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Buffalo Springs Safaris

The ultimate guide to your next Buffalo Springs Safari

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An Overview of Buffalo Springs

African buffalo

Buffalo Springs safaris, offered by Exodussafaris.com, present an unparalleled opportunity to immerse oneself in the breathtaking beauty and raw wilderness of Kenya’s Buffalo Springs National Reserve. Nestled within the arid landscapes of Northern Kenya, Buffalo Springs is renowned for its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes. Exodus Safaris curates an unforgettable experience, allowing travelers to witness the iconic African Big Five – lions, elephants, leopards, buffalos, and rhinos – in their natural habitat, alongside a myriad of other fascinating creatures such as giraffes, zebras, and various antelope species.

Led by experienced guides with an intimate knowledge of the region, Buffalo Springs safaris by Exodus Safaris offer a blend of adventure, exploration, and conservation education. Travelers embark on game drives through the reserve, traversing its rugged terrain and encountering wildlife up close. Additionally, Exodus Safaris places a strong emphasis on sustainable tourism practices, ensuring that the beauty and biodiversity of Buffalo Springs endure for generations to come. Whether marveling at a sunset over the savannah, tracking wildlife on foot, or engaging with local communities, Buffalo Springs safaris promise an enriching and unforgettable journey into the heart of Kenya’s untamed wilderness.

Why Go on Buffalo Springs Safari

What to Do on Buffalo Springs Safari

Game Drives

Buffalo Springs Game Drives Safari

Feel the adrenaline rush as you track these majestic creatures through their natural habitat, immersing yourself in the raw beauty of the African wilderness. Whether you’re a seasoned safari-goer or a first-time explorer, each moment promises an unforgettable encounter with nature’s most awe-inspiring inhabitants. So grab your binoculars, and get ready to witness the circle of life in action.


Buffalo Springs Birdwatching Safari

Let the symphony of birdcalls serenade your senses as you navigate the lush landscapes of Buffalo Springs. With each fluttering wing and melodic chirp, you’ll uncover the hidden treasures of this avian wonderland. Whether you’re captivated by the majestic flight of eagles or the delicate hues of exotic finches, every sighting is a testament to the vibrant tapestry of life found in this pristine sanctuary.

Chimpanzee Tracking

Buffalo Springs Chimpanzee Trekking Safari

Delve into the depths of the nearby forests, where the secrets of our closest primate relatives await discovery. Though not as renowned as other African destinations for chimpanzee tracking, the possibility of encountering these intelligent beings adds an exciting layer to your Samburu adventure. Guided by expert trackers, immerse yourself in the habitats shared by these fascinating creatures, gaining insights into their social dynamics and behaviors amidst the untamed wilderness.


Buffalo Springs Photography Safari

Transform moments into timeless memories as you wield your camera or smartphone to capture the essence of Buffalo Springs. From the kaleidoscope of vibrant blooms to the graceful dance of wildlife against the backdrop of breathtaking vistas, every frame is a testament to the unparalleled beauty of this natural wonderland. Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or an amateur enthusiast, each click immortalizes the intricate tapestry of life found within the reserve, ensuring that your journey resonates long after you’ve returned home.

Guided Nature Walks

Buffalo Springs Guided Nature Walks Safari

Embark on a sensory journey through the heart of Buffalo Springs as you join our expert local guides on immersive nature walks. Each step unveils a new chapter in the reserve’s rich tapestry of life, where you’ll unravel the mysteries of its diverse ecosystems and forge a deeper connection with its enchanting flora and fauna. From the delicate fragrance of wildflowers to the subtle rustle of leaves underfoot, every moment is a chance to immerse yourself in the untamed beauty of this pristine wilderness.

Night Safaris

Buffalo Springs Night Safari

Embark on a nocturnal adventure and unlock the secrets of the African night on a guided night safari. Under the cloak of darkness, the reserve transforms into a realm of mystery and intrigue, where elusive creatures emerge from the shadows to reveal their nocturnal rituals. With the aid of powerful spotlights, you’ll track the silent movements of bushbabies, marvel at the haunting calls of owls echoing through the night, and witness the mesmerizing color-changing abilities of chameleons. Prepare to be enchanted as the stars illuminate your path, guiding you through an unforgettable journey into the heart of Africa’s nocturnal wonders.

