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Awash Safaris

The ultimate guide to your next Awash Safari

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An Overview of Awash

Awash Safari Tours

Exodus Safaris presents an extraordinary opportunity to explore the mesmerizing landscapes and diverse wildlife of Awash National Park through its Awash Safaris. Situated in the heart of Ethiopia, Awash National Park is a sanctuary of natural beauty, boasting sweeping savannahs, rugged terrain, and the iconic Awash River. With its rich biodiversity and stunning vistas, Awash offers travelers an immersive safari experience that combines adventure, culture, and conservation.

Led by experienced guides who possess a deep understanding of the park’s ecology and cultural significance, Awash Safaris by Exodus Safaris promise unforgettable encounters with wildlife such as the graceful oryx, the majestic Grevy’s zebra, and a plethora of bird species. Travelers have the opportunity to explore the park’s diverse habitats, including acacia woodlands, grasslands, and volcanic landscapes, while embarking on game drives, nature walks, and birdwatching excursions.

Additionally, Exodus Safaris facilitates cultural interactions with local communities, allowing travelers to gain insight into traditional Ethiopian life, participate in cultural activities, and support community-led conservation efforts. With a commitment to responsible tourism practices, Awash Safaris aim to not only provide memorable experiences but also contribute to the preservation of Awash National Park’s natural and cultural heritage for future generations to cherish.

Why Go on Awash Safari

What to Do on Awash Safari

Wildlife Viewing

Awash National Park Wildlife Viewing Safari

Awash National Park is teeming with wildlife. Go on guided game drives or self-drive safaris to spot animals such as oryx, kudu, baboons, warthogs, gazelles, and a variety of bird species. Keep your camera ready for some amazing wildlife photography. Experienced guides can enhance your safari experience by sharing their knowledge of the park’s flora and fauna, helping you to spot elusive animals and understand their behaviors. The diverse habitats, ranging from savannah and woodland to riverine environments, provide a stunning backdrop for capturing the rich biodiversity of Awash National Park. Whether you’re an avid photographer or a nature enthusiast, the park offers numerous opportunities to witness and document its incredible wildlife.

Explore Awash Falls

Awash National Park Explore Awash Falls Safari

Visit the iconic Awash Falls, also known as the Awash River Gorge. Witness the impressive waterfall and its surrounding landscapes. The falls are a natural wonder and a must-see attraction in the region. As the Awash River plunges dramatically into the gorge, it creates a breathtaking spectacle that captivates visitors. The area around the falls is rich in flora and fauna, providing opportunities for scenic hikes and wildlife spotting. Whether you’re drawn by the power of the waterfall, the lush scenery, or the chance to explore the unique ecosystem, Awash Falls offers an unforgettable experience for nature lovers and adventurers alike.

Relax in Hot Springs

Unwind in the therapeutic hot springs found in the area. These natural warm waters are believed to have healing properties and provide a soothing experience. The hot springs offer a perfect way to relax and rejuvenate after a day of exploring Awash National Park. Surrounded by the serene beauty of the park’s landscapes, soaking in these warm waters allows you to connect with nature while enjoying their calming effects. Whether you’re seeking relief for sore muscles or simply looking to unwind, the hot springs are a delightful addition to your visit, offering both physical and mental rejuvenation.

rhino crater floor wildlife ngorongoro crater tanzania safari 28129

Hiking and Trekking

Awash National Park Hiking and Trekking Safari

The region offers excellent opportunities for hiking and trekking. Explore the surrounding landscapes, including the Great Rift Valley and volcanic terrains. Guided hikes can take you to stunning viewpoints, offering panoramic vistas of the park and beyond. These hikes allow you to immerse yourself in the diverse ecosystems of Awash National Park, from lush riverine forests to arid savannahs and dramatic volcanic formations. Along the way, knowledgeable guides provide insights into the geology, flora, and fauna of the area, enriching your trekking experience. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a casual walker, the varied trails and breathtaking scenery make Awash National Park a perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts.


Awash National Park Bird Watching Safari

Awash is a haven for birdwatchers. Bring your binoculars and bird guidebooks to identify the various bird species in the park, which may include eagles, vultures, and migratory birds. With its diverse habitats, Awash National Park supports a wide range of avian life, making it an ideal destination for bird enthusiasts. You can spot impressive raptors soaring above, colorful kingfishers near the water, and many other resident and migratory species. Early mornings and late afternoons are particularly rewarding times for birdwatching, as the park comes alive with bird activity. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a novice, the abundant birdlife and picturesque settings promise a fulfilling birdwatching experience.

