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Top 10 Best Things to Do in Botswana

Discover the best things to do in Botswana, from thrilling safaris in the Okavango Delta to cultural encounters in Maun and Chobe National Park. Explore this diverse country’s natural beauty and rich wildlife for an unforgettable African adventure.

Botswana is one of Africa’s most diverse countries and boasts many things for visitors to see and do. From the Okavango Delta, one of the world’s largest inland deltas, to Tsodilo Hills, where you can sleep under a baobab tree or visit local villages on sightseeing tours, there’s something here for everyone.

Enjoy the birds and beasts of Moremi Game Reserve.

The Moremi Game Reserve is a great place to see animals. The reserve has wide-open spaces, making it an ideal habitat for lions, elephants, giraffes, crocodiles, and hippos.

The area also boasts one of Africa’s most impressive avifauna: over 1,000 species have been recorded in this unique ecosystem. You’ll find many birds here, including bustards (gargantuan birds with long necks), eagles, and vultures that soar high above their surroundings; ducks swim around lakes while larks sing from trees along riverside paths; ostriches graze on lawns or roam through grasslands; ostriches are very friendly but can be pretty dangerous if pushed into a corner.

Marvel at Africa’s largest inland delta ( Okavango).

The Okavango Delta is the largest inland delta in the world, with an area of more than 3,000 square miles. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and leopards. It’s also an ideal spot for bird watchers—it contains over 400 species!

If you’re looking for something more active than watching nature at play (though we still recommend it!), why not try on one of our luxury safari tents? These comfortable accommodations have all the comforts of home—including private bathrooms and kitchens stocked with food supplies so you can save money while on tour!

Go tiger fishing in the Okavango River.

Tiger fishing is a traditional way of catching fish in Botswana. It involves using a long pole to spear the fish, or “tiger,” as it’s known locally. This method is used by locals and tourists throughout Botswana, including at various river mouths with significant populations of these majestic animals.

Tiger fishing may be popular because it enables you to catch big games without using bait—just your bare hands! In addition, tiger fishing is an environmentally friendly way of harvesting food: no nets needed (unless you want them), no chemicals needed (unless someone else has left their sunscreen on the beach) and little waste compared with commercial fishing practices.

Admire the Makgadikgadi Pans.

The Makgadikgadi Pans is a salt flat in Botswana that is home to many wildlife species. The pans are one of the most extensive salt flats in the world and have been designated as protected areas by the government, so you’ll need to be careful when exploring them.

The pans are located near Seronera, which is about 170 kilometers south of Gaborone. You should plan on spending at least two days here if you want to see everything that they have to offer.

Sleep under a baobab tree.

You’ll have the opportunity to sleep under a baobab tree. Baobabs are large, strong trees that can grow up to 30 meters tall and live for thousands of years. Their fruit is edible and used to make a drink called makgadikgadi.

While there aren’t many baobabs left in Botswana (the country’s name means “place of many trees”), you can still visit one as part of your trip—and you might even get lucky enough to see some wildlife while you’re there!

Learn how to throw a spear.

A spear is a long tool used by African hunters and warriors. The spear has been around since prehistoric times, but it only became popular in Africa after Europeans arrived on the continent.

The history of throwing spears is closely tied to their use as weapons of war and hunting. Spear-throwing competitions are held at international events like the World Games, where athletes compete against one another using handmade spears made from materials such as wood or bamboo (the latter being more expensive).

The tradition continues today with local games such as Khoi gwaarenga, where young boys learn how to throw spears before becoming men who hunt animals for food or trade them with other villages for goods like salt or cloths made out of animal skins!

Go on a photo safari.

The best way to experience the beauty of Botswana is by seeing it through your camera lens. On a photo safari, you’ll get an up-close look at animals and their habitats and people from all over Africa.

When taking photos, you need to be aware of several things:

  • What kind of equipment do I need? Do I want to film or digital? Will I take pictures manually (with a camera) or automatically (with a DSLR camera)? You can find out what type of camera suits your needs at any reputable travel store, such as those listed on TripAdvisor or Lonely Planet’s website; make sure that whatever brand/model number you choose is within reasonable budget limits so that there’s no pressure when it comes time for payment!
  • How should my subject matter be framed? Will it look better if shot vertically or horizontally? Are there any nearby props that would complement this particular scene perfectly if placed strategically behind our subject matter?”

Explore the Orapa Diamond Mine.

Exploring its rich history is one of the best ways to experience Botswana. The Orapa Diamond Mine is one of Africa’s most famous diamond mines and is located in southern Botswana.

De Beers’ exploration team initially discovered the mine in 1967, but it wasn’t until 1978 that they started extracting diamonds from the ground at Orapa. Nowadays, over 300 million carats have been produced here since then! The process involves drilling deep into bedrock with high-powered explosives before extracting diamonds from both sides of each blast hole—which takes about three months from start to finish!

Visit a local village.

One of my favorite things in Botswana is visiting a local village. It’s an experience that will allow you to get close to the locals and learn about their culture. You can also try some local food and meet the people who live there, which will make for an unforgettable experience.

Do Some Soul-Searching at Tsodilo Hills.

Tsodilo Hills is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to several rock art sites. The hills are also home to the San tribe, who have lived there for thousands of years.

The San people comprise about 1% of Botswana’s population but hold most leadership roles in government and business. They are known for their fantastic artwork, including carvings on rock faces at Tsodilo Hills dating back over 100,000 years!


In conclusion, Botswana offers an array of unforgettable experiences, from thrilling safaris in the Okavango Delta to cultural explorations in Maun and wildlife encounters in Chobe National Park. Whether exploring its natural wonders or immersing in local culture, Botswana promises enriching adventures that showcase the best of Africa’s diverse landscapes and wildlife.


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