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Kwando Concession Safaris

The ultimate guide to your next Kwando Concession Safari

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An Overview about Kwando Concession Safari

Kwando Concession Travel Birdwatching

Exodus Safaris gladly presents Kwando Concession Safaris, an exclusive opportunity to explore the untamed wilderness of the Kwando Concession in Botswana. Situated in the northeastern part of the country, the Kwando Concession is a vast and remote area teeming with wildlife, encompassing diverse landscapes ranging from floodplains and savannahs to woodlands and riverine forests. With a commitment to responsible tourism and conservation, Kwando Concession Safaris curated by Exodus Safaris offer travelers a chance to experience the raw beauty and rich biodiversity of Botswana.

Undertaking a Kwando Concession Safari with Exodus Safaris promises an unforgettable adventure filled with thrilling wildlife encounters and stunning scenery. Led by experienced guides with intimate knowledge of the concession, participants embark on game drives, boat safaris, and walking safaris, allowing for close encounters with a variety of species including elephants, lions, leopards, and hippos.

From sunrise to sunset, Kwando Concession Safaris offer travelers the chance to witness the drama of the African wilderness unfold, whether it’s tracking predators on the hunt, observing herds of elephants at watering holes, or marveling at the vibrant birdlife that inhabits the concession. With comfortable accommodations and personalized service, Kwando Concession Safaris with Exodus Safaris provide a truly immersive and enriching safari experience that celebrates the natural beauty and rich biodiversity of Botswana’s Kwando Concession.

Why Go on Kwando Concession Travel Safari

What to Do on the Kwando Concession Travel Safari

Game Drives

Kwando Concession Travel Game Drives

Embark on morning and afternoon game drives in open 4×4 vehicles with experienced guides to spot and photograph the diverse wildlife, including lions, leopards, elephants, African wild dogs, and various antelope species. Marvel at the breathtaking landscapes as you traverse the savannah, and relish the unique opportunity to witness the raw beauty of nature up close. Whether you’re an avid photographer or a nature enthusiast, these guided safaris promise unforgettable encounters with Africa’s iconic animals.


Kwando Concession Travel Safaris Birdwatching Safari

Kwando Concession is a birdwatcher’s paradise with a multitude of avian species. Explore the concession with your binoculars and field guide to observe and identify various birds, from colorful bee-eaters to majestic raptors. Enjoy the serene environment as you listen to the melodic calls and watch the fascinating behaviors of these feathered wonders.

Boat Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Boat Safari

Explore the waterways of the Kwando River on boat safaris, where you can observe hippos, crocodiles, and other aquatic creatures up close. Enjoy the scenic beauty along the riverbanks, with lush vegetation and a variety of birdlife adding to the enchanting atmosphere. These water-based adventures offer a unique perspective on the diverse ecosystem of the Kwando Concession.

Walking Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Walking Safaris

Guided walking safaris provide an opportunity to get closer to the environment, track wildlife, and learn about the smaller, often overlooked aspects of the ecosystem. Discover fascinating details about plant life, insects, and animal tracks, while gaining a deeper appreciation for the intricate balance of nature. These walks offer an intimate and immersive way to experience the wilderness.


Kwando Concession Travel Fishing Safaris

Try your hand at fishing in the concession’s waterways, where the region is renowned for its tigerfish and tilapia. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a novice, this activity offers a rewarding and relaxing way to enjoy the natural surroundings. Cast your line and relish the thrill of catching these prized fish amidst the tranquil beauty of the Kwando Concession.


The diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife make Kwando Concession an ideal setting for wildlife photography. Capture stunning images of majestic animals in their natural habitat and the breathtaking scenery that surrounds them. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an enthusiastic hobbyist, the opportunities for exceptional shots are endless.

Cultural Interactions

Kwando Concession Travel Cultural Interactions

The diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife make Kwando Concession an ideal setting for wildlife photography. Capture stunning images of majestic animals in their natural habitat and the breathtaking scenery that surrounds them. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an enthusiastic hobbyist, the opportunities for exceptional shots are endless, with every moment offering a new, awe-inspiring subject.

