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Best Safari Parks and Game Reserves Near Dar Es Salaam

Best Safari Parks and Game Reserves Near Dar Es Salaam

Discover the best safari parks and game reserves near Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Explore diverse wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and unforgettable safari experiences just a short journey from the bustling city.

Tanzania is home to some of the best game reserves in Africa. This blog post lists parks and game reserves near Dar es salaam. These parks are full of wildlife and have spacious tracks along which you can enjoy a great safari. All parks listed will make for an excellent safari to spot the big five! and they include;

Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park is located in the southern highlands of Tanzania, where you can experience a wide variety of wildlife. The park has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1989, and it’s home to five of the big five: lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, and buffalo. You’ll find them all here—from lions hunting at night to elephants taking a mud bath in their watering holes during hot afternoon rains.

Mikumi also offers plenty of diversity regarding landscapes and accommodation options that suit every traveler’s budget or preference. Suppose you’re looking for something luxurious but don’t want to pay through the nose (or even if you do). In that case, some grand safari lodges offer top-notch service while still being affordable with all amenities, including private bathrooms with showers or hot water taps, so guests don’t have to compromise on comfort during their stay!

Selous Game Reserve

Selous Game Reserve is a large game reserve in the middle of Tanzania. It’s home to more than 100,000 elephants, rhinos, lions, buffalo, and other animals. The park was established in 1926 by Lord Delamere (who also founded what is now known as Queen Elizabeth National Park), but it wasn’t until 1967 that it became officially recognized.

The reserve is so large that it takes about four hours to drive from one end to another; however, if you’re willing to spend some time exploring along the way, this might be worth your time!

Ruaha National Park

The Ruaha National Park is one of Tanzania’s newest parks, but it’s quickly becoming a tourist favorite. The park covers an area of 19,000 square kilometers and has more than 500 species of birds, including the endangered African black rhino.

The best time to visit this park is during the dry season (December through March), when it receives less rainfall than other parts of Tanzania. If you’re planning on staying at one of the lodges within this park, remember that they will require reservations in advance—this can help ensure enough beds are available for your group! You’ll also want to make sure that your accommodation has access to electricity and clean water; otherwise, expect some inconvenience while you’re there!

Kitulo Plateau National Park

Kitulo Plateau National Park is located in the north of Tanzania, and it’s home to a large number of endemic species. The park has been recognized as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International due to its rich biodiversity. It also provides a habitat for many endangered animals, including elephants, leopards, lions, and rhinos.

The park’s name comes from Kitulo Village, where most visitors stay when visiting this part of Africa as they can enjoy hiking there or take advantage of its many recreational activities such as cycling or horse riding through rugged terrain with steep slopes covered in dense vegetation where wildlife roams freely without restricting their movements (this would be impossible if humans were allowed).

Udzungwa Mountains National Park

Udzungwa Mountains National Park, nestled in Tanzania’s Kilimanjaro Region, is a treasure trove of biodiversity and natural beauty. This mountainous rainforest is renowned for its rich and diverse ecosystem, making it a prime destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

The park is home to a variety of rare and endangered animals, including the endemic Udzungwa red colobus monkey and the Udzungwa partridge. These unique species thrive in the lush rainforest, where dense vegetation and pristine rivers create a haven for wildlife.

Visitors to Udzungwa Mountains National Park can explore its network of scenic hiking trails that lead to stunning waterfalls, panoramic viewpoints, and encounters with diverse flora and fauna. The park’s highest peak, Lohomero, offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding landscapes, making it a must-visit for avid hikers and photographers.

Apart from its natural wonders, Udzungwa Mountains National Park is also renowned for its conservation efforts and research initiatives aimed at protecting its unique biodiversity. Guided tours and educational programs provide visitors with insights into the park’s ecological significance and ongoing conservation projects.

Whether trekking through ancient forests in search of rare primates or enjoying the serenity of cascading waterfalls, Udzungwa Mountains National Park promises an unforgettable adventure in Tanzania’s wilderness.

Uluguru Mountains Forest Reserve

The Uluguru Mountains Forest Reserve, situated in southeastern Tanzania, stands as a remarkable sanctuary for diverse wildlife amidst its lush and biodiverse environment. This reserve is renowned for its rich ecosystem, offering visitors a unique opportunity to encounter a wide array of species, including buffaloes, elephants, hippos, and even occasional sightings of lions.

The reserve’s rugged terrain and dense forests provide a perfect habitat for these animals, fostering a natural setting where visitors can embark on memorable safaris and wildlife viewing experiences. The picturesque landscapes of the Uluguru Mountains, characterized by verdant forests and meandering streams, add to the allure of exploring this hidden gem in Tanzania.

For nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers, the Uluguru Mountains Forest Reserve offers a variety of activities beyond wildlife safaris. Visitors can embark on guided hikes through the forest trails, leading to panoramic viewpoints that offer stunning vistas of the surrounding landscapes. Birdwatchers will delight in the opportunity to spot numerous bird species endemic to the region, adding to the reserve’s allure as a haven for both flora and fauna.

Moreover, the Uluguru Mountains Forest Reserve plays a crucial role in conservation efforts, protecting the biodiversity of southeastern Tanzania and supporting local communities through sustainable tourism initiatives. Guided tours and educational programs provide insights into the reserve’s ecological significance and the importance of preserving its natural heritage for future generations.

Whether exploring its diverse wildlife, trekking through ancient forests, or simply immersing oneself in the tranquility of nature, the Uluguru Mountains Forest Reserve promises an enriching and unforgettable experience in Tanzania’s southeastern wilderness.


Exploring the best safari parks and game reserves near Dar es Salaam reveals a world of natural wonders and diverse wildlife just a stone’s throw from the bustling city. From the pristine coastal landscapes of Saadani National Park to the rich biodiversity of Mikumi National Park and the secluded beauty of Selous Game Reserve, each destination offers a unique safari experience. Whether it’s encountering elephants, lions, and giraffes in their natural habitats or enjoying scenic boat safaris along winding rivers, these parks near Dar es Salaam promise unforgettable adventures and a deeper appreciation for Tanzania’s stunning wildlife and landscapes..


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