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Berenty Private Reserve Safaris

The ultimate guide to your next Berenty Private Reserve Safari

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An Overview about Berenty Private Reserve

Berenty Private Reserve Cultural Safari Package

Exodus Safaris invites travelers to embark on an unforgettable journey into the enchanting landscapes and diverse wildlife of Berenty Reserve through its Berenty Safaris. Nestled in southern Madagascar, Berenty Reserve is a renowned sanctuary for lemurs and other endemic species, offering visitors a rare opportunity to witness these fascinating creatures in their natural habitat. With its lush vegetation, winding rivers, and captivating scenery, Berenty promises an immersive safari experience that captures the essence of Madagascar’s unique biodiversity.

Led by experienced guides who possess a deep understanding of the reserve’s ecology and animal behavior, Berenty Safaris by Exodus Safaris promise remarkable encounters with a variety of lemurs, including ring-tailed lemurs, Verreaux’s sifakas, and brown lemurs. Travelers can explore the reserve’s well-maintained trails, observe lemurs as they forage and play, and learn about the conservation efforts aimed at protecting these endangered species.

Additionally, Exodus Safaris facilitates cultural exchanges with local communities, providing travelers with insights into traditional Malagasy life and supporting community-led initiatives that promote sustainable tourism practices. With a commitment to responsible travel, Berenty Safaris aim to not only provide unforgettable experiences but also contribute to the preservation of Madagascar’s natural heritage for future generations to cherish.

Why Go on Berenty Private Reserve Safari

What to Do on Berenty Private Reserve Safari

Lemur Watching

Ring tailed lemur

Observe and photograph ring-tailed lemurs and Verreaux’s sifakas in their natural habitat. Berenty is famous for its accessible lemur populations.


Berenty Private Reserve Bird Watching Safari

As you hike through the reserve’s winding trails, keep an eye out for the vibrant colors of the Blue Coua and the elusive calls of the Madagascar Scops Owl. Each turn may reveal a new feathered treasure, from the majestic Madagascar Harrier to the tiny but colorful Sunbird.

Guided Nature Walks

Berenty Private Reserve Guided Nature Walk Safari

Embark on guided walks led by passionate local guides who unveil the secrets of the reserve’s biodiversity, from the intricate symbiosis of its plant life to the captivating behaviors of its animal inhabitants. Engage in enlightening discussions about the ongoing conservation endeavors that safeguard this precious ecosystem for future generations to cherish and protect.

Chameleon and Reptile Spotting

Berenty Private Reserve Chameleon and Reptile Spotting Safari

Venture into the lush foliage alongside your expert guides in search of the region’s captivating reptilian residents, from the vibrant panther chameleons to the sleek Madagascar ground boas. With their keen eyes and wealth of knowledge, your guides will unravel the mysteries of these fascinating creatures, revealing their unique adaptations and roles within the ecosystem.

Night Walks

Berenty Private Reserve Night Walks Safari

Embark on thrilling night walks to unveil the hidden world of the reserve’s nocturnal inhabitants, from the playful antics of the nocturnal lemurs to the haunting calls of the Madagascar nightjar. With your senses heightened by the darkness, witness the enchanting spectacle of the forest as it comes alive with owls, tree frogs, and other elusive creatures, revealing a whole new dimension of biodiversity under the moonlit sky.


Berenty Private Reserve Photography Safari

Berenty’s unparalleled blend of captivating wildlife and picturesque landscapes provides an ideal backdrop for honing your wildlife photography skills. From the graceful sifakas leaping through the treetops to the striking baobab trees silhouetted against the vibrant sunset, every moment presents an opportunity to capture breathtaking images to treasure and share with loved ones for years to come.

Cultural Experiences

Berenty Private Reserve Cultural Experience Safari

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of local culture and traditions through meaningful interactions with the reserve’s dedicated staff and the welcoming communities nearby. From learning traditional dances to discovering age-old customs passed down through generations, every encounter offers a glimpse into the vibrant heritage of the region. Engage in insightful conversations, savor traditional cuisine, and forge connections that transcend boundaries, fostering a deeper appreciation for the people and the land they call home.