Cultural Encounters

Awash National Park Cultural Encounters Safari

Interact with the local Afar people and other ethnic groups in the region. Learn about their traditions, customs, and way of life by visiting villages, participating in cultural activities, and engaging in conversations. These interactions provide a unique cultural immersion, offering insights into the daily lives, history, and heritage of the communities that call this area home. Experience traditional dances, music, and craft-making, and enjoy the warm hospitality of the local people. Such cultural exchanges enrich your visit, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultural landscape of the Awash region.

Visit Volcanoes

Awash National Park Visit Volcanoes Safari

Explore dormant volcanoes like Mount Afdera and Mount Gewane. These volcanic landscapes offer unique geological features and panoramic views. Hiking up these mountains provides an adventure through rugged terrain, revealing striking formations created by ancient volcanic activity. The ascent offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding region, including the Great Rift Valley and expansive savannahs. Along the way, you can discover fascinating geological phenomena, such as lava fields and volcanic craters, and appreciate the stark beauty of the volcanic scenery. These excursions are perfect for geology enthusiasts and adventure seekers looking to explore the natural wonders of Awash National Park.


Awash National Park Photography Safari

Whether you’re capturing the wildlife, landscapes, or cultural scenes, Awash provides excellent opportunities for photography. The unique and diverse surroundings make it a photographer’s paradise. From the dramatic Awash Falls and expansive savannahs to the vibrant birdlife and cultural richness of the Afar people, every corner of the park offers a chance to capture stunning images. Early morning and late afternoon light enhance the beauty of the landscapes and wildlife, providing ideal conditions for photography. Whether you’re an amateur or professional photographer, Awash National Park’s extraordinary diversity ensures a wealth of captivating subjects to document and share.

Night Sky Observation

Due to its remote location, Awash offers excellent stargazing opportunities. On clear nights, you can witness the beauty of the night sky and celestial bodies. The lack of light pollution in this secluded area allows for unobstructed views of stars, planets, and constellations. Whether you bring your own telescope or join a guided stargazing session, you’ll be able to marvel at the Milky Way, spot shooting stars, and perhaps even glimpse distant galaxies. Stargazing in Awash adds a magical element to your visit, connecting you with the vastness and wonder of the universe.

Relaxation and Wellness

Awash National Park Relaxation and Wellness Safari

Take some time to relax and rejuvenate in the serene natural environment. Enjoy the tranquility and calmness of the region, especially around the hot springs. The soothing warmth of the hot springs provides a perfect setting for unwinding after a day of exploration. Whether you choose to soak in the mineral-rich waters or simply sit by the springs and soak in the peaceful surroundings, you’ll find a sense of relaxation and renewal in this serene oasis. Let the natural beauty and therapeutic properties of the hot springs melt away any tension, leaving you refreshed and revitalized amidst the tranquil ambiance of Awash National Park.


Awash National Park Camping Safari

Experience the outdoors by camping in designated areas within the national park. Camping allows you to immerse yourself in the natural surroundings and hear the sounds of the wilderness. Set up your tent beneath the starry sky and fall asleep to the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal animals. Wake up to the crisp morning air and the songs of birds greeting the new day. Camping in Awash National Park offers a genuine wilderness experience, allowing you to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with nature in its purest form. With basic amenities available, you can enjoy the simplicity and serenity of camping while surrounded by the breathtaking landscapes of the park.

Conservation Learning

Awash National Park Conservation Learning Safari

Learn about the park’s conservation efforts and the importance of preserving its unique ecosystems. Gain insights into wildlife protection and habitat conservation by participating in educational programs and guided tours led by park rangers and conservation experts. Discover the challenges facing the park’s biodiversity and the strategies being implemented to address them, from anti-poaching initiatives to habitat restoration projects. Through interactive presentations, hands-on activities, and visits to conservation sites, you can deepen your understanding of the delicate balance between human activities and the natural environment. By learning about conservation efforts in Awash National Park, you can become an advocate for its protection and contribute to the ongoing efforts to safeguard its ecological integrity for future generations.