Cultural Visits

Buffalo Springs Cultural Visits Safari

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Samburu culture by venturing into the vibrant communities surrounding Buffalo Springs. As you step into their world, you’ll be welcomed with open arms into a realm where ancient traditions thrive alongside modern influences. Engage in heartfelt cultural exchanges, where stories are shared around crackling fires and laughter echoes through the air. Witness the rhythmic beat of traditional dances that celebrate the essence of Samburu heritage, and gain profound insights into their way of life passed down through generations. In these moments of connection, bridges are built, and friendships forged, creating memories that transcend borders and last a lifetime.

River Activities

Buffalo Springs River Activities Safari

Indulge in the tranquil beauty of the Ewaso Ng’iro River, a lifeline that courses through the heart of the reserve, nourishing its diverse ecosystems. Depending on local arrangements, immerse yourself in a variety of activities along its banks, from leisurely river excursions that offer glimpses of hidden wildlife sanctuaries to idyllic picnics where the gentle murmur of water serves as your soundtrack. Alternatively, simply bask in the serenity of the river’s embrace, letting its soothing rhythm wash away the cares of the world as you relax amidst nature’s splendor.


Buffalo Springs River Activities Safari Buffalo Springs Relaxation Safari

After exhilarating adventures in the wild, treat yourself to moments of serenity and rejuvenation amidst the comforts of your lodge or tented camp. Sink into plush lounging areas that invite you to unwind with a good book or simply savor the blissful tranquility of the surroundings. For a refreshing respite, take a leisurely dip in the inviting waters of swimming pools, where the gentle caress of the sun and the cool embrace of water create the perfect oasis of relaxation. Whether you choose to lounge beneath the African sky or float in the azure depths, every moment is an opportunity to replenish your spirit and bask in the beauty of the wilderness.

Conservation Learning

Buffalo Springs Conservation Learning Safari

Immerse yourself in the vital conservation efforts that safeguard the future of Buffalo Springs Reserve. Many lodges and tour operators extend their commitment to environmental stewardship through informative educational programs and presentations. Delve into the intricacies of the reserve’s delicate ecosystem, gaining insights into the ongoing conservation initiatives that strive to protect its biodiversity and natural resources. From engaging discussions led by conservation experts to hands-on activities that highlight the importance of sustainable practices, these immersive experiences offer a deeper understanding of our role in preserving the wonders of the natural world. By participating in these educational opportunities, you become a champion for conservation, empowering yourself to make a meaningful difference in the preservation of Buffalo Springs and its precious inhabitants.

Combined Safaris

Combined Safaris

Embark on an unforgettable journey through the Samburu-Laikipia ecosystem by exploring both Buffalo Springs and nearby Samburu National Reserve in tandem. This dynamic duo offers a kaleidoscope of wildlife encounters and landscapes, each reserve boasting its own unique charm and allure. Traverse the rugged terrain of Buffalo Springs to witness iconic species like elephants, lions, and leopards in their natural habitat, then venture into Samburu National Reserve for a chance to encounter elusive species such as Grevy’s zebras and reticulated giraffes. Together, these reserves form a mosaic of biodiversity, providing an immersive experience that showcases the unparalleled beauty and diversity of the African wilderness.

Bush Breakfasts and Sundowners

Buffalo Springs Bush Breakfast and Sundowner Safari

Elevate your safari experience with indulgent offerings from select safari operators, who go above and beyond to create moments of unparalleled luxury amidst the untamed wilderness. Start your day in style with a sumptuous breakfast served in the heart of the bush, where the morning sun casts its golden glow upon the savannah, illuminating your culinary delights. Alternatively, wind down in the evening with sundowner cocktails, savoring the breathtaking vistas as the African sky transforms into a canvas of fiery hues. These bespoke experiences not only pamper your senses but also immerse you in the timeless allure of the safari, creating memories that linger long after the adventure ends.

