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Gombe National Park Safaris

The ultimate guide to your next Gombe National Park Safari

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An Overview about Gombe National Park

Gombe Chimpanzee Trekking safaris

Start an extraordinary adventure into the heart of Tanzania’s wilderness with Gombe Safaris offered by Exodussafaris.com. Situated along the scenic shores of Lake Tanganyika, Gombe National Park is renowned for its remarkable population of wild chimpanzees and pristine tropical forests. With Exodussafaris.com, travelers have the opportunity to witness these fascinating primates in their natural habitat and gain insight into their intricate social behaviors through expert-guided safaris and immersive experiences.

Gombe Safaris curated by Exodussafaris.com offer a diverse range of activities, including chimpanzee trekking, guided nature walks, and birdwatching excursions. Led by knowledgeable guides, visitors can explore the lush rainforests of Gombe National Park, home to a rich variety of flora and fauna. From encountering playful troops of chimpanzees to marveling at the park’s scenic vistas overlooking Lake Tanganyika, every moment is filled with awe and wonder. With comfortable accommodations and personalized service, Gombe Safaris ensure an unforgettable journey into one of Africa’s most captivating wildlife sanctuaries.

Why Go on Gombe National Park Safari

What to Do on the Gombe National Park Safari

Chimpanzee Tracking

Gombe National Park Chimpanzee Tracking Safari

The primary highlight of Gombe is chimpanzee tracking. Accompanied by experienced guides, trek through the forest to observe and learn about wild chimpanzee behavior. The experience offers a unique opportunity to witness these fascinating primates in their natural habitat, making it a memorable adventure for wildlife enthusiasts.


Gombe National Park Birdwatching Safari

Gombe’s lush forests and lakeshore provide excellent birdwatching opportunities. Look for various bird species, including fish eagles, kingfishers, and African fishers. With over 200 bird species recorded in the area, birdwatchers can enjoy a diverse and vibrant avian community amidst the stunning natural scenery.

Primate Observation

Gombe National Park Primate Observation Safari

Apart from chimpanzees, Gombe is home to red colobus monkeys, olive baboons, and vervet monkeys. Spend time observing and learning about these primates. Each species offers unique behaviors and social structures, providing a deeper understanding of primate ecology and the rich biodiversity of Gombe.

Hiking and Trekking

Gombe National Park Hiking and Trekking Safari

Explore the park’s forested terrain by embarking on hiking and trekking trails that offer a chance to experience the stunning landscapes, valleys, and dense forests. These trails provide not only a physical challenge but also an immersive journey through the heart of Gombe’s natural beauty, where every step reveals a new facet of the park’s diverse ecosystem.

Boat Safaris

Gombe National Park Boat Safari

Take boat safaris on Lake Tanganyika. These excursions offer opportunities for relaxation, birdwatching, and viewing the park’s eastern boundary from the water. Enjoy the serene waters as you spot diverse aquatic bird species and gain a unique perspective of Gombe’s picturesque shoreline.

Jane Goodall's Research Station

Gombe National Park Jane Goodalls Research Station Safari

Visit the site of Jane Goodall’s original research station, which provides historical context about her groundbreaking studies on chimpanzees. This iconic location offers insights into her pioneering work, allowing visitors to appreciate the profound impact of her research on our understanding of primate behavior and conservation.

Swimming and Snorkeling

Gombe National Park Swimming and Snorkeling Safari

Enjoy swimming in the clear waters of Lake Tanganyika and explore underwater life through snorkeling. The crystal-clear waters reveal a vibrant world of aquatic life, providing an unforgettable experience for both relaxation and underwater adventure.

Community and Cultural Experiences

Gombe National Park Community and Cultural Experience Safari

Interact with local communities in the nearby area to gain insight into their traditions, daily life, and the importance of conservation efforts. Engaging with residents offers a meaningful cultural exchange and highlights the vital role of community involvement in preserving Gombe’s unique natural heritage.