Conservation Education

Kwando Concession Travel Conservation Education

Many safari operators in the concession emphasize the importance of wildlife conservation. Learn about the ongoing conservation efforts and support initiatives aimed at protecting the region’s rich biodiversity. By participating, you contribute to preserving this unique ecosystem for future generations.


Kwando Concession Travel Relaxation

Take some time to relax in the serene surroundings, unwinding in your luxurious lodge or camp while enjoying the sounds of the wilderness. Let the tranquil ambiance soothe your senses as you bask in the comfort and beauty of your natural surroundings. This is the perfect opportunity to recharge and fully immerse yourself in the peaceful environment.

Star Gazing

Kwando Concession Travel Stargazing

The remote location offers excellent stargazing opportunities. At night, take in the clear, starry skies and marvel at celestial objects not easily visible in more urban areas. Enjoy the breathtaking views of constellations, planets, and the Milky Way, making for an unforgettable nocturnal experience.

Botanical Exploration

Kwando Concession Travel Botanical Exploration

Botany enthusiasts can explore the region’s unique plant species, many of which have adapted to challenging conditions such as arid climates and nutrient-poor soils. Discover a diverse array of flora, from resilient desert succulents to rare endemic species, and learn about their fascinating adaptations and ecological roles within the Kwando Concession’s ecosystem.

Adventure Activities

Kwando Concession Travel Adventure Activities

In addition to traditional safaris, the concession often provides activities like quad biking, depending on the specific operator and accommodations. Explore the rugged terrain and expansive landscapes in a thrilling adventure that complements the classic safari experience, offering a different perspective on the diverse ecosystem of the Kwando Concession.

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Selecting the perfect Kwando Concession Safari for you

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Popular Kwando Concession Travel Safaris


These recommended tours for Kwando Concession Travel can be tailor-made to match your budget.

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Each Moment On Kwando Concession Safaris Promises a Breathtaking Adventure

When is the best month to travel to Kwando Concession ?

Kwando Concession Travel in January

  • Weather: The weather in January is typically warm in the Kwando Concession, with temperatures ranging from 22°C to 34°C (72°F to 93°F). It is the rainy season, so expect occasional showers.
  • Wildlife: January is a great time for birdwatching as migratory birds are present. The vegetation is lush, and you can spot a variety of animals near water sources.
  • Events: No major events, but it’s an ideal time for a birdwatching safari and to witness the vibrant green landscapes.

Kwando Concession in February

  • Weather: Similar to January, February maintains warm temperatures ranging from 22°C to 34°C (72°F to 93°F). Rainfall may continue, contributing to the greenery.
  • Wildlife: The abundance of water and vegetation makes February a good time for birdwatching and observing herbivores and their newborns.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a wildlife photography safari to capture the thriving flora and fauna.
tanz feb calves

Kwando Concession in March

  • Weather: The temperatures remain warm, ranging from 21°C to 32°C (70°F to 89°F). The rainy season continues, ensuring lush landscapes.
  • Wildlife: March is excellent for wildlife viewing as animals congregate around water sources. It’s a prime time to see predators hunting.
  • Events: No major events, but March is ideal for a classic game drive safari to witness the diverse wildlife.
tanz mar ngorongoro

Kwando Concession in April

  • Weather: April sees a decrease in rainfall, and temperatures range from 18°C to 30°C (64°F to 86°F). The landscape starts to dry up.
  • Wildlife: This transitional period offers good wildlife sightings as animals move around seeking water. It’s a great time for both predators and herbivores.
  • Events: No major events, but consider a walking safari to explore the changing scenery up close.

Kwando Concession in May

  • Weather: May marks the beginning of the dry season, with temperatures ranging from 16°C to 28°C (61°F to 82°F). The landscape becomes drier.
  • Wildlife: With the water sources diminishing, animals concentrate around remaining waterholes, providing excellent game viewing opportunities.
  • Events: No major events, but May is ideal for a combination of game drives and boat safaris to observe wildlife from different perspectives.

