradise for birdwatchers, boasting a wealth of bird species, including endemics, migrants, and rarities. With expert guides, comfortable accommodations, and carefully crafted itineraries, Africa birding safaris provide an immersive and unforgettable experience that combines adventure, education, and conservation.

Diverse Birdlife


Africa is home to a staggering diversity of bird species, with over 2,300 recorded species found across the continent. From colorful kingfishers and dazzling sunbirds to majestic raptors and elusive forest dwellers, Africa offers birdwatchers the chance to encounter a wide variety of avian life in a range of habitats. Birdwatching safaris in Africa are a paradise for ornithologists and enthusiasts alike, providing immersive experiences and opportunities to spot rare and endemic bird species in their natural environments.

Expert Guides and Interpretation

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Africa birding safaris are led by expert guides with extensive knowledge of local bird species, habitats, and behaviors. These guides enhance the birding experience by assisting participants in spotting and identifying birds, providing fascinating insights into their ecology and conservation status, and interpreting the natural world around them.

Scenic Landscapes and Habitats


Birding safaris in Africa take participants through a diverse array of landscapes and habitats, including rainforests, grasslands, wetlands, deserts, and mountains. These scenic environments not only provide stunning backdrops for birdwatching but also support a wide range of bird species adapted to different ecological niches. Experienced guides and birding experts enhance the safari experience, sharing their knowledge of bird behaviors, calls, and identification techniques for an enriching and educational journey.

Photography Opportunities

Bird watching in Mgahinga National Park

Africa birding safaris offer exceptional opportunities for bird photography, allowing participants to capture stunning images of birds in their natural habitats. Whether photographing birds in flight, perched on branches, or engaging in behavior displays, participants can create lasting memories and share their passion for birds through photography. Professional wildlife photographers often lead these safaris, providing valuable tips and guidance to help participants capture the perfect shots while respecting the birds and their environments.

Conservation and Sustainability

yacutinga lodge iguazu falls 1

Birding safaris in Africa contribute to conservation efforts by supporting ecotourism initiatives, raising awareness about the importance of protecting birds and their habitats, and generating revenue for local communities engaged in conservation projects. By promoting sustainable tourism practices, birding safaris help safeguard Africa’s avian biodiversity for future generations. Additionally, many birding tour operators collaborate with conservation organizations and researchers to collect valuable data on bird populations, contributing to scientific knowledge and conservation planning.

Cultural Immersion


In addition to birdwatching, Africa birding safaris offer opportunities for cultural immersion and interaction with local communities. Participants may visit indigenous villages, learn about traditional customs and lifestyles, and engage with local birding guides who share their knowledge of both birds and cultural heritage. This cultural exchange enriches the safari experience and fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.