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Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safari

The ultimate guide to your next Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safari

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An Overview about Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve

Kenya Safari Tours Diani

Exodus Safaris proudly presents an immersive journey into the enchanting Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve through its Arabuko Sokoke Safaris. Located along the Kenyan coast, Arabuko Sokoke is a biodiversity hotspot renowned for its unique blend of coastal and inland ecosystems. With its towering trees, dense undergrowth, and diverse wildlife, the forest offers an unparalleled opportunity for travelers to delve into the wonders of East Africa’s natural heritage.

Led by experienced guides with a deep understanding of the forest’s ecology, Arabuko Sokoke Safaris by Exodus Safaris provide guests with unforgettable wildlife encounters. From rare bird species like the Sokoke scops owl and the Clarke’s weaver to elusive mammals such as the golden-rumped elephant shrew and the Ader’s duiker, the forest is teeming with biodiversity waiting to be discovered.

Travelers can explore the reserve’s network of trails, embark on birdwatching excursions, and even participate in conservation activities aimed at preserving this precious ecosystem. With a commitment to sustainable tourism, Exodus Safaris ensures that each safari experience not only enriches the lives of travelers but also contributes to the long-term conservation and protection of Arabuko Sokoke for future generations to enjoy.

Why Go on Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safari

What to Do on Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safari

Guided Nature Walks

Aarabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Guided Nature Walk Safaris

Exploring the forest’s diverse ecosystems alongside knowledgeable guides enhances your understanding of the environment and its conservation. Their expertise often unveils the secrets of rare and elusive wildlife, enriching your nature experience.


Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Bird Watching Safari

Arabuko Sokoke, boasting over 270 bird species, beckons birdwatchers to its depths. Among them, the Sokoke Scops Owl, an endemic gem, awaits discovery. Remember your binoculars and field guide for an enriching avian adventure!

Hiking and Trekking

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Hiking and Trekking Safari

Embark on the forest’s myriad trails and hiking routes, offering varying levels of difficulty. From leisurely strolls to exhilarating treks, each path unveils treasures like hidden waterfalls and encounters with wildlife, inviting you to immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the forest.

Butterfly Watching

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Butterfly Watching Safari

The forest hosts a plethora of butterfly species, each adorned with vibrant hues and intricate patterns. Equip yourself with a camera to seize the mesmerizing beauty of these winged wonders, adding to your memorable forest exploration.

Visit the Butterfly Farm

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Visit the Butterfly Farm Safari

Adjacent to the reserve lies the Arabuko Sokoke Forest Visitor and Information Center, featuring a captivating butterfly farm. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of butterflies as you observe diverse species up close and delve into their fascinating life cycles, enhancing your understanding of these delicate creatures.


Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Photography Safari

The forest’s lush greenery, distinctive wildlife, and untouched landscapes offer photographers an abundance of captivating subjects. Respect the natural environment as you skillfully capture the beauty of the forest and its inhabitants, preserving its essence for generations to come.

Visit the Local Communities

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Visit the Local Communities Safari

Engage with the indigenous communities residing around the forest to delve into their rich traditional customs and heritage. Explore local markets where you can immerse yourself in cultural exchanges and acquire beautifully handcrafted souvenirs, fostering meaningful connections with the vibrant local culture.

Night Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Night Safaris

Embark on a thrilling night safari to witness the forest’s nocturnal inhabitants in action, from elusive owls and playful bushbabies to the mesmerizing chameleons. Experience the forest’s transformative ambiance under the cloak of darkness, revealing a mysterious and enchanting world waiting to be discovered.

Picnicking and Relaxation

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Picnicking and Relaxation Safari

Indulge in a delightful forest picnic amidst designated areas, where you can unwind, savor the tranquil surroundings, and relish a meal in the embrace of nature. Let the serene ambiance enhance your dining experience, creating cherished memories amidst the beauty of the forest.

Support Conservation

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Support Conservation Safari

Discover the comprehensive conservation initiatives safeguarding the Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve’s biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. Your visit plays a pivotal role in funding these crucial efforts, making a meaningful contribution to the preservation of this natural treasure. Consider supporting the conservation cause during your visit, ensuring the forest’s enduring protection for future generations to enjoy.

Cultural Performances

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Cultural Perfomances Safari

Embark on guided tours enriched with cultural performances and captivating storytelling by local communities, offering a profound immersion into the vibrant heritage of the region. Immerse yourself in the rhythms, traditions, and tales woven into the fabric of local culture, fostering a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of the region’s cultural tapestry.