Gombe National Park Photography Safari

Capture the park’s stunning landscapes, wildlife, and unique encounters. Gombe offers plenty of opportunities for wildlife and nature photography. From the lush forests and serene lakeshore to the diverse array of animals, every moment presents a chance to create memorable and breathtaking images.

Conservation Awareness

Gombe National Park Conservation Awareness Safari

Engage with park rangers and guides to learn about the ongoing conservation efforts in Gombe National Park and the challenges faced in preserving this unique ecosystem. Their firsthand insights provide a deeper understanding of the critical work being done to protect the park’s biodiversity and the collaborative efforts required to overcome these challenges.


Gombe National Park Stargazing Safari

In the evenings, the park’s remote location provides an excellent opportunity for stargazing. Enjoy the pristine night skies, free from light pollution, for a mesmerizing experience of celestial beauty and tranquility.


Foto by Andre Zacher

Take moments to relax and unwind in the tranquil surroundings, whether it’s by the lakeshore, in your tented camp, or within the park’s serene environments. Embrace the peaceful atmosphere to rejuvenate your spirit and savor the beauty of Gombe’s natural wonders.

Book Your Safari with Exodus Safaris

Benefit from our team's 20+ years of experience as we guide you in selecting the perfect African Gombe safari for your adventure

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Popular Gombe National Park Safaris


These recommended tours for Gombe National Park can be tailor-made to match your budget.

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Each Moment On Gombe Safaris Promises a Breathtaking Adventure

When is the best month to travel to Gombe National Park?

Gombe National Park in January

Gombe National Park Birdwatching Safari Package 1

  • Weather: January in Gombe National Park is generally warm, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 31°C (75°F to 88°F). It is a dry season with minimal rainfall.
  • Wildlife: This is a great time for chimpanzee tracking, as the dry weather makes it easier to navigate the park. You may also spot other primates, such as baboons and red colobus monkeys.
  • Events: No major events, but it’s an ideal time for a chimpanzee safari.

Gombe National Park in February

Gombe Park ape 2

  • Weather: Similar to January, February experiences warm and dry weather, making it comfortable for outdoor activities. Temperatures range from 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 90°F).
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking remains a highlight, and you might also encounter diverse bird species in the park during this period.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a combined chimpanzee and birdwatching safari.

Gombe National Park in March

Gombe Park ape

  • Weather: March continues with warm temperatures ranging from 24°C to 32°C (75°F to 90°F). The dry season persists, providing excellent conditions for wildlife exploration.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzees are still active, and you may witness other wildlife such as vervet monkeys and various bird species.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a general wildlife safari to explore the diverse fauna in the park.

Gombe National Park in April

Gombe Park woods

  • Weather: The weather starts to transition, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 31°C (75°F to 88°F). April marks the beginning of the wet season, so expect occasional showers.
  • Wildlife: While chimpanzee tracking remains possible, the lush vegetation may make it a bit challenging. Birdwatching becomes more rewarding during this period.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a birdwatching safari and explore the rich avian life in the park.

Gombe National Park in May

Gombe Park forest lodge 1

  • Weather: May sees an increase in rainfall, with temperatures ranging from 23°C to 30°C (73°F to 86°F). It’s the wet season, so be prepared for occasional showers.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking is still possible, and the park becomes greener and more vibrant. Birdwatching continues to be a rewarding activity.
  • Events: No major events, but May is ideal for a birdwatching safari amid the lush, green landscape.

Gombe National Park in June

Gombe Park boat

  • Weather: June is in the heart of the wet season, with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 29°C (72°F to 84°F). Expect frequent rainfall, creating a lush and verdant environment.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking may be challenging due to the rain, but the park’s beauty is enhanced by the vibrant flora. Birdwatching remains a highlight.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a photography safari to capture the park’s lush landscapes and diverse wildlife.