Cultural Performances

Awash National Park Cultural Perfomances Safari

If available, attend cultural performances and traditional dances hosted by local communities. It’s a great way to appreciate the cultural heritage of the region and immerse yourself in the vibrant traditions of the local people. Experience the rhythms, music, and storytelling that have been passed down through generations, gaining insight into the rich cultural tapestry of Awash National Park. These performances offer a unique opportunity to connect with the local community and celebrate their customs and identity. By participating in cultural events, you not only support the preservation of traditional arts but also foster cross-cultural exchange and mutual respect.

Adventure Activities

Awash National Park Adventure Activities Safari

For the adventurous, consider activities like rock climbing, abseiling, or off-road biking to add an adrenaline rush to your safari. Awash National Park offers rugged terrain and dramatic landscapes that are perfect for these thrilling adventures. Test your climbing skills on the park’s rock formations, rappel down sheer cliffs, or embark on an exhilarating mountain biking expedition through the wilderness. These adrenaline-fueled activities provide a unique perspective of the park’s natural beauty and offer an unforgettable experience for thrill-seekers. With experienced guides and safety equipment provided, you can push your limits and create lasting memories in the heart of Awash National Park.

Educational Tours

Awash National Park Educational Tours Safari

If guided tours are available, consider taking educational tours led by experienced guides who can provide insights into the natural and cultural aspects of Awash. These tours offer a structured and informative way to explore the park, allowing you to learn about its diverse ecosystems, wildlife, and cultural heritage. Knowledgeable guides share fascinating facts and stories, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the park’s unique features. Whether you’re interested in wildlife conservation, geology, or local culture, guided tours offer a comprehensive and enriching experience tailored to your interests. Take advantage of this opportunity to delve deeper into the wonders of Awash National Park and gain a deeper appreciation for its natural and cultural treasures.

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Popular Awash Safaris


We can customize these suggested Awash Safaris tours to suit your budget.

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Each Moment On Awash Safaris Promises a Breathtaking Adventure

When is the best month to travel to Augrabies Falls National Park?

Augrabies Falls National Park in January

  • Weather: Dry season with warm temperatures, around 25-30°C (77-86°F).
  • Wildlife: Best time for bird watching, with migratory birds present. Mammals can be spotted near water sources.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a wildlife safari to witness diverse bird species and mammals.

Augrabies Falls National Park in February

  • Weather: Similar to January, with dry and warm conditions.
  • Wildlife: Prime time for birdwatching. Large mammals can be seen near rivers and lakes.
  • Events: No major events, but a bird-watching safari is recommended.
tanz feb calves

Augrabies Falls National Park in March

  • Weather: Dry season continues, with temperatures ranging from 25-30°C (77-86°F).
  • Wildlife: Wildlife congregates around water sources, making it a good time for animal sightings.
  • Events: No major events, but a mixed wildlife safari to see both birds and mammals is ideal.
tanz mar ngorongoro

Augrabies Falls National Park in April

  • Weather: Start of the wet season, with temperatures around 20-25°C (68-77°F).
  • Wildlife: Greenery attracts herbivores, and birdwatching remains good. Some animals might be harder to spot.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching safari is still recommended.

Augrabies Falls National Park in May

  • Weather: Wet season continues, with temperatures ranging from 20-25°C (68-77°F).
  • Wildlife: Births of young animals, lush vegetation. Birdwatching is excellent.
  • Events: No major events, but a photography safari to capture the vibrant landscapes and wildlife is suggested.

Augrabies Falls National Park in June

  • Weather: Wet season peaks, temperatures around 20-25°C (68-77°F).
  • Wildlife: Abundant vegetation makes it challenging for animal sightings, but birdwatching remains excellent.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching safari is highly recommended.

Augrabies Falls National Park in July

  • Weather: Wet season continues, temperatures 20-25°C (68-77°F).
  • Wildlife: Similar to June, with lush vegetation. Birdwatching is the highlight.
  • Events: No major events, but a birdwatching safari is the ideal choice.

Augrabies Falls National Park in August

  • Weather: End of the wet season, with temperatures around 20-25°C (68-77°F).
  • Wildlife: Vegetation begins to thin out, making it easier to spot animals. Birdwatching remains good.
  • Events: No major events, but a mixed safari to see both birds and mammals is recommended.

Augrabies Falls National Park in September

  • Weather: Start of the dry season, with temperatures ranging from 25-30°C (77-86°F).
  • Wildlife: Animals concentrate around water sources. Birdwatching is still rewarding.
  • Events: No major events, but a wildlife safari to see concentrated animal activity is ideal.