Conservation Learning

Berenty Private Reserve Conservation Learning Safari

Delve into the intricate web of conservation efforts at Berenty Private Reserve, where dedicated teams work tirelessly to protect Madagascar’s unique ecosystems. Through engaging discussions and firsthand experiences, gain invaluable insights into the challenges facing biodiversity conservation in this biodiverse hotspot. Explore the delicate balance between human needs and environmental preservation, and discover innovative approaches aimed at mitigating threats such as habitat loss, poaching, and climate change. By understanding these complex dynamics, you’ll develop a deeper appreciation for the importance of safeguarding Madagascar’s natural treasures for generations to come..

Visit the Museum

Berenty Private Reserve Visit the Museum Safari

Step into the small museum nestled within the reserve’s tranquil surroundings to embark on a journey through time and nature. Delve into exhibits that illuminate the diverse flora and fauna of the region, showcasing its unique biodiversity and evolutionary marvels. Uncover the storied history of the land, from its ancient origins to the present day, and gain a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between humans and the environment. With each artifact and display, immerse yourself in the captivating narrative of Berenty’s past, present, and future, enriching your appreciation for this remarkable corner of the world.


Berenty Private Reserve Relaxation Safari

Indulge in moments of serenity amidst the enchanting embrace of Berenty’s spiny forest. Let the gentle rustle of leaves and the chorus of bird songs serenade you into a state of utter tranquility. Find solace in the rhythmic dance of sunlight filtering through the canopy, casting dappled shadows upon the forest floor. Take a deep breath and let the earthy scent of the forest rejuvenate your senses, as you surrender to the timeless allure of nature’s embrace, finding peace and restoration in its quietude.

Picnics and Meals

Berenty Private Reserve Picnics and Meals Safari

Savor delectable meals amidst the breathtaking backdrop of Berenty’s natural splendor, whether in the cozy ambiance of the reserve’s restaurants or the idyllic charm of its picnic areas. Treat your palate to a symphony of flavors inspired by local cuisine, crafted with fresh ingredients sourced from the surrounding land. As you dine, drink in the panoramic vistas that unfold before you, from sweeping vistas of the spiny forest to the tranquil beauty of nearby waterways. Whether indulging in a leisurely breakfast or a candlelit dinner under the stars, every meal becomes a culinary journey infused with the essence of Madagascar’s enchanting landscape.

Research Participation

Berenty Private Reserve Research Participation Safari

For those with a passion for scientific inquiry, Berenty offers a unique gateway into the world of research and discovery. Engage with seasoned researchers working on-site and inquire about opportunities to contribute to ongoing projects or gain insights into their work. Whether it’s assisting with data collection, learning field research techniques, or simply absorbing knowledge from experts in their field, there are boundless opportunities to deepen your understanding of the reserve’s ecosystems and conservation efforts. Embrace the chance to be part of something greater, where every observation and contribution plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of Madagascar’s rich biodiversity.


Berenty Private Reserve Stargazing Safari

Under the pristine night skies of Berenty, immerse yourself in a celestial spectacle like no other. Far from the glare of city lights, the heavens reveal their full majesty, adorned with a dazzling array of stars, planets, and constellations. With each twinkle and shimmer, feel a profound connection to the vastness of the universe and the wonders of the cosmos. Whether tracing the path of shooting stars or marveling at the Milky Way’s luminous ribbon stretching across the firmament, every moment spent stargazing in Berenty is an invitation to ponder the mysteries of existence and find solace in the beauty of the night.

