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What You Should Bring on a Safari – Safari Essentials (and Not-so-essentials)

What You Should Bring on a Safari

Discover safari essentials and optional items to bring on a safari with our comprehensive guide. Prepare for your wildlife adventure with tips on packing for comfort, safety, and optimal enjoyment in Africa’s wilderness

A safari is a trip of a lifetime. You’ll see amazing animals, learn about their natural habitat and lifestyle, and maybe even get to touch or feed them. But it’s not just about the wildlife—there are plenty of other things you should consider before going on a safari. Here are some essentials for your trip:

Lightweight, comfortable clothing

  • Wear loose clothes and light.
  • Bring comfortable shoes.
  • Bring a hat.
  • Bring sunscreen and insect repellent.

Sunscreen and a hat

Sunscreen is a must. You don’t want to burn, and you don’t want to get sunburnt. If you’re going on a safari, bring sunscreen with at least SPF 30. The best kind of sunscreen for the people at your party will depend on where they are going and what activities they’ll be doing.

For example, suppose one member of your group wants to go swimming in an African river but knows he might get splashed by some hippos nearby. In that case, that person may prefer using an oil-free lotion instead of liquid or cream because it would be harder for them (or anyone else) to get too much water into their eyes after getting wet from swimming in a river, followed by getting splashed by hippos.

Binoculars and Camera

If you’re planning on seeing animals in the distance, or if you want to take some great pictures of landscapes and people, here are some essentials:

  • Binoculars. You’ll need them to see how far away the animals are and whether they’re moving or not.
  • Camera. It is an obvious one! You don’t want a bad photo when it comes time for all of your friends/family members who aren’t in Africa with you (or even just one) to see what amazing things their loved ones did while they were there—and trust me, this will happen more often than not.

Mosquito net and insect repellent

A mosquito net is an absolute must-have for any safari.

Mosquito nets are a great way to keep the bugs away while you sleep, and they can be used over your head or draped over you in bed. The best part? They’re lightweight, so they won’t weigh down your pack as a heavier blanket might do. If you’re going on a short hike, opt for one that folds up into itself when not in use (like this one). You may also consider using bug spray insect repellent throughout the day when mosquitoes aren’t around—it’s always better safe than sorry.

Water bottle and water purification tablets if needed

You should bring a water bottle and some water purification tablets if you plan to drink the river or lake water.

If you have to drink untreated water, it’s recommended that you use one of these tablets as soon as possible after getting into the vehicle (or even before). They’ll help kill any bacteria in these lakes or rivers.

Medicines, first-aid kit, insect bite cream, antiseptic cream

Medicines, first-aid kits, and insect bite creams are all important items on your safari.

  • Medicines: You should bring a personal medication list with you and a list of medicines that you can buy in the local pharmacy. Check with your doctor before taking any new medication and perform any necessary tests or scans. If you are using the same type of medicine for an existing condition, make sure it is ok for travel and note how long it will take for these drugs to wear off (and whether there are any restrictions).
  • First Aid Kits: A good first aid kit should include: scissors, tweezers (for removing splinters), bandages (bandage tape would also work), plasters/dressings (should be waterproof), antiseptic cream such as chlorhexidine gluconate 0.1% ointment or hydrocortisone 0.5% cream applied twice daily until healed up; analgesics such as paracetamol 500mg tablets or ibuprofen 200mg tablets applied three times daily until healed up.

Emergency radio beacon

An emergency radio beacon is a small device that can send distress signals in an emergency. It’s important to know how to use them, especially if you’re going on a safari and don’t want to become stranded by yourself or with no way of contacting rescue services.

Here’s what you need:

  • An orange or yellow glowstick (the kind used in street parties)
  • A small piece of rope and cordage (string)

Travel documents – passport, visas, vaccination certificates, etc.

  • Travel documents – passport, visas, vaccination certificates, etc.
  • Luggage and clothes for traveling.

Credit or debit cards and some cash.

Credit or debit cards are the most convenient way to pay for things on a safari. They can be used anywhere that accepts credit cards, and some places even take them as payment in full. However, using your card in every country you visit is not always possible—some countries only accept cash. The good news is that plenty of ATMs at airports and train stations will let you access your money anytime.

Basics for a trip on a safari

As you’re packing for your safari trip, here are some must-have items:

  • Travel essentials: Bring a first aid kit and water purification tablets in emergencies. Also, consider bringing extra clothing (and shoes if you’re traveling during colder months) in case of rain or heat exhaustion.
  • Documents: Make sure your passport is valid and has at least six months remaining on its validity period before leaving for the trip; also, get it stamped by a U.S.-based consulate before boarding any flights overseas during this time frame—not just when arriving at the airport! If you don’t have an American passport yet but plan on applying soon after returning home, be sure that all required documentation is ready ahead of time so you can prepare yours while abroad too.


Remember, a safari isn’t just about wildlife—it’s also about spending time with your family and friends. We hope you find some inspiration in this list to ensure you have everything you need for your trip!


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