Augrabies Falls National Park in October

  • Weather: Dry season continues, with temperatures around 25-30°C (77-86°F).
  • Wildlife: Excellent time for wildlife sightings, as animals gather near waterholes. Birdwatching is still good.
  • Events: No major events, but a wildlife safari to see diverse species is recommended.

Augrabies Falls National Park in November

  • Weather: Dry season continues, with temperatures around 25-30°C (77-86°F).
  • Wildlife: Animals gather around water sources, offering great viewing opportunities. Birdwatching is rewarding.
  • Events: No major events, but a mixed safari to see both birds and mammals is recommended.
tanz nov waterhole

Augrabies Falls National Park in December

  • Weather: Dry season with warm temperatures, around 25-30°C (77-86°F).
  • Wildlife: Similar to November, with concentrated animal activity near water sources. Birdwatching is still good.
  • Events: No major events, but a wildlife safari to witness various species is recommended.
tanz dec ellie

Our Recommended Tours in Awash


These recommended tours for Awash can be tailor-made to match your budget.

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Latest Feedback from Adventurers Who Organized and Reserved their Awash
Expeditions through Exodus Safaris

FAQ about Awash Safaris

  • Wildlife in the park includes oryx, kudu, baboons, warthogs, gazelles, crocodiles, various bird species, and more. It's also possible to spot predators like leopards and hyenas.

  • Awash National Park is generally safe for tourists, but it's advisable to follow safety guidelines provided by park authorities and travel with a reputable tour operator or guide.

  • Essentials include comfortable clothing, sturdy hiking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, binoculars, a camera, and any personal medications. Check with your tour operator for specific recommendations.

  • Yes, you will need to obtain an entry permit to visit the park. Permits can be obtained at the park's entrance or through tour operators.

  • Yes, there are opportunities to interact with local Afar communities. It's advisable to do so respectfully and with the guidance of your tour operator or guide to ensure cultural sensitivity.

  • Yes, there are camping facilities within the park for visitors who want to immerse themselves in the wilderness. Some lodges and campsites are available as well.

5 Best Accommodations While On Awash Safaris

Awash Falls Lodge

  • Description: Awash Falls Lodge offers comfortable accommodation amidst the beautiful natural surroundings of the Awash National Park. The lodge provides various room options, including traditional thatched-roof bungalows and safari tents. Guests can enjoy views of the surrounding wilderness and may even spot wildlife from the lodge premises.
  •  Approximate Price: $50 – $100 per person per night (approximate, depending on room type and season).

Genet Hotel

  • Description: Genet Hotel is a mid-range accommodation option located near the town of Awash. The hotel offers simple yet comfortable rooms equipped with essential amenities. Guests can dine at the on-site restaurant serving Ethiopian and international cuisine. The hotel also features a bar and outdoor seating area.
  • Approximate Price: $30 – $50 per person per night (approximate, depending on room type and season).

Awash National Park Headquarters Camping Site

  • Description: For travelers seeking a more adventurous experience, camping at the Awash National Park Headquarters camping site is an option. Visitors can pitch their tents in designated camping areas within the park premises. Basic facilities such as toilets and showers are available, and guests can immerse themselves in the sounds of nature.
  •  Approximate Price: $10 – $20 per person per night (camping fee).

Lewi Resort

  • Description: Lewi Resort is a luxury lodge situated near the Awash Falls and Awash National Park. The resort offers spacious and elegantly furnished rooms with modern amenities. Guests can relax by the swimming pool, indulge in spa treatments, or explore the nearby attractions with guided tours organized by the lodge.
  •  Approximate Price: $100 – $200 per person per night (approximate, depending on room type and season).

Rift Valley Lodge

  • Description: Rift Valley Lodge is located on the outskirts of Awash, offering serene surroundings and panoramic views of the Rift Valley. The lodge features comfortable rooms and cottages, each with its own private veranda overlooking the landscape. Guests can enjoy delicious meals at the on-site restaurant and participate in activities such as birdwatching and nature walks.
  •  Approximate Price: $50 – $100 per person per night (approximate, depending on room type and season).