Souvenir Shopping

Berenty Private Reserve Souvenir Shopping Safari

Peruse the charming gift shops nestled within the reserve, brimming with a treasure trove of locally-made handicrafts and unique souvenirs. From intricately woven textiles to hand-carved wooden sculptures, each item tells a story of Madagascar’s rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions. By choosing to purchase these one-of-a-kind mementos, you not only take home a piece of Berenty’s magic but also directly support local artisans and communities. With each transaction, you become a part of a sustainable cycle of empowerment, where the preservation of culture and the conservation of nature intertwine to create lasting positive change.

Explore Nearby Attractions

Berenty Private Reserve Explore Nearby Attractions Safari

Venture beyond Berenty to discover the myriad attractions and activities awaiting you in the vibrant Fort Dauphin area. Sink your toes into the warm sands of pristine beaches, where crystal-clear waters beckon you to swim, snorkel, or simply bask in the sunshine. Dive into thrilling water sports adventures, from windsurfing and kiteboarding to kayaking along picturesque coastlines. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of local culture through immersive cultural tours, where you can visit historic sites, interact with indigenous communities, and sample delicious regional cuisine. With endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, Fort Dauphin promises an unforgettable journey filled with discovery, relaxation, and boundless beauty.

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Popular Berenty Private Reserve Safaris


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Each Moment On Berenty Safaris Promises a Breathtaking Adventure

When is the best month to travel to Berenty Private Reserve?

Berenty Private Reserve in January

  • Weather: Warm and rainy; the wet season is in full swing.
  • Wildlife: Excellent for bird watching as many species are active during the rainy season.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for birdwatching and exploring the lush landscapes.

Berenty Private Reserve in February

  • Weather: Warm and rainy; similar to January with continued rainfall.
  • Wildlife: Great for observing lemurs and other wildlife amidst the greenery.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for nature walks and lemur watching.
tanz feb calves

Berenty Private Reserve in March

  • Weather: Continuing warmth with occasional rain.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs are active, and vegetation is still lush, providing good opportunities for photography.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for wildlife photography and nature hikes.
tanz mar ngorongoro
Early March tends to be dry, although in some years the rains have been known to return early, so it can

Berenty Private Reserve in April

  • Weather: Transitioning to drier weather; warm temperatures.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs and other wildlife are active; the landscape starts to change as the dry season approaches.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for wildlife spotting and experiencing the changing environment.

Berenty Private Reserve in May

  • Weather: Beginning of the dry season; pleasant temperatures.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs are active; the drier conditions make it easier to explore the reserve.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for lemur encounters and nature walks.

Berenty Private Reserve in June

  • Weather: Dry and cool; the start of the high tourist season.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs are active, and wildlife sightings are common.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for a classic safari experience and wildlife photography.

Berenty Private Reserve in July

  • Weather: Dry and cool; peak tourist season.
  • Wildlife: Prime time for lemur and wildlife sightings.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for wildlife enthusiasts and guided safaris.

Berenty Private Reserve in August

  • Weather: Dry and cool; peak tourist season continues.
  • Wildlife: Excellent for lemur watching; many species are easily spotted.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for guided tours and experiencing the reserve at its best.

Berenty Private Reserve in September

  • Weather: Dry and warm; the end of the peak tourist season.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs remain active; good opportunities for wildlife photography.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for a more tranquil safari experience.

Berenty Private Reserve in October

  • Weather: Start of the rainy season; warm temperatures.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs and wildlife are active before the rains intensify.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for wildlife watching before the wet season.

Berenty Private Reserve in November

  • Weather: Rainy season; lush landscapes.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs may still be active, but the increasing rain can make wildlife sightings more challenging.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for birdwatching and exploring the rainforest.
tanz nov waterhole

Berenty Private Reserve in December

  • Weather: Rainy season continues; warm temperatures.
  • Wildlife: Lemurs may be less active, but birdwatching is still good.
  • Events: No major events, but ideal for birdwatching and enjoying the greenery.
tanz dec ellie

Our Recommended Tours in Berenty Private Reserve


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Latest Feedback from Adventurers Who Organized and Reserved their Berenty
Expeditions through Exodus Safaris

FAQ about Berenty Private Reserve Safaris

  • You can observe a variety of wildlife, including ring-tailed lemurs, Verreaux's sifakas, chameleons, endemic birds, and other unique species native to Madagascar.