Book Your Safari with Exodus Safaris

Benefit from our team's 25+ years of experience as we guide you in Selecting the perfect Buffalo Springs Safari for you

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Popular Buffalo Springs Safaris


We can customize these suggested Buffalo Springs Safaris tours to suit your budget.

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Each Moment On Buffalo Springs Safaris Promises a Breathtaking Adventure

When is the best month to travel to Buffalo Springs National Reserve?

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in January

  • Weather: Dry season with warm temperatures. Average daytime temperatures range from 22°C to 32°C (72°F to 90°F).
  • Wildlife: Great time for wildlife viewing as animals gather around water sources. Elephants, buffalo, and various antelope species are commonly seen.
  • Events: No major events, but it’s an ideal time for a classic safari to witness the abundance of wildlife.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in February

  • Weather: Similar to January, dry and warm with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 33°C (72°F to 91°F).
  • Wildlife: Excellent wildlife viewing continues. Predators such as lions and leopards may be more active during this time.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a bird-watching safari as migratory birds are still present.
tanz feb calves

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in March

  • Weather: The end of the dry season, with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 33°C (72°F to 91°F). Some short rains may occur.
  • Wildlife: Wildlife is still abundant, and the landscape is lush after the short rains. Ideal for photography.
  • Events: No major events, but a photography safari is recommended to capture the vibrant landscapes and wildlife.
tanz mar ngorongoro

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in April

  • Weather: Beginning of the rainy season. Temperatures range from 20°C to 31°C (68°F to 88°F). Expect occasional showers.
  • Wildlife: The park is green, and newborn animals are often seen. Bird watching is excellent.
  • Events: No major events, but a bird-watching safari is highly recommended during this season.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in May

  • Weather: Rainy season continues, with temperatures ranging from 18°C to 29°C (64°F to 84°F).
  • Wildlife: The park is lush, and birdlife is prolific. Some roads may become challenging due to rain.
  • Events: No major events, but a walking safari is a unique experience during this green season.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in June

  • Weather: Dry season begins, with temperatures ranging from 17°C to 28°C (63°F to 82°F).
  • Wildlife: Animals gather around water sources as the dry season progresses. Excellent time for game drives.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a hot air balloon safari for a breathtaking view of the landscape.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in July

  • Weather: Dry and cool season, with temperatures ranging from 16°C to 27°C (61°F to 81°F).
  • Wildlife: Prime time for wildlife viewing. Large herds of elephants, buffalo, and other herbivores are common.
  • Events: No major events, but a classic safari is recommended to witness the peak of wildlife activity.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in August

  • Weather: Dry and cool, with temperatures ranging from 16°C to 27°C (61°F to 81°F).
  • Wildlife: Similar to July, excellent for game drives. Predators are active, and the chances of witnessing a kill may be higher.
  • Events: No major events, but a photography safari is ideal during this dry season.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in September

  • Weather: Dry and warm, with temperatures ranging from 17°C to 28°C (63°F to 82°F).
  • Wildlife: Wildlife is still abundant. Consider a safari to witness the annual wildebeest migration, which may spill over from neighboring reserves.
  • Events: No major events, but a migration-focused safari is recommended.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in October

  • Weather: Dry and warm, with temperatures ranging from 18°C to 29°C (64°F to 84°F).
  • Wildlife: Wildlife viewing remains excellent. The landscape starts to dry up, making it easier to spot animals.
  • Events: No major events, but a classic safari is recommended for optimal wildlife sightings.

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in November

  • Weather: Short rains may begin, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 31°C (68°F to 88°F).
  • Wildlife: Good wildlife viewing, especially birdlife. The park becomes greener after the rains.
  • Events: No major events, but a bird-watching safari is highly recommended during this time.
tanz nov waterhole

Buffalo Springs National Reserve in December

  • Weather: Short rains may continue, with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 32°C (72°F to 90°F).
  • Wildlife: Wildlife viewing remains good, and the park is lush. Bird watching is excellent.
  • Events: No major events, but a walking safari is recommended for a more immersive experience during this green season.
tanz dec ellie

Our Recommended Tours in Buffalo Springs


Customize these suggested Buffalo Springs Safaris tours to suit your budget and safari experience

Seeking One-of-a-Kind Buffalo Springs Safaris Experience?

