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Where to See Giraffes in Africa – 10 Best Places to Visit

Giraffes in Africa

Discover where to see giraffes in Africa, from national parks to private reserves. Learn about the best locations for giraffe sightings and wildlife encounters across the continent.

Giraffes are the tallest animals on Earth, but that doesn’t mean they’re only found in North America. There are many places in Africa where you can see giraffes in their natural habitat. Below I’ll outline ten of my favorites.


Tanzania stands out as a premier destination for giraffe sightings and wildlife safaris, offering a multitude of national parks and conservation areas renowned for their diverse ecosystems and abundant wildlife.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a highlight for wildlife enthusiasts visiting Tanzania. This area not only hosts a large population of giraffes but also boasts iconic species such as lions, elephants, and rhinos. The unique landscape of the Ngorongoro Crater provides a natural amphitheater where wildlife congregates, offering unparalleled opportunities for wildlife viewing and photography.

The Serengeti National Park, often described as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, is another prime location for giraffe encounters. Spanning vast savannas and woodlands that extend into Kenya’s Masai Mara, the Serengeti is famous for its annual wildebeest migration and diverse wildlife populations. Giraffes can be spotted gracefully roaming the plains alongside zebras, wildebeests, and other species, creating unforgettable safari experiences.

Adjacent to the Serengeti, the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya extends the wildlife spectacle further, offering an extension of the ecosystem that supports abundant giraffe populations. Travelers exploring this region can witness giraffes against the backdrop of sweeping grasslands dotted with acacia trees, a quintessential African landscape that captures the essence of safari adventures.

For those seeking a variety of options, Tanzania’s network of national parks and reserves—including Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, and Selous Game Reserve—provide additional opportunities to observe giraffes in their natural habitats. Each park offers unique landscapes and wildlife experiences, from riverine forests teeming with birdlife to vast plains where giraffes graze alongside herds of antelopes and elephants.

In summary, Tanzania’s reputation as a top destination for giraffe sightings is well-deserved, offering not only unparalleled wildlife encounters but also diverse landscapes and rich cultural experiences. Whether exploring the iconic Serengeti, the wildlife-rich Ngorongoro Crater, or lesser-known reserves, Tanzania invites travelers to discover the beauty and wonder of Africa’s wildlife in a truly memorable safari setting..


It’s no surprise that Namibia is a popular destination for safari holidays. The country has some of the most diverse wildlife in Africa and is home to some incredible giraffes. You won’t just see them on safari—the animals are everywhere.

Namibia is also home to two species of giraffe: the Cape giraffe and the Black-faced Lappet-Thighed Giraffe. The Cape Giraffe was recently listed as “Critically Endangered” by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); however, many efforts are being made by conservationists worldwide to save this unique species from extinction. Their other species, Black-faced Lappet-Thighed Giraffe (also known as African Bushman or Blacktail), has been classified as “Vulnerable” by IUCN due to its small population numbers across parts of Southern Africa, including Namibia, where they can be found at Etosha National Park & Reserve near Usakos town; Etosha National Park is one of only seven national parks in Africa so you’ll have plenty opportunities for spotting these beautiful creatures during your stay here.


Uganda stands out as a hidden gem for giraffe enthusiasts, boasting significant populations of these graceful creatures in two of its renowned national parks: Kidepo Valley National Park and Murchison Falls National Park.

Kidepo Valley National Park, located in the remote northeast corner of Uganda, offers a pristine wilderness where giraffes thrive alongside a diverse array of wildlife. This park, once part of a larger protected area that included Lake Edward, provides expansive savannas and rugged landscapes that are ideal habitats for giraffes. With over 12,000 individuals estimated to inhabit the region, Kidepo Valley National Park is among the best places in Africa to observe giraffes in their natural environment.

Murchison Falls National Park, situated in northwestern Uganda, is another prime location for giraffe sightings. The park is renowned for its dramatic waterfall where the Nile River narrows through a gorge, but it also boasts extensive savannas and woodland habitats that support a variety of wildlife species, including giraffes. Visitors to Murchison Falls National Park can enjoy game drives along the northern banks of the Nile, where giraffes can often be seen grazing peacefully amidst the scenic landscapes.

Both Kidepo Valley and Murchison Falls National Parks offer unique opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers alike to witness giraffes up close and in their natural habitats. The parks’ diverse ecosystems, ranging from open savannas to riverine forests, provide rich biodiversity and spectacular scenery that enhance the safari experience.