  • Yes, Berenty offers guided tours with knowledgeable local guides who can help you spot and learn about the wildlife and the reserve's conservation efforts.

  • Yes, you can participate in night walks to observe nocturnal wildlife, such as lemurs and owls.

  • Most visitors arrive in Madagascar via Antananarivo and then take a domestic flight to Fort Dauphin (Tôlanaro). From Fort Dauphin, you can arrange transportation to the reserve.

  • Yes, Berenty Private Reserve is a hub for scientific research, and opportunities to participate in ongoing projects or learn from researchers may be available.

  • There are no strict age restrictions, but it's essential to consider the physical requirements of the activities and the comfort of all participants.

5 Best Accommodations While On Berenty Safaris

Berenty Lodge

Description: Berenty Lodge is located adjacent to Berenty Reserve, offering comfortable bungalows nestled amidst lush vegetation. Guests can explore the reserve on guided walks and night tours to observe lemurs, chameleons, and other endemic species. The lodge provides an authentic wildlife experience with modern amenities.

Approximate Price: $80 – $150 per person per night (approximate).

La Case de Berenty

Description: La Case de Berenty is a charming guesthouse situated near Berenty Reserve, offering cozy rooms with views of the surrounding countryside. Guests can enjoy home-cooked meals featuring local Malagasy cuisine and relax in the tranquil ambiance of the guesthouse after wildlife excursions in the reserve.

Approximate Price: $50 – $100 per person per night (approximate).

Les Dunes d'Ifaty

Description: Les Dunes d’Ifaty is a beachfront resort located a short drive from Berenty Reserve, offering comfortable bungalows and villas with panoramic views of the Indian Ocean. Guests can unwind on the sandy beach, enjoy water activities like snorkeling and diving, and embark on day trips to Berenty Reserve for lemur encounters.

Approximate Price: $70 – $120 per person per night (approximate).

La Croix du Sud

Description: La Croix du Sud is a budget-friendly hotel located in the town of Toliara, within driving distance of Berenty Reserve. The hotel offers simple yet comfortable rooms, a restaurant serving Malagasy and international cuisine, and assistance with arranging guided tours to nearby attractions, including Berenty Reserve.

Approximate Price: $30 – $60 per person per night (approximate).

Mangily Bungalows

Description: Mangily Bungalows is a guesthouse situated in the village of Mangily, near Toliara and Berenty Reserve. The guesthouse offers cozy bungalows surrounded by lush gardens, providing a tranquil setting for relaxation after wildlife adventures in the reserve. Guests can also explore nearby beaches and participate in cultural activities.

Approximate Price: $40 – $80 per person per night (approximate).

Types of Berenty Private Reserve Safaris

Standard Guided Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Standard Guided Safari Package

Standard Guided Safaris offer a quintessential safari experience, led by seasoned local guides who illuminate the wonders of the reserve. Traverse the labyrinthine trails, where each step unveils a new marvel of Madagascar’s biodiversity. Encounter charismatic lemurs swinging through the canopy, and marvel at the intricate adaptations of the spiny forest’s flora and fauna. With every guided tour, delve deeper into the mysteries of this unique ecosystem, gaining insights that enrich your connection to the natural world.

Night Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Night WalksSafari Package

Embark on exhilarating Night Safaris for a glimpse into the secret lives of Berenty’s nocturnal inhabitants, from elusive lemurs to camouflaged chameleons. With expert guides leading the way, navigate the darkness using specialized equipment like flashlights and spotlights, which reveal the hidden treasures of the night. Watch in awe as the forest comes alive with activity, from the haunting calls of owls to the stealthy movements of hunting lemurs. Each encounter offers a thrilling window into the mysteries of the nocturnal world, where every shadow conceals a new adventure waiting to unfold.