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Big Cat Safaris in Africa
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Big Cat Safaris in Africa

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Latest Feedback from Adventurers Who Organized and Reserved their Buffalo Springs
Expeditions through Exodus Safaris

FAQ about Buffalo Springs Safaris

  • Buffalo Springs is known for its "Special Five," which includes rare and unique species: Grevy's zebra, Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk, and Beisa oryx. It also offers diverse wildlife, scenic landscapes, and a tranquil safari experience.

  • Wildlife in Buffalo Springs includes elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, buffalos, hippos, crocodiles, various antelope species, and a rich variety of birdlife.

  • Safari activities include game drives, birdwatching, guided nature walks, chimpanzee tracking (if combined with Samburu National Reserve), night safaris, cultural visits, and photography.

  • Buffalo Springs is generally safe for tourists, but it's essential to follow your guide's instructions and adhere to safety guidelines during your safari. It's also advisable to check travel advisories before your trip.

  • Yes, Buffalo Springs is actively involved in conservation initiatives to protect its wildlife and ecosystems. Visiting the reserve supports these vital efforts.

  • Packing essentials include comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, a good camera with zoom lens, binoculars, and any necessary travel documents.

5 Best Accommodations While On Buffalo Springs Safaris

Sarova Shaba Game Lodge

Location: Located within the Shaba National Reserve, adjacent to Buffalo Springs.

Price: Approximately $150 – $300 per person per night.

Description: Sarova Shaba Game Lodge offers luxurious accommodations with modern amenities, including spacious rooms and suites overlooking the Ewaso Nyiro River. Guests can enjoy game drives, guided nature walks, and cultural visits to Samburu villages.

Ashnil Samburu Camp

Location: Situated along the Ewaso Nyiro River, within close proximity to Buffalo Springs.

Price: Approximately $200 – $400 per person per night.

Description: Ashnil Samburu Camp offers tented accommodations with en-suite bathrooms and private verandas overlooking the river. Guests can experience game drives, bush breakfasts, and sundowner cocktails while observing the reserve’s wildlife.

Elephant Bedroom Camp

Location: Located in the heart of Samburu National Reserve, near Buffalo Springs.

Price: Approximately $250 – $500 per person per night.

Description: Elephant Bedroom Camp features spacious tents with rustic-chic furnishings and panoramic views of the Ewaso Nyiro River. Guests can enjoy game drives, bush walks, and cultural interactions with the local Samburu community.

Samburu Intrepids Luxury Tented Camp

Location: Situated on the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River, within Buffalo Springs Reserve.

Price: Approximately $200 – $400 per person per night.

Description: Samburu Intrepids Luxury Tented Camp offers comfortable tented accommodations with modern amenities. Guests can enjoy game drives, nature walks, and birdwatching excursions led by experienced guides.

Saruni Samburu Lodge

Location: Located in the Kalama Conservancy, overlooking Samburu National Reserve and Buffalo Springs.

Price: Approximately $400 – $800 per person per night.

Description: Saruni Samburu Lodge offers exclusive accommodations in luxurious villas with private verandas and panoramic views of the reserve. Guests can enjoy game drives, bush walks, and spa treatments while experiencing personalized service and attention to detail.

Types of Buffalo Springs Safaris

Luxury Safaris

Buffalo Springs Luxury Safari Package

Indulge in the epitome of opulence and exclusivity with luxury safaris that redefine the meaning of bespoke adventure. Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury with stays in high-end lodges or lavish tented camps, where every detail is meticulously curated to cater to your discerning tastes. From personalized services that anticipate your every need to gourmet dining experiences that tantalize your palate, each moment is a symphony of indulgence and refinement. Embark on private game drives led by expert guides, where the wilderness becomes your private playground, and the treasures of the savannah await your discovery. With additional amenities that elevate your safari experience to new heights, luxury safaris offer a sanctuary of serenity amidst the untamed beauty of Africa.