Gombe National Park in July

Gombe National Park Primate Observation Safari 1

  • Weather: July continues with the wet season, featuring temperatures from 21°C to 28°C (70°F to 82°F). Rainfall is still prevalent, maintaining the park’s lush scenery.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking might be a bit difficult, but the park teems with birdlife. This is also a good time for butterfly enthusiasts.
  • Events: No major events, but July is ideal for a nature-focused safari, appreciating the park’s biodiversity.

Gombe National Park in August

Gombe Park trail

  • Weather: August marks the end of the wet season, with temperatures ranging from 21°C to 28°C (70°F to 82°F). The weather starts to dry up, creating a transitional period.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking becomes more feasible as the rain subsides. The park is alive with bird activity, and other primates may be spotted.
  • Events: No major events, but August is great for a combined chimpanzee and general wildlife safari.

Gombe National Park in September

Gombe Park water

  • Weather: September is a transition month, with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 29°C (72°F to 84°F). It’s the beginning of the dry season, and the landscape starts to change.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking is excellent during this period, and other wildlife becomes more visible. Birdwatching remains rewarding.
  • Events: No major events, but September is ideal for a chimpanzee and wildlife safari, taking advantage of the improving weather conditions.

Gombe National Park in October

Gombe Park jakobsen s beach and 1

  • Weather: October is characterized by dry and warm weather, with temperatures ranging from 23°C to 30°C (73°F to 86°F). The dry season is in full swing.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking is at its peak, and the dry conditions make it easier to explore the park. Birdwatching remains a prominent activity.
  • Events: No major events, but October is perfect for a chimpanzee-focused safari, capturing the essence of the dry season.

Gombe National Park in November

Gombe Park ape 2 1

  • Weather: November still experiences dry and warm conditions, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 31°C (75°F to 88°F). The landscape remains dry and dusty.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking continues to be excellent, and other wildlife, including baboons and red colobus monkeys, are active.
  • Events: No major events, but November is suitable for a chimpanzee and primate safari, enjoying the lively behavior of the park’s inhabitants.

Gombe National Park in December

  • Gombe National Park Primate Observation Safari 2
  • Weather: December is similar to November, with dry and warm conditions. Temperatures range from 24°C to 31°C (75°F to 88°F), making it a pleasant time to visit.
  • Wildlife: Chimpanzee tracking remains a highlight, and the park’s fauna is in full view. Birdwatching is also rewarding during this period.
  • Events: No major events, but December is perfect for a well-rounded safari, combining chimpanzee tracking with birdwatching and general wildlife exploration.

Our Recommended Tours in Gombe National Park


These recommended tours for Gombe National Park can be tailor-made to match your budget.

Seeking One-of-a-Kind Gombe Safaris Experience?

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Big Cat Safaris in Africa

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Latest Feedback from Adventurers Who Organized and Reserved their Gombe
Expeditions through Exodus Safaris

FAQ about Gombe National Park Safaris

  • Yes, a permit is required for chimpanzee trekking. Permits help regulate the number of visitors and ensure the well-being of the chimpanzees.

  • Permits can be obtained through the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA) or with the help of a reputable tour operator. It's advisable to book your permit well in advance.

  • Yes, the park is home to a variety of wildlife, including red colobus monkeys, olive baboons, blue monkeys, and numerous bird species.

  • Yes, you can swim in Lake Tanganyika, which is known for its clear waters and beautiful beaches. However, be cautious and follow safety guidelines, as there are some risks associated with lake wildlife.

  • While you may not encounter Jane Goodall herself, you can witness the ongoing research efforts in the park. Researchers and staff often conduct fieldwork and are happy to share their knowledge and insights.

Gombe Forest Lodge

Gombe Park forest lodge

  • Location: Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania.
  • Price: Approximately $300 – $500 per person per night.
  • Description: Gombe Forest Lodge offers exclusive accommodations within Gombe Stream National Park. The lodge provides comfortable chalets or tents with stunning views of Lake Tanganyika. Guests can enjoy guided chimpanzee trekking, birdwatching, and boat safaris.