Photography Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Photography Safari Package

Tailored for photography enthusiasts, these specialized safaris immerse you in the art of capturing Berenty’s breathtaking beauty through the lens. With expert guides at your side, learn insider tips and techniques for photographing the reserve’s stunning wildlife and landscapes. From composing the perfect shot of a leaping lemur to capturing the subtle hues of a sunset over the spiny forest, every moment becomes an opportunity to hone your skills and unleash your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice shutterbug, these photography-focused safaris promise unforgettable moments and stunning images to cherish for a lifetime.

Birdwatching Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Birdwatching Safari Package

Berenty unfolds as a haven for avid birdwatchers, showcasing a kaleidoscope of endemic and rare avian treasures waiting to be discovered. Embark on immersive Birdwatching Safaris led by guides who are passionate experts in the region’s feathered inhabitants. With keen eyes and extensive knowledge, these guides unveil the secrets of Berenty’s avian diversity, from the vibrant plumage of the Red-shouldered Vanga to the melodious calls of the Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher. Whether you’re seeking out elusive species or simply marveling at the beauty of common favorites, each safari promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of Madagascar’s avian paradise.

Customized Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Customized Safari Package

Visitors to Berenty have the opportunity to tailor their safari experiences to their specific interests, whether they’re passionate about lemurs, reptiles, botanical exploration, or any other aspect of the reserve’s rich biodiversity. Opt for a customized safari experience where private guides craft personalized itineraries catered to your preferences and curiosity. With their expertise and flexibility, these guides ensure that every moment of your journey is tailored to maximize your enjoyment and fulfillment. Whether you’re seeking close encounters with lemurs, in-depth reptile sightings, or immersive botanical adventures, a customized safari promises to fulfill your wildest nature dreams.

Educational Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Educational Safari Package

Designed for the intellectually curious, these specialized safaris offer a deep dive into the conservation efforts and ongoing research projects within the reserve. Led by knowledgeable guides, visitors embark on an educational journey to gain insights into the intricate workings of Berenty’s unique ecosystem. From understanding the challenges of conservation to witnessing firsthand the innovative approaches being employed to protect biodiversity, every moment is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and appreciation for this precious ecosystem. Whether it’s engaging in discussions with researchers, participating in fieldwork activities, or simply observing the ecosystem in action, these safaris provide a transformative experience that fosters a deeper connection to nature and conservation.

Family Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Family Safari Package

Embark on family-friendly safaris crafted to delight travelers of all ages, with activities thoughtfully designed to captivate children and adults alike. Guided tours are adapted to keep young explorers entertained and informed, blending educational content with interactive experiences. From thrilling wildlife encounters to hands-on learning opportunities, every moment is infused with excitement and wonder. Engage in scavenger hunts to spot lemurs or embark on nature walks to uncover hidden treasures of the forest. With guides who are adept at fostering curiosity and enthusiasm, these safaris create lasting memories for the whole family, nurturing a love for nature and conservation in the hearts of the next generation.

Budget Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Budget Safari Package

Embark on cost-effective safaris tailored to meet the needs of budget-conscious travelers, offering a perfect balance of affordability and adventure. Enjoy comfortable accommodations that prioritize value without compromising on quality, providing a cozy retreat after each day’s exploration. Shared group tours offer the chance to connect with fellow travelers, fostering camaraderie and shared experiences along the way. From guided nature walks to wildlife sightings, these safaris ensure that every moment is filled with excitement and discovery, all while keeping costs in check. Whether you’re a solo adventurer or traveling with friends and family, these budget-friendly safaris offer an accessible way to experience the wonders of Berenty without breaking the bank.