Types of Awash Safaris

Luxury Safaris

Awash National Park Wildlife Viewing Safari

These high-end safaris offer top-notch accommodations, gourmet dining, exclusive game drives, and personalized services. Travelers can expect luxury lodges or tented camps with all the amenities and comforts. From spacious and elegantly appointed rooms to private decks with breathtaking views, every aspect of your stay is designed to provide the ultimate in luxury and relaxation. Indulge in gourmet meals prepared by talented chefs using locally sourced ingredients, and savor fine wines under the starlit sky. With personalized service and attention to detail, these high-end safaris ensure a memorable and pampering experience in the heart of the wilderness. Whether you’re lounging by the pool, enjoying a spa treatment, or embarking on a private game drive, every moment is crafted to exceed your expectations and create unforgettable memories.

Budget Safaris

Awash National Park Budget Safari

Budget-friendly safaris cater to cost-conscious travelers. They typically include basic accommodations, group tours, shared transportation, and economical dining options. While accommodations may be simpler, the focus remains on wildlife and cultural experiences, ensuring that travelers still have the opportunity to explore and enjoy the highlights of Awash National Park without breaking the bank. With group tours providing a sociable and immersive experience, and shared transportation making it easy to access different areas of the park, budget-friendly safaris offer a convenient and affordable way to discover the natural beauty and cultural richness of Awash. Whether you’re a backpacker on a shoestring budget or simply looking for value for money, these safaris provide an accessible and rewarding adventure in the heart of nature.

Affordable Safaris

Awash National Park Affordable Safari

These safaris strike a balance between budget and luxury. They offer comfortable accommodations, group or private tours, guided game drives, and cultural interactions at a more moderate price point. Travelers can enjoy the convenience and comfort of well-appointed accommodations while still staying within their budget. Whether you prefer the camaraderie of group tours or the flexibility of private excursions, these safaris provide options to suit your preferences. With guided game drives and cultural interactions included, you’ll have the opportunity to experience the best of Awash National Park without compromising on quality. These safaris offer an ideal blend of affordability and value, ensuring a memorable and rewarding adventure for travelers seeking a balance between comfort and cost.

Private Safaris

Awash National Park Private Safari Package

Private safaris provide exclusivity and flexibility. Travelers have the option to customize their itineraries, enjoy private game drives, and stay in secluded lodges or camps away from larger groups. With personalized service and attention to detail, private safaris cater to the individual preferences and interests of each traveler. Whether you’re seeking a romantic getaway, a family adventure, or a solo retreat, a private safari offers the freedom to design your ideal experience. Enjoy the undivided attention of experienced guides as you explore the wonders of Awash National Park at your own pace. From thrilling wildlife encounters to tranquil moments in nature, every aspect of your private safari is tailored to exceed your expectations and create unforgettable memories.

Group Safaris

Awash National Park Group Safari Package

Group safaris bring together travelers who share common interests. They are often more budget-friendly due to shared expenses, making them accessible to a wider range of travelers. Group tours provide opportunities for social interactions and shared experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie among participants. Whether you’re traveling solo or with friends, joining a group safari allows you to meet like-minded individuals and share in the excitement of exploring Awash National Park together. With knowledgeable guides leading the way, you can enjoy the convenience of organized tours while immersing yourself in the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region. Group safaris offer a fun and sociable way to discover the wonders of Awash while making new friends along the way.

Family Safaris

Awash National Park Family Safari Package

Tailored for families, these safaris include family-friendly accommodations, activities suitable for all ages, and guides experienced in accommodating children and ensuring their safety. From spacious lodges with kid-friendly amenities to engaging wildlife encounters and cultural experiences, these safaris cater to the needs and preferences of families traveling with children. Experienced guides provide educational and entertaining activities that keep children engaged while also offering informative insights for adults. With a focus on safety and convenience, families can relax and enjoy their safari experience knowing that every aspect has been thoughtfully planned to create lasting memories for all members. Whether it’s spotting wildlife on game drives, embarking on nature walks, or participating in cultural activities, family safaris in Awash National Park offer fun and enriching experiences for the whole family to enjoy.

Photographic Safaris

Close-up of brunette by tree using binoculars

Geared towards photography enthusiasts, these safaris focus on capturing stunning wildlife and landscape shots. Guides are knowledgeable about wildlife behavior and the best photo opportunities, ensuring that photographers have the best chance to capture memorable images. Whether you’re interested in photographing majestic wildlife such as lions and elephants or capturing the breathtaking landscapes of Awash National Park, these safaris are designed to maximize your photographic opportunities. With expert guidance on composition, lighting, and camera settings, photographers can hone their skills and capture stunning images of the park’s natural beauty. From golden sunsets to close-up shots of wildlife, every moment presents a new opportunity to capture the essence of Awash through the lens of your camera.