Tanganyika Beach Lodge

Gombe Park lake tanganyika hotel

  • Location: Kigoma, Tanzania (Approximately 2 hours from Gombe Stream National Park by boat).
  • Price: Approximately $150 – $300 per person per night.
  • Description: Tanganyika Beach Lodge offers beachfront accommodations along the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Guests can stay in well-appointed rooms or safari tents, enjoy delicious meals, and relax by the lake. The lodge also arranges boat transfers to Gombe Stream National Park.

Jakobsen's Beach & Guesthouse

Gombe Park jakobsen s beach and

  • Location: Kigoma, Tanzania (Approximately 2 hours from Gombe Stream National Park by boat).
  • Price: Approximately $50 – $100 per person per night.
  • Description: Jakobsen’s Beach & Guesthouse offers budget-friendly accommodations with a laid-back atmosphere. Guests can stay in simple rooms or beachfront cottages, enjoy homemade meals, and take advantage of the guesthouse’s boat services to Gombe Stream National Park.

Kigoma Hilltop Hotel

Gombe National Park Swimming and Snorkeling Safari 1

  • Location: Kigoma, Tanzania (Approximately 2 hours from Gombe Stream National Park by boat).
  • Price: Approximately $80 – $150 per person per night.
  • Description: Kigoma Hilltop Hotel provides comfortable accommodations overlooking Lake Tanganyika. Guests can relax in spacious rooms, dine at the on-site restaurant, and explore nearby attractions such as the Livingstone Museum and Ujiji town.

Kibirizi Eco Camp

Gombe Park kibirizi

  • Location: Kigoma, Tanzania (Approximately 2 hours from Gombe Stream National Park by boat).
  • Price: Approximately $30 – $80 per person per night.
  • Description: Kibirizi Eco Camp offers budget-friendly accommodations in a serene setting near Lake Tanganyika. Guests can stay in simple tents or traditional bandas, enjoy home-cooked meals, and unwind in nature after a day of exploring Gombe Stream National Park.

Holiday Styles and Options in Gombe National Park

Chimpanzee Trekking Safari

Gombe National Park Chimpanzee Trekking Safari

Focuses on tracking and observing wild chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Experienced guides lead small groups to ensure minimal disturbance to the primates, allowing for intimate and respectful encounters with these fascinating creatures in their forest home.

Bird Watching Safari

Gombe National Park Birdwatching Safari Package

Gombe National Park is home to a variety of bird species. Bird watching safaris cater to enthusiasts keen on spotting and identifying the park’s avian residents, offering a rich opportunity to observe and learn about the diverse birdlife thriving within this pristine ecosystem.

Nature Walking Safari

Gombe National Park Nature Walking Safari

Guided walks through the park to explore its diverse flora, fauna, and landscapes offer a more intimate experience with nature, including encounters with smaller wildlife and plants. These immersive journeys provide a deeper appreciation for the intricate ecosystems that make Gombe a haven for biodiversity enthusiasts.

Cultural Safaris

Gombe National Park Cultural Safari

Guided walks through the park to explore its diverse flora, fauna, and landscapes offer a more intimate experience with nature, including encounters with smaller wildlife and plants. These immersive journeys provide a deeper appreciation for the intricate ecosystems that make Gombe a haven for biodiversity enthusiasts.

Photographic Safaris

Gombe National Park Photographic Safari

Tailored for photography enthusiasts looking to capture the beauty of Gombe’s landscapes and wildlife, these tours include specialized guides who understand the nuances of wildlife photography. They provide insights and opportunities to photograph unique moments, ensuring participants can capture stunning images while respecting the natural behavior and habitats of the park’s inhabitants.

Fishing Safaris

Gombe National Park Fishing Safari

Lake Tanganyika offers opportunities for fishing safaris, where visitors can engage in angling while enjoying the scenic beauty of the lake and its surroundings. Whether seeking prized catches or simply enjoying the peaceful waters, it’s a serene experience that combines relaxation with the thrill of fishing in one of Africa’s great lakes.