Kwando Concession in June

  • Weather: June is the start of the dry season, with temperatures ranging from 12°C to 25°C (54°F to 77°F). It’s a cool and comfortable time to visit.
  • Wildlife: The dry season concentrates wildlife around permanent water sources, making June ideal for spotting large herds and predators.
  • Events: No major events, but June is perfect for a traditional game drive safari with a focus on big game.

Kwando Concession in July

  • Weather: July continues the dry season, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 24°C (50°F to 75°F). It’s a cool and dry period.
  • Wildlife: The dry landscape enhances wildlife visibility, and July is a prime time for big cat sightings. The game viewing is exceptional.
  • Events: No major events, but July is perfect for a predator-focused safari to witness the drama of the savannah.

Kwando Concession in August

  • Weather: August remains dry, with temperatures ranging from 12°C to 27°C (54°F to 81°F). It’s a comfortable time for daytime activities.
  • Wildlife: The dry conditions persist, leading to excellent game viewing. August is known for large herds of elephants and other herbivores.
  • Events: No major events, but consider an elephant-focused safari to witness the majestic herds.

Kwando Concession in September

  • Weather: September is the tail end of the dry season, with temperatures ranging from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F). It’s still a dry and comfortable period.
  • Wildlife: As water sources diminish, wildlife congregates around remaining waterholes, providing fantastic opportunities for game viewing.
  • Events: No major events, but September is ideal for a birdwatching and general wildlife safari as many species gather near water.

Kwando Concession in October

  • Weather: October sees a transition to the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 18°C to 32°C (64°F to 89°F). Showers may begin.
  • Wildlife: This transitional period offers a mix of dry and wet season wildlife, providing diverse sightings. It’s a good time for birdwatching.
  • Events: No major events, but October is perfect for a mixed safari experience, combining both dry and wet season characteristics.

Kwando Concession in November

  • Weather: November is the start of the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 34°C (68°F to 93°F). Showers become more frequent.
  • Wildlife: The rains rejuvenate the landscape, and animals give birth to their young. It’s a unique time for observing the circle of life.
  • Events: No major events, but November is ideal for a green season safari to witness the renewal of the ecosystem.
tanz nov waterhole

Kwando Concession in December

  • Weather: December continues the rainy season, with temperatures ranging from 21°C to 34°C (70°F to 93°F). It’s a warm and wet period.
  • Wildlife: The lush vegetation and abundant water sources make December a great time for birdwatching and observing newborn animals.
  • Events: No major events, but December is perfect for a birdwatching and green season safari to appreciate the vibrant ecosystem.
tanz dec ellie

Our Recommended Tours in Kwando Concession Travel


These recommended tours for Kwando Concession Travel can be tailor-made to match your budget.

Seeking One-of-a-Kind Kwando Concession Safaris Experience?

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Big Cat Safaris in Africa
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Honeymoons in Africa

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Honeymoons in Africa

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Big Cat Safaris in Africa

Why travel with us?

Latest Feedback from Adventurers Who Organized and Reserved their Kwando Concession
Expeditions through Exodus Safaris

FAQ about Kwando Concession Safaris

  • Kwando Concession is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, African wild dogs, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous bird species.

  • Safari activities include game drives, birdwatching, boat safaris, walking safaris, fishing, and cultural interactions with local communities.

  • Yes, Kwando Concession is a safe and well-managed wildlife conservation area. Visitors are accompanied by experienced guides and rangers on safari activities.
  • Self-drive safaris are generally not allowed within Kwando Concession, as the area is managed by private operators who offer guided experiences.

  • The concession places a strong emphasis on wildlife conservation and sustainable tourism. Many operators are actively involved in conservation initiatives.

  • Most visitors reach Kwando Concession by flying into airports in Maun or Kasane and then taking a charter flight to the concession's airstrip.

  • It's recommended to pack lightweight, neutral-colored clothing, comfortable walking shoes, a hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, binoculars, a camera, and any specific medical necessities.

5 Best Accommodations While On Kwando Concession Safaris

Kwando Lagoon Cam

  • Location: Kwando Concession, Botswana.
  • Price: Approximately $600 – $1200 per person per night.
  • Description: Kwando Lagoon Camp offers luxury tented accommodations overlooking the Kwando River. Guests can enjoy game drives, boat safaris, and walking safaris led by expert guides to explore the diverse habitats and wildlife of the concession.