Budget Safaris

Buffalo Springs Budget Safari Package

Embark on an adventure without breaking the bank with budget safaris, offering accessible options for travelers who seek the thrill of the wild on a budget. Accommodations range from cozy guesthouses to simple lodges or campsites, providing comfortable respite after a day of exploration. Opting for group tours with shared transportation not only fosters camaraderie among fellow adventurers but also helps spread costs, making the experience more affordable. Budget safaris prioritize value without compromising on the essence of the safari experience, allowing cost-conscious travelers to immerse themselves in the wonders of the African wilderness without exceeding their financial means.

Affordable Safaris

Buffalo Springs Affordable Safari Package

Discover the perfect blend of comfort and affordability with affordable safaris, tailored to cater to the needs of travelers who desire a balance between budget and luxury. Experience the charm of mid-range lodges or cozy tented camps, where you can unwind in comfort after a day of thrilling adventures. Group tours offer companionship and shared excitement as you explore the wilderness together, while a mix of standard and basic amenities ensure your essential needs are met without compromising on quality. Affordable safaris provide an accessible gateway to the wonders of Africa, allowing travelers to indulge in moments of relaxation and exploration without exceeding their budget constraints.

Family Safaris

Buffalo Springs Family Safari Package

Embark on an unforgettable family adventure tailored to travelers of all ages with family-friendly safaris, thoughtfully curated to create lasting memories for everyone. These safaris offer accommodations that cater to the needs of families, providing spacious rooms or tents equipped with amenities to ensure comfort and convenience for parents and children alike. Delight in a myriad of activities designed to engage and entertain, from child-friendly game drives that ignite the imagination to educational programs that foster a deeper understanding of the natural world. Whether you’re spotting wildlife together or sharing stories around the campfire, family safaris offer a harmonious blend of excitement and relaxation, providing the perfect setting for bonding and creating cherished moments that will be treasured for years to come.

Private Safaris

Buffalo Springs Private Safari Package

Experience the ultimate in personalized luxury and flexibility with private safaris, where every aspect of your adventure is meticulously crafted to reflect your unique interests and preferences. Whether you’re traveling solo, with a partner, or in a small group, private safaris offer exclusivity and freedom unlike any other. Tailor your itinerary to suit your desires, from the selection of accommodations ranging from intimate lodges to luxurious tented camps, to the choice of activities that cater to your passions, whether it’s wildlife photography, birdwatching, or cultural immersion. With the undivided attention of expert guides and the flexibility to explore at your own pace, private safaris unlock a world of possibilities, allowing you to embark on a journey that is truly your own.

Photography Safaris

Buffalo Springs Photography Safari Package

Delve into the world of wildlife and landscape photography with dedicated photography safaris, designed specifically for photographers and enthusiasts. These specialized safaris provide expert photography guides who share invaluable tips and insights to enhance your skills and capture the perfect shot. Travel in custom-designed vehicles, equipped with features that ensure optimal photography angles and stability, allowing you to focus on framing the beauty of your surroundings. With ample opportunities to capture stunning images of wildlife in their natural habitat and the breathtaking landscapes of the African wilderness, photography safaris offer an immersive experience where every moment is a potential masterpiece waiting to be captured.

Birdwatching Safaris

Buffalo Springs Birdwatching Safari Package

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of avian life with birdwatching safaris, crafted specifically for bird enthusiasts. The reserve’s diverse ecosystem is a haven for birdwatchers, offering the chance to spot a wide array of bird species, including rare and endemic ones. Accompanied by knowledgeable guides, you’ll explore prime birdwatching locations, where their expertise and keen eyes help you identify and learn about the various birds. Whether you’re captivated by the sight of majestic raptors soaring above or the colorful display of songbirds flitting through the trees, birdwatching safaris provide an enriching experience for anyone passionate about our feathered friends.