Stay in Eco-Friendly Accommodations

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Stay in Eco-Friendly Accomodations Safari

For an extended stay, opt for eco-friendly lodges or camps committed to sustainable tourism practices, offering an immersive wilderness experience that harmonizes with the environment. Indulge in a unique blend of comfort and conservation, where your accommodation choice aligns with your commitment to preserving the natural beauty of the area while providing unforgettable moments in the wilderness.

Book Your Safari With Exodus Safaris

Benefit from our team's 25+ years of experience as we guide you in
selecting the perfect Arabuko Sokoke Safari for you

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Popular Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safaris


We can customize these suggested Arabuko Sokoke Safaris tours to suit your budget.

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Each Moment On Arabuko Sokoke Forest Safaris Promises a Breathtaking Adventure

When is the best month to travel to Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve?

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in January

  • Weather: January is typically warm and dry in Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve, with temperatures ranging from 20-30°C (68-86°F).
  • Wildlife: This month is an excellent time for birdwatching as many migratory bird species can be spotted. You may also encounter various primates, butterflies, and smaller mammals.
  • Events: No major events, but a walking safari is ideal for this month to explore the forest’s diverse flora and fauna.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in February

  • Weather: Similar to January, February has warm and dry weather, making it a pleasant time to visit with temperatures ranging from 20-30°C (68-86°F).
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching remains a highlight, and you may witness the courtship displays of various bird species. Keep an eye out for the endangered golden-rumped elephant shrew.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching safari is recommended, focusing on the diverse avian life in the reserve.
tanz feb calves

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in March

  • Weather: March is still warm and dry, with temperatures ranging from 20-31°C (68-88°F).
  • Wildlife: This month offers excellent opportunities to observe birdlife, and you may also encounter buffalo, elephants, and various primates. Butterflies are abundant as well.
  • Events: No major events, but a combination safari highlighting birdwatching and wildlife observation is recommended.
tanz mar ngorongoro
Early March tends to be dry, although in some years the rains have been known to return early, so it can

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in April

  • Weather: April marks the transition to the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 21-31°C (70-88°F). It’s advisable to be prepared for occasional rain.
  • Wildlife: The forest comes alive with lush vegetation, and birdwatching remains a highlight. Mammals are still active, and the forest is teeming with life.
  • Events: No major events, but a guided walking safari is recommended to explore the forest’s beauty amid the greenery.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in May

  • Weather: May is part of the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 21-30°C (70-86°F). Expect occasional heavy rainfall.
  • Wildlife: The forest is vibrant with life during the rainy season, and it’s an excellent time for birdwatching. Mammals and amphibians are also more active.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching safari combined with opportunities for amphibian and reptile observation is ideal.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in June

  • Weather: June continues the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 20-29°C (68-84°F). Be prepared for rain, and the forest is at its lushest.
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching remains a highlight, and you may also encounter various reptiles and amphibians. The forest is filled with the sounds of nature.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching and herpetology safari (focused on reptiles and amphibians) is recommended.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in July

  • Weather: July is part of the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 19-28°C (66-82°F). Rainfall may be less frequent, but it’s still advisable to be prepared.
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching is excellent, and the forest’s flora is in full bloom. You may also spot larger mammals, such as elephants and buffaloes.
  • Events: No major events, but a combination safari with a focus on birdwatching and larger mammals is recommended.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in August

  • Weather: August marks the end of the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 19-28°C (66-82°F). The weather is becoming drier and more comfortable.
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching remains a highlight, and larger mammals are more active. This is a good time to spot elephants, buffaloes, and primates.
  • Events: No major events, but a wildlife safari with a focus on birdwatching and larger mammals is recommended.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in September

  • Weather: September is a transitional month, with temperatures ranging from 20-29°C (68-84°F). It’s a mix of dry and wet weather.
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching is still rewarding, and the forest is bustling with activity as many species prepare for the breeding season. Larger mammals are active as well.
  • Events: No major events, but a combination safari with a focus on birdwatching and observing the pre-breeding behaviors of various species is recommended.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in October

  • Weather: October is generally dry, with temperatures ranging from 21-30°C (70-86°F). It’s a pleasant time to visit with lower chances of rain.
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching remains a highlight, and you may witness breeding behaviors among various species. Larger mammals are active, and the forest is less humid.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching and wildlife safari is ideal, taking advantage of the comfortable weather conditions.