Lebala Camp

  • Location: Kwando Concession, Botswana.
  • Price: Approximately $600 – $1200 per person per night.
  • Description: Lebala Camp provides luxurious tented suites set amidst open plains and floodplains. Guests can experience thrilling game drives, night drives, and bush walks to encounter predators and other wildlife species in their natural habitat.

Kwara Camp

  • Location: Kwando Concession, Botswana.
  • Price: Approximately $600 – $1200 per person per night.
  • Description: Kwara Camp offers stylish tented accommodations overlooking the Okavango Delta floodplains. Guests can enjoy a range of safari activities, including mokoro excursions, motorboat safaris, and guided walks, to discover the region’s diverse wildlife and landscapes.

Splash Camp

  • Location: Kwando Concession, Botswana.
  • Price: Approximately $600 – $1200 per person per night.
  • Description: Splash Camp features luxury tented suites with panoramic views of the Okavango Delta. Guests can embark on game drives, boat safaris, and birdwatching outings to observe the abundant wildlife and birdlife thriving in the concession’s pristine habitats.

Nxai Pan Camp

  • Location: Kwando Concession, Botswana.
  • Price: Approximately $600 – $1200 per person per night.
  • Description: Nxai Pan Camp offers elegant tented accommodations overlooking the vast Nxai Pan National Park. Guests can enjoy guided game drives, nature walks, and cultural visits to local communities to experience the unique ecosystems and wildlife of the region.

Types of Kwando Concession Travel Safaris

Classic Game Drives

Kwando Concession Travel Safaris Classic Game Drives

These are the traditional safari experiences in open 4×4 vehicles with expert guides, providing the best opportunities for spotting big game such as lions, leopards, and elephants. Immerse yourself in the thrill of encountering these majestic animals up close while enjoying the expertise and knowledge of seasoned guides who enhance your wildlife viewing experience.

Night Game Drives

Kwando Concession Travel Safaris Night Game Drives

Night safaris allow you to observe nocturnal wildlife and predators that are more active after dark. You may see creatures like leopards, hyenas, and owls.

Walking Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Walking Safaris

Guided walking safaris offer a more intimate and up-close experience with the environment. Expert guides lead you on trails to explore the flora, fauna, and tracks of wildlife.

Birdwatching Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Birdwatching

Kwando Concession is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with numerous bird species. Specialized birdwatching safaris are designed to spot and identify a variety of avian species.

Boat Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Boat Safari

Explore the waterways of the Kwando River and nearby marshes on boat safaris. This is an excellent way to see hippos, crocodiles, and waterfowl.

Fishing Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Fishing

Kwando Concession is known for its tigerfish and tilapia. Enjoy fishing safaris with experienced guides to try your hand at catching these popular fish.

Cultural Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Cultural Safaris

Engage with local communities to learn about their traditions, customs, and daily life through cultural safaris. These experiences provide valuable insight into the rich heritage of the region, offering opportunities to interact with community members, participate in traditional activities, and gain a deeper understanding of their way of life. It’s a chance to forge meaningful connections and appreciate the cultural diversity that enriches the Kwando Concession.

Photography Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Photography

Kwando Concession offers outstanding opportunities for wildlife photography. Specialized photography safaris cater specifically to photographers, providing optimal positions and dedicated guidance to capture remarkable images of the region’s diverse wildlife. Whether you’re a professional photographer or an avid enthusiast, these safaris ensure you have the best conditions and opportunities to create stunning photographs that showcase the beauty and majesty of the Kwando Concession’s wildlife.

Conservation Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Conservation Safaris

Learn about the conservation efforts in Kwando Concession through specialized safaris that may include visits to conservation centers, interactions with researchers, and a deeper understanding of the region’s conservation initiatives. Gain insights into the challenges and successes of preserving the area’s biodiversity, and contribute to sustainable tourism practices that support these important efforts. It’s an opportunity to be part of conservation education and action while exploring the natural wonders of the Kwando Concession.