Luxury Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Luxury Safari Package

Indulge in the epitome of safari luxury with meticulously curated experiences that elevate every aspect of your journey. Luxury safaris at Berenty offer a premium experience, featuring opulent accommodations that exude comfort and elegance, ensuring a restful sanctuary amidst the wilderness. Delight your palate with gourmet dining experiences that showcase the finest local ingredients and international flavors, paired with exquisite wines and impeccable service.


Private guided tours provide personalized attention, allowing you to tailor your exploration to your preferences and interests, while expert guides share their wealth of knowledge and insights. Additional amenities such as spa treatments, sunset cocktails overlooking breathtaking vistas, and exclusive wildlife encounters elevate your safari experience to unparalleled heights of luxury and refinement.


Whether you’re unwinding in a sumptuous suite, savoring a gourmet meal under the stars, or embarking on a private safari adventure, every moment is imbued with a sense of luxury and sophistication, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Hiking Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Hiking Safari Package

Embark on an exhilarating hiking safari for an immersive adventure that brings you closer to the heart of Berenty’s wilderness. Lace up your boots and traverse the rugged terrain, exploring remote areas and uncovering hidden gems that can only be reached on foot. Led by experienced guides, these hiking safaris offer the opportunity to cover longer distances, providing a deeper exploration of the reserve’s diverse landscapes and ecosystems.


From ascending rocky trails to navigating dense foliage, each step brings new discoveries and exhilarating encounters with wildlife. Whether you’re tracking lemurs through the canopy or pausing to admire panoramic vistas from high vantage points, every moment is infused with the thrill of exploration and discovery.


With each hike, forge a deeper connection to the natural world and gain a profound appreciation for the untamed beauty of Berenty. Whether you’re a seasoned trekker or a novice adventurer, a hiking safari promises an unforgettable journey filled with adrenaline-pumping excitement and awe-inspiring vistas.

Cultural Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Cultural Safari Package

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of local culture and traditions with safaris that go beyond wildlife encounters to offer authentic interactions with nearby communities. Engage in immersive cultural experiences that provide insight into the customs, traditions, and way of life of the local people.


From visiting traditional villages and participating in cultural ceremonies to learning age-old crafts and culinary traditions, these safaris offer a unique opportunity to connect with the vibrant tapestry of human heritage that coexists alongside Berenty’s natural wonders.


Through meaningful exchanges and shared experiences, gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs of local communities, fostering mutual respect and appreciation. Whether you’re dancing to the rhythms of traditional music, sharing stories around a communal fire, or simply lending a helping hand, these interactions enrich your safari experience, creating lasting memories and forging connections that transcend boundaries.

Research Expeditions

Berenty Private Reserve Research Safari Package

Researchers and conservationists are invited to join specialized research expeditions, offering a unique opportunity to actively contribute to ongoing studies and conservation efforts within Berenty Reserve. These expeditions are led by experts in the field and focus on specific research objectives, ranging from biodiversity surveys to habitat restoration initiatives.


Participating researchers have the chance to collaborate with local teams, gaining valuable insights into the challenges facing the reserve’s ecosystems and contributing to the development of innovative conservation strategies. Whether conducting field surveys, collecting data, or implementing conservation projects, each expedition plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of Berenty’s biodiversity and safeguarding its natural heritage for future generations.


By joining research expeditions, researchers and conservationists become integral partners in the ongoing efforts to protect and preserve Berenty’s unique ecosystem, ensuring that their contributions leave a lasting impact on conservation science and practice.

Self-Guided Safaris

Berenty Private Reserve Self Guided Safari Package

Independent travelers can immerse themselves in the wonders of Berenty Reserve with self-guided tours, offering the freedom to explore at their own pace. Follow marked trails winding through the reserve’s enchanting landscapes, armed with detailed maps and informative materials to enhance your journey. Whether you’re seeking serene moments of solitude or thrilling wildlife encounters, self-guided tours empower you to create your own unforgettable adventure in this captivating corner of Madagascar.