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in November

  • Weather: November marks the onset of the short rains, with temperatures ranging from 21-30°C (70-86°F). Be prepared for occasional showers.
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching is still rewarding, and you may witness the arrival of migratory bird species. Larger mammals are active, and the forest is rejuvenated.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching and wildlife safari is recommended, with a focus on observing migratory species.
tanz nov waterhole

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve in December

  • Weather: December is part of the short rains season, with temperatures ranging from 21-31°C (70-88°F). It’s advisable to be prepared for occasional showers.
  • Wildlife: Birdwatching remains a highlight, and the forest is teeming with life. Larger mammals are active, and the landscape is lush.
  • Events: No major events, but a combination safari with a focus on birdwatching and observing the forest’s vibrant ecosystem is recommended.
tanz dec ellie

Our Recommended Tours in Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve


Customize these suggested Arabuko Sokoke Safaris tours to suit your budget and safari experience

Seeking One-of-a-Kind Arabuko Sokoke Safaris Experience?

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Latest Feedback from Adventurers Who Organized and Reserved their Arabuko Sokoke
Expeditions through Exodus Safaris

FAQ about Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safaris

  • You can expect to see a wide variety of wildlife, including monkeys, elephants, birds, and various plant species. The forest is also home to rare and endemic species like the Golden-rumped Elephant Shrew.
  • Yes, guided tours are available and recommended. Knowledgeable guides can help you spot wildlife, explain the ecosystem, and ensure a safe and educational experience.

  • Activities include guided nature walks, birdwatching, hiking, butterfly watching, night safaris, and cultural interactions with local communities.
  • Yes, the reserve is generally safe for tourists. However, it's essential to follow safety guidelines, respect the environment, and adhere to the guidance of your guides.
  • Entrance fees and eco-tourism activities often contribute to the conservation and protection of the reserve, helping preserve this unique ecosystem.
  • Pack lightweight, breathable clothing, comfortable hiking shoes, insect repellent, a good camera for wildlife and nature photography, and binoculars for birdwatching.

5 Best Accommodations While On Arabuko Sokoke Forest

Turtle Bay Beach Club

  • Description: Turtle Bay Beach Club is a beachfront resort located in Watamu, close to Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve. The resort offers comfortable rooms and cottages surrounded by lush gardens and overlooking the Indian Ocean. Guests can enjoy a range of activities, including guided nature walks in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, birdwatching, and water sports.
  •  Approximate Price: $100 – $200 per person per night (approximate, depending on the season and chosen package).

Hemingways Watamu

  • Description: Hemingways Watamu is a luxury beachfront hotel situated near Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve. The hotel features elegant rooms and suites with modern amenities and panoramic views of the ocean. Guests can relax on the white sandy beaches, indulge in spa treatments, or embark on guided excursions to explore the nearby forest reserve.
  • Approximate Price: $300 – $600 per person per night (approximate, depending on the season and chosen package).

Watamu Treehouse

  • Description: Watamu Treehouse is a boutique hotel located in the heart of Watamu, offering easy access to Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve. The hotel features stylish treehouse-style rooms nestled within a tropical garden setting. Guests can enjoy guided nature walks in the forest, birdwatching, and cultural tours to nearby attractions.
  • Approximate Price: $80 – $150 per person per night (approximate, depending on the season and chosen package).

Turtle Bay Village

  • Description: Turtle Bay Village is a family-friendly resort located near Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve. The resort offers spacious villas and cottages surrounded by lush vegetation and just steps away from the beach. Guests can explore the forest reserve on guided hikes, go birdwatching, or relax by the pool.
  • Approximate Price: $80 – $150 per person per night (approximate, depending on the season and chosen package).

The Charming Lonno Lodge

  • Description: The Charming Lonno Lodge is an intimate boutique hotel situated in Watamu, close to Arabuko-Sokoke Forest Reserve. The lodge features beautifully appointed rooms with ocean views and personalized service. Guests can enjoy guided tours to explore the forest reserve, relax by the infinity pool, or savor delicious meals at the on-site restaurant.
  • Approximate Price: $150 – $300 per person per night (approximate, depending on the season and chosen package).

Types of Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safaris

Nature Walks

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Nature Walk Safari Package

Embark on guided nature walks to intimately explore the forest on foot, guided by knowledgeable experts who illuminate the intricacies of the ecosystem. These seasoned guides enhance your experience by spotting elusive wildlife, identifying diverse plant species, and sharing insightful commentary about the forest’s delicate balance, enriching your connection with nature.

Birdwatching Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Bird Watching Safari Package

Arabuko Sokoke stands as a haven for avid birdwatchers, offering specialized safaris tailored to spotting and identifying its diverse avian population, which includes rare and endemic species. Delve into the heart of this ornithological paradise, where each moment unveils the beauty and diversity of the forest’s feathered inhabitants, creating an unforgettable birdwatching experience.