Luxury Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Luxury Safari

Experience Kwando Concession in opulence with luxury safaris that offer premium accommodations, gourmet dining, private game drives, and personalized itineraries. Immerse yourself in unparalleled comfort and service while exploring the pristine wilderness, with expert guides providing exclusive insights into the region’s wildlife and ecosystems. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or both, luxury safaris in Kwando Concession promise a truly indulgent and unforgettable African safari experience.

Budget Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Budget Safari

For travelers on a budget, budget safaris in Kwando Concession provide cost-effective options that include basic accommodations, group tours, and more affordable activities. Explore the stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife of the region while minimizing costs, making it accessible for a wider range of adventurers. These safaris still offer memorable experiences and opportunities to encounter Africa’s iconic animals, ensuring an enriching safari experience without breaking the bank.

Family Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Family Safaris

Some safari operators in Kwando Concession offer family-friendly safaris tailored to the interests and needs of families traveling with children. These safaris often include accommodations and activities that cater to all ages, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. From guided wildlife tours designed to educate and engage young adventurers to comfortable lodging options and child-friendly dining, families can create lasting memories while exploring the wonders of the African wilderness together.

Adventure Safaris

Kwando Concession Travel Adventure Safaris

Adventure seekers in Kwando Concession can enjoy activities like quad biking, canoeing, and guided bushwalks, adding an adrenaline rush to their safari experience. Navigate rugged terrain on quad bikes, paddle along scenic waterways in canoes, and explore the wilderness on foot with experienced guides. These thrilling activities provide a different perspective on the landscape and wildlife, offering unforgettable adventures amidst the pristine beauty of the African bush.

Everything About the Kwando Concession Travel Safaris

Kwando Concession

Kwando Concession

The Kwando Concession, situated in the Okavango Delta region of Botswana, is renowned for its exceptional wildlife and stunning landscapes. Here’s an overview of what you need to know about safaris in the Kwando Concession:


Explore vast floodplains, dense forests, and winding waterways teeming with diverse wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, and rare bird species. Safari experiences here range from traditional game drives to thrilling activities like quad biking and guided bushwalks, ensuring there’s something for every adventurer to enjoy in this biodiverse paradise.



Located in the heart of the Okavango Delta in Botswana, the Kwando Concession is a pristine wilderness area renowned for its exceptional biodiversity and stunning natural beauty. Nestled amidst vast floodplains, seasonal marshes, and dense woodlands, this exclusive concession spans across an expansive landscape rich in wildlife. The region is home to a variety of iconic African species, including elephants, lions, leopards, and a myriad of bird species. The Kwando River meanders through the concession, adding to its allure and providing essential water sources for the abundant wildlife.

Unique Biodiversity

Unique Biodiversity

The Kwando Concession is celebrated for its diverse ecosystems, including lush riverine forests, expansive floodplains, and sweeping savannas. These habitats provide a rich and varied environment that supports a wide variety of wildlife, from majestic elephants and elusive leopards to vibrant bird species and unique flora. This pristine wilderness area in the Okavango Delta region of Botswana offers visitors unparalleled opportunities to observe and appreciate the interconnected beauty of nature, making it a prime destination for unforgettable safari experiences and wildlife conservation efforts.



The region is home to an impressive array of wildlife, making the Kwando Concession a biodiversity hotspot within the Okavango Delta region of Botswana. Here, you can encounter elephants, iconic big cats such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs, as well as wild dogs, buffalo, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous species of antelope. This diversity of species thrives across varied habitats like riverine forests, floodplains, and savannas, offering visitors unparalleled opportunities for wildlife viewing and conservation appreciation in their natural habitats.



Birdwatchers will be enthralled by the diverse birdlife in the Kwando Concession, which boasts over 400 recorded species. Among them are the majestic African fish eagles, graceful herons, vibrant kingfishers, and colorful bee-eaters. Whether exploring the riverine forests, traversing the floodplains, or observing from the savannas, this biodiverse haven offers a captivating experience for bird enthusiasts, promising sightings of both endemic and migratory species against the backdrop of Botswana’s pristine wilderness.