Birdwatching Safaris

Awash National Park Birdwatching Safari Package

Perfect for birdwatchers, these safaris emphasize spotting and identifying bird species. Guides are well-versed in avian behavior and habitats, and accommodations are strategically located for birdwatching. With a keen focus on avian diversity, these safaris offer birdwatchers the opportunity to explore a variety of habitats, from riverine forests to open savannahs, in search of both resident and migratory bird species. Expert guides provide valuable insights into bird behavior, vocalizations, and identification, enhancing the birdwatching experience. Accommodations situated near prime birding locations ensure that birdwatchers can maximize their time in the field, with early morning and late afternoon excursions offering optimal birding opportunities. Whether you’re a novice birder or a seasoned twitcher, these safaris provide an immersive and rewarding birdwatching experience in the beautiful surroundings of Awash National Park.

Cultural Safaris

Awash National Park Cultural Safari Package

Cultural safaris combine wildlife and cultural experiences. Travelers have the chance to interact with local communities, visit villages, and gain insights into the traditions and customs of the Afar people and other ethnic groups in the region. These safaris offer a holistic exploration of Awash National Park, allowing travelers to not only observe its diverse wildlife but also immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the area. From traditional dances and cultural performances to hands-on experiences such as cooking demonstrations and craft workshops, cultural safaris provide opportunities for meaningful interactions with local communities. By engaging with residents and learning about their way of life, travelers gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the cultural diversity that makes Awash National Park and its surrounding region so unique.

Adventure Safaris

Awash National Park Adventure Activities Safari

Adventure-focused safaris cater to thrill-seekers. Activities may include hiking, trekking, rock climbing, and off-road biking, providing an adrenaline rush amid the park’s natural beauty. These safaris are designed for those who crave excitement and adventure, offering opportunities to push personal limits and explore the rugged terrain of Awash National Park. Whether you’re scaling cliffs, traversing challenging trails, or navigating rugged landscapes on a mountain bike, adventure safaris provide an exhilarating way to experience the park’s diverse ecosystems. With experienced guides leading the way and safety measures in place, thrill-seekers can embark on adrenaline-fueled adventures while immersing themselves in the stunning landscapes and untamed wilderness of Awash.

Educational Safaris

Awash National Park Educational Safari Package

Educational safaris emphasize learning about the park’s ecology, wildlife conservation efforts, and environmental sustainability. Guides provide in-depth knowledge about the region’s ecosystems, sharing insights into the intricate relationships between flora, fauna, and their habitats. These safaris offer a unique opportunity for travelers to deepen their understanding of Awash National Park’s natural and cultural heritage, as well as the importance of conservation and sustainable practices. Through guided excursions, interactive presentations, and hands-on activities, participants gain a holistic perspective on the park’s biodiversity and the challenges facing its preservation. By fostering environmental awareness and stewardship, educational safaris empower travelers to become advocates for conservation and make informed choices that contribute to the protection of natural ecosystems.

Self-Drive Safaris

Awash National Park Self-Drive Safari Package

For independent travelers, self-drive safaris allow you to rent a vehicle and explore the park at your own pace. This option requires knowledge of the area and adherence to park regulations. With the freedom to set your own itinerary and schedule, self-drive safaris offer a flexible and personalized way to experience Awash National Park. Whether you’re embarking on a scenic drive, stopping to admire wildlife sightings, or enjoying a picnic amidst nature, self-drive safaris put you in control of your adventure. It’s important to familiarize yourself with park rules and safety guidelines, as well as to have a basic understanding of the local terrain and wildlife behavior. With proper preparation and a spirit of adventure, self-drive safaris offer an exciting and rewarding way to explore the wonders of Awash National Park on your own terms.

Overland Safaris

Awash National Park Overland Safari Package

Overland safaris are multi-day adventures that may cover vast distances and multiple destinations. They often involve camping and travel through diverse landscapes. These safaris offer an immersive journey through the natural and cultural wonders of Awash National Park and its surrounding regions. Traveling overland allows participants to experience the changing landscapes, from lush forests to arid deserts, and to witness the rich biodiversity along the way. With camping accommodations, travelers can connect with nature on a deeper level, sleeping under the stars and sharing stories around the campfire. Overland safaris provide a sense of camaraderie among participants as they embark on an unforgettable adventure together, forging bonds and creating lasting memories amidst the stunning scenery of Awash and beyond.