Everything About theBerenty Private Reserve Safaris



Berenty Private Reserve sprawls across approximately 260 hectares (642 acres) within the enchanting spiny forest ecosystem of southern Madagascar, offering a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna. Nestled approximately 85 kilometers (53 miles) southwest of Fort Dauphin (Tôlanaro), this natural haven beckons adventurers and nature lovers alike to explore its pristine landscapes and discover the wonders of Madagascar’s unique biodiversity.

Unique Ecosystem

Unique Ecosystem

Berenty Private Reserve is renowned for its captivating spiny forest ecosystem, a signature feature of Madagascar’s distinctive biodiversity. This unique habitat is dominated by succulent and thorny plants, specially adapted to thrive in the island’s arid climate. Within Berenty’s spiny forest, a rich tapestry of endemic and unique plant species flourishes, offering a sanctuary for diverse flora found nowhere else on earth. As you wander through this ancient landscape, you’ll encounter a mesmerizing array of plants, each one a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Madagascar’s extraordinary natural heritage.



Berenty is renowned for its diverse and easily observable wildlife. Some of the notable species found here include

  • Ring-tailed lemurs Berenty is famous for its large population of ring-tailed lemurs, which are often seen in groups. These lemurs are easily recognizable by their long, banded tails.
  • Verreaux’s sifakas Another lemur species found in the reserve, known for their distinctive dancing or “sifaka” locomotion.
  • Birdlife Berenty is home to numerous bird species, including the Long-tailed Ground Roller, Madagascar Sandgrouse, and Madagascar Cuckoo-Hawk.
  • Reptiles and insects The reserve also harbors various reptiles, such as chameleons and geckos, as well as a diverse array of insects and arachnids.



Berenty Private Reserve stands as a beacon of conservation, steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding Madagascar’s unparalleled biodiversity. Through a suite of dedicated conservation initiatives and sustainable tourism practices, the reserve strives to protect and preserve its precious ecosystem for future generations. From habitat restoration projects to community engagement and environmental education programs, Berenty works tirelessly to mitigate threats and promote harmony between humans and nature.

By embracing sustainable tourism practices, such as low-impact infrastructure development and visitor education, the reserve ensures that tourism benefits both the environment and local communities. Through these efforts, Berenty not only preserves its extraordinary biodiversity but also fosters a deeper appreciation for Madagascar’s natural wonders among visitors from around the globe.

Research and Education

Research and Education

Berenty Private Reserve serves as an invaluable hub for scientific research and environmental education, attracting researchers from across the globe to study its remarkable flora and fauna. These dedicated scientists delve into the intricacies of Madagascar’s biodiversity, uncovering new insights and contributing to our collective understanding of this unique ecosystem. Through their work, Berenty becomes a living laboratory, where discoveries pave the way for innovative conservation strategies and sustainable management practices.


In addition to supporting cutting-edge research, Berenty plays a vital role in environmental education, providing immersive learning experiences for visitors of all ages. Through guided tours, educational programs, and interpretive materials, the reserve inspires a deeper appreciation for Madagascar’s natural heritage and fosters a sense of stewardship for the planet’s biodiversity. By serving as a nexus for scientific inquiry and environmental education, Berenty Private Reserve empowers individuals and communities to become champions for conservation, ensuring a brighter future for Madagascar’s unique ecosystems.



As you venture through Berenty’s enchanting landscapes, take in the sights and sounds of the spiny forest ecosystem, where succulent plants and thorny bushes create a mesmerizing backdrop. Each guided tour offers a glimpse into the intricate web of life that thrives within this biodiverse sanctuary, providing an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.



Indulge in the serene ambiance of Berenty’s accommodations, where rustic charm meets modern comfort, creating an inviting atmosphere for relaxation and rejuvenation. After a day of adventure, unwind with a leisurely stroll through the tranquil grounds or savor a delicious meal showcasing locally sourced ingredients, all while surrounded by the untouched beauty of Madagascar’s wilderness.