Safari activities in the Kwando Concession include game drives, walking safaris, boat safaris, and mokoro (dugout canoe) excursions. These diverse activities offer unique ways to explore the wilderness, whether you prefer the excitement of tracking wildlife on a game drive, the intimate experience of a walking safari to uncover hidden treasures, the tranquility of gliding along waterways on a boat safari, or the cultural immersion of a mokoro excursion guided by local expertise. Each adventure promises unforgettable encounters with the natural beauty and wildlife of this remarkable African landscape.



The region offers remarkable photography opportunities, with its diverse landscapes, abundant wildlife, and vibrant birdlife providing perfect subjects for photography enthusiasts. Capture breathtaking scenes of sunsets over floodplains, close-up portraits of iconic animals like elephants and big cats, and the vibrant colors of bird species in their natural habitats. Some operators even offer specialized photography safaris tailored to help you capture the best shots, ensuring an unforgettable photographic experience in the Kwando Concession.

Best Time to Visit

Best Time to Visit

The dry season, from May to October, is widely regarded as the best time for wildlife viewing in the Kwando Concession. During this period, the scarcity of rain concentrates animals around water sources, making sightings more predictable and frequent. September and October, towards the end of the dry season, are especially optimal for game viewing as vegetation thins out, providing clearer views and enhancing the chances of encountering a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, big cats, and numerous antelope species.

Wet Season

Wet Season

The wet season in the Kwando Concession, from November to April, transforms the landscape with lush vegetation and vibrant greenery, creating a picturesque setting ideal for birdwatching and photography. This time of year is marked by seasonal rains that replenish water sources, attracting a plethora of bird species and providing excellent opportunities for birdwatchers to observe both resident and migratory birds in their element. Additionally, some animals give birth during this period, adding a unique aspect to safari experiences as you may witness newborns and their interactions with their surroundings.



Accommodation options in the Kwando Concession range from luxurious lodges offering premium amenities and personalized service to more budget-friendly campsites and guesthouses. Whether you prefer the comfort and exclusivity of a lodge with scenic views and gourmet dining, or the rustic charm of a campsite under starlit skies, there are choices to suit every traveler’s preferences and budget. Each option provides a unique experience immersed in the natural beauty and wildlife of this captivating African wilderness, ensuring a memorable stay amidst Botswana’s pristine landscapes.

Private Concession Areas

Private Concessation Areas

Some lodges in the Kwando Concession boast private concession areas, providing guests with exclusive and uncrowded wildlife viewing experiences. These secluded areas ensure that visitors can enjoy intimate encounters with Africa’s iconic animals, such as elephants, lions, and leopards, without the distractions of larger tourist groups. This exclusivity allows for a more personalized safari adventure, where the sights and sounds of the wilderness can be fully appreciated in a tranquil and undisturbed setting.

Cultural Experiences

Cultural Experience

Cultural interactions with local communities, particularly the San Bushmen, can be arranged in the Kwando Concession, offering a unique opportunity to gain insight into traditional cultures and lifestyles. Engage in authentic experiences such as guided tours led by community members, storytelling sessions around the campfire, and demonstrations of traditional hunting techniques and crafts. These interactions foster mutual understanding and appreciation, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region while supporting sustainable tourism practices that benefit local communities.

Conservation and Sustainability

Conservation and Sustainability

Many operators in the Kwando Concession are dedicated to conservation and responsible tourism practices, actively supporting wildlife preservation and community development initiatives. They collaborate with local communities to promote sustainable livelihoods and protect natural resources, ensuring that tourism activities contribute positively to the conservation of the area’s biodiversity. Through education, community engagement, and responsible management of tourism activities, these operators strive to create a harmonious balance between wildlife conservation, cultural preservation, and economic growth in the region.



The Kwando Concession is generally considered a safe destination for tourists. However, it is important to follow safety guidelines provided by guides and lodge staff, particularly when engaging in activities in the wild. Always heed the advice of experienced guides regarding wildlife encounters and adhere to designated pathways and safety protocols during game drives, walking safaris, and other outdoor activities. By respecting the natural environment and following local guidelines, visitors can enjoy a safe and memorable safari experience in the Kwando Concession.