Everything About the Awash Safaris



Awash National Park is located in the northeastern part of Ethiopia, approximately 225 kilometers (140 miles) east of Addis Ababa, the capital city. This proximity to the capital makes it easily accessible for travelers seeking to explore the park’s diverse landscapes and wildlife. Whether you’re embarking on a day trip from Addis Ababa or planning a multi-day safari adventure, Awash National Park offers a convenient and rewarding destination for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike.

Key Highlights

Key Highlights

  1. Wildlife: Awash National Park is renowned for its diverse wildlife, including oryx, kudu, baboons, warthogs, gazelles, crocodiles, leopards, and a wide variety of bird species. It provides excellent game viewing opportunities.
  2. Awash Falls: The iconic Awash Falls (also known as the Awash River Gorge) is a breathtaking natural wonder within the park. It’s a series of waterfalls formed by the Awash River, offering picturesque views and photo opportunities.
  3. Cultural Experiences: The region is home to the Afar people, known for their unique way of life. Awash Safaris often include cultural interactions, allowing travelers to visit local villages, witness traditional practices, and learn about Afar customs.
  1. Landscape Diversity: The landscapes in Awash vary from savannas and acacia woodlands to dramatic volcanic formations and the Great Rift Valley. It’s a haven for geology enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  2. Birdwatching: Birdwatchers will be delighted by the abundance of avian species in the region. Eagles, vultures, and migratory birds are among the highlights for birdwatching enthusiasts.

Types of Safaris

Types of Safaris

Awash Safaris come in various types to cater to different interests and budgets, including luxury safaris, budget safaris, private safaris, family safaris, and more. Each type offers a unique experience tailored to meet the preferences and requirements of different travelers.


Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, cultural immersion, or educational enrichment, there’s an Awash Safari type to suit every traveler’s needs and preferences, ensuring a memorable and rewarding experience in this diverse and captivating destination.



Embark on an immersive journey through the lush landscapes of Awash Safaris, where every moment is an opportunity for discovery and adventure. Whether you’re capturing the graceful dance of wildlife through your lens or conquering rugged terrains with off-road biking, every experience promises to ignite your sense of wonder and excitement. Explore the heart of nature and culture with our expert guides, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Best Time to Visit

Best Time to Visit

Experience the vibrant pulse of Awash National Park at its peak during the dry season, from September to February, when the wildlife roams freely under the clear skies. For those seeking a different charm, the rainy season from June to August paints the landscape in lush hues, offering a refreshing contrast and a unique perspective for adventurous souls. Whichever season you choose, Awash beckons with its natural wonders and untamed beauty, ready to enchant you year-round.



Indulge in lavish comfort amidst the wilderness or opt for cozy retreats that immerse you in the rustic charm of Awash. From opulent lodges boasting premium amenities to budget-friendly guesthouses and campsites, there’s a haven for every traveler’s taste and budget. Whether you crave the pampering of luxury or the simplicity of camping under the stars, Awash ensures a memorable stay tailored to your desires.



In the heart of Awash Safaris lies the essence of local expertise, embodied by our knowledgeable guides. Their wealth of wisdom unlocks the secrets of the park’s wildlife, culture, and ecology, enriching every moment of your safari adventure. With their keen insights and passion for the land, these guides elevate your experience, fostering a deeper connection with the wonders of Awash. Trust in their expertise as they lead you on a journey of discovery through this untamed paradise.



While Awash National Park offers a safe haven for tourists, it’s paramount to heed the safety guidelines outlined by park authorities and seasoned guides. Show reverence for the wildlife and adhere strictly to park regulations, ensuring a harmonious coexistence with the natural habitat. By respecting these guidelines, you not only safeguard your own well-being but also contribute to the preservation of this pristine ecosystem for future generations to cherish.



Immerse yourself in the noble mission of wildlife conservation at Awash National Park, where travelers are invited to discover and support ongoing initiatives aimed at safeguarding the region’s precious ecosystems. Delve into the intricacies of these conservation efforts, guided by passionate experts who are dedicated to preserving the natural heritage of Awash. By engaging with these initiatives, travelers not only gain a deeper understanding of the park’s ecological significance but also play a vital role in nurturing its biodiversity for generations to come.