Cultural Safaris

Buffalo Springs Cultural Safari Package

Cultural safaris offer a unique and enriching opportunity to engage with the local Samburu communities living near Buffalo Springs. Travelers can immerse themselves in the rich cultural traditions of the Samburu people, experiencing their vibrant dances, rituals, and music firsthand. Participate in daily life activities such as beadwork, herding, and traditional cooking, gaining a deeper appreciation for their way of life. These meaningful interactions provide insights into the customs and values of the Samburu, fostering a deeper connection and understanding of their enduring heritage and the land they call home.

Chimpanzee Tracking Safaris

Buffalo Springs Chimpanzee Trekking Safari Package

Enhance your safari experience by combining a visit to nearby forests for an exhilarating chimpanzee tracking adventure. While not exclusive to Buffalo Springs, these extended safaris offer the unique opportunity to observe chimpanzees in their natural habitat, providing a captivating glimpse into their social behaviors and daily activities. Alongside the rich wildlife encounters within Buffalo Springs, this addition allows travelers to immerse themselves in diverse ecosystems, making for a truly comprehensive and unforgettable journey. Witness the intelligence and playfulness of our closest primate relatives while enjoying the stunning biodiversity that both the reserve and surrounding forests have to offer.

Adventure Safaris

Buffalo Springs Adventure Safari Package

For those seeking an exhilarating blend of adventure and wildlife, adventure safaris offer a range of thrilling activities that go beyond traditional game drives. Experience the breathtaking landscapes from above with a hot air balloon ride, providing a unique aerial perspective of the reserve at sunrise. Embark on guided bush walks to explore the terrain on foot, discovering the intricate details of the ecosystem and gaining a closer connection to nature. Enjoy river excursions that reveal the beauty of the waterways and the wildlife that thrives along the banks. These diverse activities create a more dynamic and active safari experience, ensuring every moment is filled with excitement and discovery.

Conservation Safaris

Buffalo Springs Conservation Safari Package

Embark on a purposeful journey with conservation-focused safaris in Buffalo Springs, where you can gain a deep understanding of the vital efforts to protect and preserve this unique ecosystem. These safaris offer travelers the opportunity to learn about the reserve’s conservation initiatives, such as anti-poaching measures, wildlife monitoring, and habitat restoration projects. Engage with dedicated conservationists and researchers who share their knowledge and passion for safeguarding the natural environment. Participate in hands-on activities that contribute to ongoing projects, such as tree planting, wildlife tracking, or community education programs. By joining a conservation safari, you not only witness the beauty of Buffalo Springs but also play an active role in its preservation for future generations.

Combined Safaris

Buffalo Springs Combined Safari Package

Many travelers enhance their safari experience by combining a visit to Buffalo Springs Reserve with excursions to nearby Samburu National Reserve and other renowned Kenyan wildlife destinations. This approach allows them to explore a broader range of ecosystems and encounter a diverse array of wildlife. In Samburu National Reserve, discover unique species such as the Grevy’s zebra and reticulated giraffe, while other destinations like Maasai Mara offer the iconic Great Migration. By traversing different reserves, you gain a comprehensive understanding of Kenya’s rich biodiversity and varied landscapes, making for an enriching and multifaceted adventure.

Everything About the Buffalo Springs Safaris



Buffalo Springs Reserve is situated in northern Kenya, adjacent to Samburu National Reserve, and forms an integral part of the expansive Samburu-Laikipia ecosystem. This prime location allows visitors to experience the unique wildlife and diverse landscapes that characterize the region. Together, these reserves offer a rich tapestry of habitats and species, providing an immersive safari experience that showcases the natural beauty and ecological significance of the Samburu-Laikipia ecosystem.

Unique Wildlife

Unique Wildlife

Buffalo Springs is renowned for its “Special Five” – a group of rare and unique species that set this reserve apart. Visitors have the exciting opportunity to observe the Grevy’s zebra, distinguished by its narrow stripes; the Somali ostrich, with its striking blue legs and neck; the reticulated giraffe, featuring a distinctive lattice-like pattern; the gerenuk, known for its elongated neck and ability to stand on its hind legs to browse; and the Beisa oryx, recognizable by its straight, sharp horns. This unique collection of wildlife offers an extraordinary safari experience, highlighting the exceptional biodiversity of Buffalo Springs.