Hiking and Trekking

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Hiking and Trekking Safari Package

Explore the reserve’s network of trails tailored for hiking and trekking adventures, catering to various skill levels from leisurely strolls to invigorating hikes. Many trails are accompanied by experienced guides who offer insights into the reserve’s natural wonders, ensuring a safe and enriching exploration of its diverse landscapes and hidden treasures.

Butterfly Watching

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Butterfly Watching Safari Package

Discover the enchanting world of butterflies at the Arabuko Sokoke Forest Visitor and Information Center’s butterfly farm. Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of colors as you observe and learn about the diverse butterfly species indigenous to the region. Delve into their fascinating life cycles and behaviors, gaining a deeper appreciation for these delicate creatures and their vital role in the forest ecosystem.

Night Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Night Safaris Package

Embark on an exhilarating night safari to witness the magical transformation of the forest as nocturnal creatures emerge from their slumber. From the silent flight of owls to the playful antics of bushbabies and the stealthy movements of chameleons, immerse yourself in the captivating world of nighttime wildlife encounters, experiencing the forest in a whole new light.

Cultural Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Cultural Safari Package

Indulge in immersive experiences during these safaris, often featuring interactions with local communities residing near the reserve. Immerse yourself in their rich traditions, explore vibrant local markets, and delight in captivating cultural performances. These encounters offer valuable insights into the heritage and way of life of the indigenous communities, fostering meaningful connections and enriching your journey through the region.

Photography Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Photography Safari Package

Embark on tailored photography safaris designed exclusively for photographers, providing unparalleled opportunities to capture the stunning beauty of the forest, its diverse wildlife, and breathtaking landscapes. Guided by experienced photography experts, these safaris offer invaluable insights and techniques to immortalize the essence of Arabuko Sokoke, ensuring your photographs tell a story of its captivating allure and natural splendor.

Conservation Tours

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Conservation Tours Safari Package

Engage in enlightening tours that spotlight the conservation endeavors safeguarding the reserve and its unparalleled ecosystem. Emphasizing the paramount importance of conservation and sustainable practices, these tours provide valuable insights into ongoing efforts to preserve the biodiversity and ecological integrity of Arabuko Sokoke. Immerse yourself in the ethos of conservation stewardship, understanding how your visit contributes to the long-term protection of this natural treasure.

Customized Private Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Customized Private Safaris Package

Unlock the ultimate exploration experience with customized private safaris offered by select tour operators. Tailored to your unique interests and preferences, these bespoke adventures empower you to craft a personalized itinerary that reflects your individual desires. From birdwatching expeditions to cultural immersions and everything in between, embark on a journey curated exclusively for you, ensuring an unforgettable exploration of Arabuko Sokoke that resonates with your passions and curiosities.

Educational Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Educational Safari Package

Designed to enlighten visitors about the diverse flora, fauna, and conservation challenges of the reserve, these safaris are perfectly tailored for schools and educational groups. Immerse students in hands-on learning experiences that foster a deeper understanding of Arabuko Sokoke’s ecosystem and the importance of conservation efforts. With expert guidance and interactive activities, these educational safaris inspire the next generation of environmental stewards, nurturing a sense of responsibility towards protecting our natural world.

Community-Based Tours

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Community-Based Tour Safari Package

Embark on enriching community-based tours that offer a glimpse into the local way of life while supporting grassroots initiatives. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of surrounding communities as you engage in authentic experiences, from traditional crafts and culinary delights to cultural performances and immersive workshops. By participating in these tours, you not only gain valuable insights into local traditions but also contribute to sustainable development and empowerment within the community.

Multi-Day Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Multi-Days Safari Package

Prolong your adventure with multi-day safaris that seamlessly blend diverse activities and accommodations both within and near the reserve. Immerse yourself in an array of experiences, from thrilling wildlife encounters and guided nature walks to cultural immersions and relaxation in eco-friendly lodges. These carefully curated itineraries ensure a comprehensive exploration of Arabuko Sokoke and its surrounding wonders, promising unforgettable moments and lasting memories of your wilderness journey.

Budget Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Budget Safari Package

For budget-conscious travelers, opt for cost-effective safari packages that provide an affordable way to experience the reserve’s wonders. These budget-friendly options still deliver exceptional experiences, allowing you to explore the beauty of Arabuko Sokoke without breaking the bank. From guided nature walks to wildlife safaris, discover the richness of the reserve while staying within your budget, ensuring a memorable adventure that doesn’t compromise on quality.