Hiking and Trekking Safaris

Gombe National Park Hiking and Trekking Safari Package

Explore the park’s terrain through various hiking and trekking routes, which offer a combination of physical activity and wildlife observation. These adventures immerse visitors in the natural beauty of Gombe while providing opportunities to encounter diverse flora and fauna along the way.

Everything About the Gombe National Park Safaris

Chimpanzee Tracking

Chimpanzee Tracking

The primary highlight of Gombe National Park safaris is chimpanzee tracking. Experienced guides lead visitors on treks to observe and learn about wild chimpanzees in their natural habitat, providing unforgettable encounters with these fascinating primates amidst the lush forest surroundings.

Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife Viewing 1

In addition to chimpanzees, the park is home to other primates such as red colobus monkeys, olive baboons, vervet monkeys, and various bird species. This diversity of wildlife offers visitors a comprehensive experience of Gombe’s rich ecosystem and its vibrant inhabitants.

Trekking and Hiking

Gombe National Park Hiking and Trekking Safari 1

The park offers a network of trails that allow for hiking and trekking through the lush rainforest and steep valleys. These activities provide opportunities to explore the diverse landscapes, immersing visitors in the natural beauty and rugged terrain of Gombe National Park.


Photography and Birdwatching

Gombe is a paradise for birdwatchers. The park’s diverse habitats host a wide range of avian species, making it a rewarding destination for bird enthusiasts to observe and appreciate the rich diversity of birdlife in its natural setting.

Boat Safaris

Boat Safaris

Lake Tanganyika offers the chance for boat safaris, with activities like swimming, snorkeling, and observing aquatic life. It’s an ideal way to experience the park’s eastern boundary, providing a unique perspective and unforgettable encounters with the lake’s vibrant underwater world.

Lake Tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika

The park’s eastern boundary is defined by Lake Tanganyika, one of Africa’s Great Lakes. Visitors can enjoy the lakeshore, swim, and relax on its scenic beaches, offering a tranquil retreat amidst stunning natural surroundings.

Jane Goodall's Research

Jane Goodalls Research

Visit the historic site of Jane Goodall’s original research station, providing context about her groundbreaking studies on chimpanzees. This iconic location offers a glimpse into the pioneering research that revolutionized our understanding of primate behavior and conservation efforts in Gombe National Park.

Cultural Interactions

Gombe National Park Community and Cultural Experience Safari 1

Engage in cultural interactions with local communities, learning about their traditions and participating in activities such as traditional dances and craft workshops. These experiences provide a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage surrounding Gombe National Park, fostering mutual understanding and connection with the local way of life.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation Fees

Learn about the conservation initiatives in the park and the ongoing research efforts to protect chimpanzees and their habitat. Engage with knowledgeable guides and researchers to understand the challenges and successes of these efforts, gaining insight into the critical work being done to safeguard Gombe’s biodiversity for future generations.

Campsites and Accommodations

Campsite and Accomodation

Gombe National Park offers basic campsites for those who prefer camping, as well as comfortable accommodations in lodges and tented camps with varying levels of luxury. Whether you seek a rustic outdoor experience under the stars or prefer the convenience of modern amenities amidst the wilderness, Gombe caters to diverse preferences for a memorable stay in this remarkable natural setting.

Conservation Fees

Gombe National Park Conservation Awareness Safari 1

Be aware of the park’s entry fees and conservation charges, which contribute directly to the preservation of Gombe National Park. These fees support vital conservation efforts, ensuring the protection of wildlife habitats and sustainable tourism practices within this pristine environment.

Customized Experiences


The Ngorongoro Crater, originally a massive volcano, is the world’s largest preserved crater. Some say it would have been higher than Africa’s highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, before it erupted, leaving behind the spectacular caldera that we see today.