Safari accommodations in Buffalo Springs cater to a variety of preferences and budgets, ensuring a comfortable stay for every traveler. Options range from opulent luxury lodges and tented camps, which offer top-tier amenities, personalized services, and exquisite dining, to mid-range accommodations that balance comfort and affordability. For those seeking more budget-friendly options, there are guesthouses and campsites that provide a cozy and welcoming atmosphere without sacrificing the essence of the safari experience. Regardless of your choice, you’ll find a suitable base to relax and recharge after each day’s adventure in the stunning wilderness of Buffalo Springs.



Buffalo Springs safaris offer a variety of activities, including:

  • Game Drives: Explore the reserve on guided game drives to spot diverse wildlife.
  • Birdwatching: Observe a wide range of bird species, including migratory birds.
  • Nature Walks: Join guided nature walks to explore the reserve’s ecosystems.
  • Cultural Visits: Engage with local Samburu communities and learn about their traditions.
  • Night Safaris: Experience the reserve’s nocturnal wildlife on guided night drives.
  • Hot Air Balloon Safaris: Some lodges offer hot air balloon rides for aerial views.
  • Chimpanzee Tracking: Combine your visit with nearby forests for chimpanzee tracking.

Best Time to Visit

Best Time to Visit

The dry season, spanning from June to September, offers prime conditions for wildlife viewing in Buffalo Springs. During this time, the weather is typically pleasant, with clear skies and cooler temperatures, making outdoor activities comfortable and enjoyable. With less rainfall, vegetation is sparse, and water sources become scarce, concentrating wildlife around rivers and watering holes, thus enhancing the chances of memorable wildlife encounters. The dry season also coincides with the migration of herbivores, further amplifying the diversity and abundance of wildlife in the reserve. For optimal safari experiences and stunning wildlife sightings, the dry season is indeed the ideal time to visit Buffalo Springs.

Luxury, Budget, and Affordable Options

Luxury, Budget, and Affordable Options

Buffalo Springs safaris cater to a diverse range of budgets, offering tailored packages to suit every traveler’s preferences and financial constraints. Whether you seek the ultimate indulgence of a luxury safari, complete with opulent accommodations and personalized services, or prefer the simplicity and affordability of a budget-friendly option, there’s a safari package to match your needs. Affordable safari packages provide a balance between comfort and cost, ensuring an enriching experience without breaking the bank. With options available for every budget, travelers can embark on their dream safari adventure in Buffalo Springs, regardless of their financial means.

Photography and Birdwatching

Photography and Birdwatching

Indeed, specialized safaris tailored for photography enthusiasts and birdwatchers offer personalized experiences and expert guidance, ensuring an immersive and rewarding adventure. Photography safaris provide dedicated photography guides who offer invaluable tips and assistance to capture the perfect shot, while birdwatching safaris are led by knowledgeable guides who help spot and identify a diverse array of bird species. These specialized safaris often include custom-designed itineraries, allowing participants to focus on their specific interests and passions. Whether you’re capturing stunning wildlife moments or marveling at the avian diversity, these tailored experiences ensure an unforgettable journey for photography and birdwatching enthusiasts alike.

Private and Group Safaris

Private and Group Safaris

When deciding between private safaris and group tours, consider your preferences and priorities for the safari experience.


Choose a private safari if you value personalized attention, flexibility in your itinerary, and the exclusivity of a tailored experience. With a private safari, you’ll have the undivided attention of expert guides and the freedom to customize every aspect of your journey according to your interests and preferences. Whether you’re traveling solo, with a partner, or in a small group, a private safari ensures that your needs are met and that you can explore at your own pace.