Luxury Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Luxury Safaris Package

Indulge in unparalleled comfort and personalized service with luxury safaris offering premium accommodations and amenities. Elevate your experience in Arabuko Sokoke with opulent lodges and exclusive services tailored to your every need. From gourmet dining experiences to bespoke wildlife encounters, these luxury safaris promise a level of sophistication and indulgence that surpasses expectations, ensuring an unforgettable journey through the pristine wilderness in style and comfort.

Bird Ringing and Research Safaris

Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Bird Watching Safari Package

Embark on specialized safaris that focus on bird ringing and research activities, offering participants a unique opportunity to contribute directly to ongoing conservation efforts. Engage in hands-on experiences alongside expert researchers as you assist in the monitoring and study of avian populations within Arabuko Sokoke. By participating in bird ringing and research activities, you play a vital role in advancing scientific knowledge and conservation initiatives while immersing yourself in the captivating world of ornithology.

Everything About the Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve Safaris



Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve is nestled on the Kenyan coast, in close proximity to the towns of Malindi and Watamu. This prime location makes it easily accessible for visitors seeking to explore the reserve’s rich biodiversity and captivating landscapes.



Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve is renowned as one of the last vestiges of the coastal forests of East Africa. Encompassing a mosaic of diverse ecosystems, from dense forests and open glades to grasslands and mangrove swamps, the reserve is a sanctuary for a rich array of flora and fauna uniquely adapted to its coastal habitat.



Arabuko Sokoke’s reputation for rich biodiversity is well-deserved, boasting a diverse array of animal species including colobus monkeys, Sykes’ monkeys, and even forest elephants. With over 270 bird species gracing its skies, the reserve is a paradise for avian enthusiasts. Additionally, Arabuko Sokoke is home to numerous plant species, including endemic and rare varieties, further enhancing its ecological significance.

Safari Activities

Safari Activities

  • Guided Nature Walks: Highly recommended, these walks are led by experienced guides who help you spot wildlife, identify plants, and share insights about the forest’s ecology.
  • Birdwatching: The reserve is a hotspot for birdwatching enthusiasts. You can spot unique species like the Sokoke Scops Owl and Amani Sunbird.
  • Hiking and Trekking: Explore the forest on various trails, ranging from easy walks to more challenging treks.
  • Butterfly Watching: Visit the butterfly farm at the visitor center to observe and learn about colorful butterfly species.
  • Night Safaris: Experience the reserve’s nocturnal life on guided night safaris, where you may encounter owls, bushbabies, and other creatures.
  • Cultural Experiences: Interact with local communities, visit markets, and enjoy cultural performances to immerse yourself in the local culture.
  • Photography: The reserve offers fantastic photography opportunities with its lush landscapes and unique wildlife.
  • Conservation Tours: Learn about the conservation efforts in place and understand the importance of preserving the forest.
  • Multi-Day Safaris: Extend your stay with multi-day safari packages that combine various activities and accommodations.



A wide range of accommodations awaits visitors to Arabuko Sokoke, catering to every budget and preference. From budget-friendly lodges and campsites to luxurious upscale options, there’s something for everyone. Opting for eco-friendly lodges not only ensures comfortable accommodations but also supports sustainable tourism practices, allowing you to enjoy your stay while minimizing your environmental footprint and contributing positively to the conservation of the reserve’s natural beauty.

Best Time to Visit

Best Time to Visit

Plan your visit to Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve during the dry seasons, typically from June to September and December to February. During these periods, you can expect optimal wildlife viewing opportunities and pleasant weather conditions, enhancing your overall experience of exploring the reserve’s natural wonders.

Entrance Fees

Entrance Fees

Entrance fees to the reserve are typically implemented to support vital conservation efforts and sustain the local community. By contributing through these fees, visitors play a crucial role in preserving Arabuko Sokoke’s biodiversity and supporting the livelihoods of those who call the surrounding areas home.



While Arabuko Sokoke Reserve is generally safe for tourists, it’s paramount to prioritize safety by adhering to guidelines and respecting the environment. Always follow the guidance of your guides, stay on designated trails, and avoid disturbing wildlife. By practicing responsible tourism and respecting the natural habitat, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and future visitors.



Booking your safari with a reputable tour operator or guide is highly advisable to ensure a well-organized and enjoyable experience. Look for operators with a proven track record of professionalism, safety, and sustainability practices. By entrusting your adventure to experienced guides, you can rest assured that every aspect of your safari, from itinerary planning to on-the-ground logistics, will be expertly handled, allowing you to focus on immersing yourself in the wonders of Arabuko Sokoke with peace of mind.