On the other hand, opt for a group tour if you enjoy sharing the adventure with like-minded travelers and value the camaraderie and social aspect of group travel. Group tours often offer a more affordable option, as costs are shared among participants, and provide the opportunity to meet new people and forge lasting friendships. While group tours may have a fixed itinerary, they still offer exciting experiences and the chance to explore diverse destinations together.


Ultimately, whether you choose a private safari or a group tour depends on your preferences for privacy, flexibility, and social interaction during your safari adventure.

Conservation Initiatives

Conservation Initiatives

Buffalo Springs Reserve’s commitment to conservation is not only commendable but also integral to its mission of preserving its pristine wilderness for future generations. Some safaris go beyond wildlife viewing and immerse travelers in the reserve’s conservation efforts, providing valuable insights into ongoing initiatives. Participants may learn about anti-poaching measures, habitat restoration projects, and community engagement programs aimed at promoting sustainable conservation practices. By offering these educational experiences, safaris not only raise awareness about conservation challenges but also empower travelers to contribute positively to the preservation of Buffalo Springs and its precious biodiversity. It’s a powerful way to foster a deeper connection between visitors and the natural world while instilling a sense of responsibility for its protection.

Combined Safaris

Combined Safaris

Many travelers combine Buffalo Springs with visits to nearby reserves and parks to maximize wildlife encounters. This strategic approach offers a holistic safari experience, allowing adventurers to traverse diverse landscapes and encounter a wide array of iconic African wildlife. Whether it’s observing the “Special Five” in Buffalo Springs or witnessing the Great Migration in Maasai Mara, each destination contributes its own unique charm to the safari tapestry, ensuring an unforgettable journey through the heart of Kenya’s wilderness.

Cultural Experiences

Cultural Experience

Engage with the local Samburu communities through cultural visits, dances, and interactions, enriching your safari experience with authentic insights into their traditions and way of life. By immersing yourself in their vibrant culture, you forge meaningful connections and gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of Kenya’s heritage. From participating in traditional ceremonies to sharing stories around the fire, these interactions foster mutual understanding and respect, leaving a lasting impact on both travelers and hosts alike.

Adventure Activities

Adventure Activities

Some safaris offer a plethora of additional activities, ranging from exhilarating hot air ballooning adventures to immersive bush walks and tranquil river excursions, enhancing your safari experience with added adventure and exploration. Take to the skies in a hot air balloon, drifting serenely above the savannah as the sunrise casts its golden glow over the landscape, or embark on guided bush walks to intimately connect with nature and discover hidden wonders. For a more relaxed pace, unwind with a leisurely river excursion, where you can observe wildlife from a different perspective while enjoying the tranquility of the waterways. These diverse activities cater to every adventurer, ensuring that your safari is filled with unforgettable moments and thrilling adventures.

Educational Programs

Educational Program

Embark on educational safaris that offer captivating insights into Buffalo Springs Reserve’s ecosystems, wildlife, and conservation efforts, providing a deeper understanding of the intricacies of this unique wilderness. Led by knowledgeable guides, these safaris delve into the fascinating dynamics of the reserve’s diverse habitats and the myriad species that call it home. Gain firsthand knowledge about conservation initiatives aimed at protecting the delicate balance of this ecosystem, and learn about the challenges and successes in preserving its biodiversity. Through immersive experiences and informative presentations, educational safaris inspire a sense of stewardship and appreciation for the natural world, empowering travelers to become ambassadors for conservation long after their safari ends.

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife Viewing

Embark on thrilling wildlife encounters in Buffalo Springs Reserve, where a diverse cast of characters awaits your observation. From the majestic elephants lumbering through the savannah to the elusive leopards stealthily stalking their prey, each safari promises unforgettable sightings. Keep your eyes peeled for the regal lions basking in the sun, the lightning-fast cheetahs sprinting across the plains, and the formidable buffalos grazing in the distance. Venture to the water’s edge to witness the lumbering hippos and the ancient crocodiles basking on the banks of the river. With each moment brimming with anticipation, your safari in Buffalo Springs is sure to be filled with awe-inspiring encounters with Africa’s most iconic wildlife.