Beyond giraffes, Uganda’s national parks are home to an array of wildlife, including elephants, lions, hippos, and numerous bird species. The country’s commitment to conservation and sustainable tourism ensures that these natural treasures are protected for future generations to enjoy.

In summary, Uganda’s Kidepo Valley and Murchison Falls National Parks offer exceptional opportunities to experience Africa’s tallest mammal in stunning natural settings. Whether exploring the remote wilderness of Kidepo or the scenic landscapes of Murchison Falls, visitors are sure to be captivated by the beauty and diversity of Uganda’s wildlife and landscapes.


Rwanda is home to several places with a high concentration of giraffes, including Kigali National Park and Mukura. The former is home to the largest population of giraffes in Africa, and the latter offers some excellent opportunities for viewing them. You can combine these two places into one trip by visiting Akagera National Park on the way back from your initial destination. This park is located on Lake Victoria, where more than 200 individuals live among its dense forests, making it an exciting place for wildlife enthusiasts who want to see lots of animals at once.


Botswana is home to three of Africa’s largest giraffe populations, and most visitors will have the opportunity to see these majestic animals while they’re in their natural habitat.

The Giraffe National Park encompasses an area of approximately 220 square kilometers (85 square miles). This park offers various habitats supporting elephants, zebras, and other wildlife. The park also offers hiking trails through thick bushes with views of waterfalls or rolling plains where you can spot wildebeest grazing on grasses at eye level. There are also opportunities for game viewing if you’re looking for something different than what’s available on your standard safari tour. You can even visit the small town of Gaborone, where restaurants serve delicious meals made from local ingredients like beef or chicken prepared by chefs who have trained famous chefs from around the world.


Ethiopia, nestled in the Horn of Africa and bordered by Kenya and South Sudan, boasts the largest population of giraffes in Africa, with over 100 of these majestic creatures calling it home. This makes Ethiopia a prime destination for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers seeking unforgettable safari experiences.

The country’s diverse landscapes, ranging from lush highlands to arid savannas, provide habitats for various wildlife species, including the iconic giraffe. Visitors to Ethiopia can embark on safaris in several national parks and reserves known for their rich biodiversity and spectacular scenery. These include the Omo and Mago National Parks in the south, where giraffes roam freely alongside other wildlife such as elephants, lions, and zebras.

Beyond its wildlife, Ethiopia is renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage, with ancient cities, rock-hewn churches, and vibrant local traditions awaiting exploration. The landscapes themselves are a draw, from the otherworldly Danakil Depression to the stunning Rift Valley lakes, offering a backdrop of natural beauty that enhances any safari experience.

For wildlife photographers, Ethiopia presents unparalleled opportunities to capture stunning images of giraffes in their natural habitat, framed against dramatic landscapes and vibrant sunsets. Whether you’re exploring the highlands of Bale Mountains National Park or tracking wildlife in the remote wilderness of Gambella National Park, Ethiopia promises encounters with giraffes and other wildlife that are both memorable and rewarding.

In summary, Ethiopia stands as a beacon for giraffe conservation and a haven for wildlife enthusiasts seeking authentic African safari experiences. With its abundant natural beauty, rich history, and diverse ecosystems, Ethiopia invites travelers to discover the magic of Africa’s wildlife and landscapes in a truly unforgettable wa


Giraffe Manor, a unique private reserve in Nairobi, Kenya, offers a captivating experience where giraffes roam freely among guests. This iconic location allows visitors to interact closely with these gentle giants, making it a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers alike.

Nairobi National Park, located just outside Kenya’s capital city, is renowned for its diverse wildlife and is one of the few parks where you can spot giraffes against the backdrop of Nairobi’s skyline. Apart from giraffes, the park is home to elephants, rhinos, lions, and a variety of other animals, offering an unforgettable safari experience within close proximity to the city.

For bird enthusiasts, Amboseli National Park is a haven with over 600 species of birds, including impressive ostriches and majestic eagles. The park’s vast plains and views of Mount Kilimanjaro provide a stunning backdrop for birdwatching and wildlife viewing, with opportunities to see giraffes gracefully moving across the savannah.

Further afield, Tsavo East National Park beckons with its expansive landscapes and unique wildlife encounters. Here, visitors may have the chance to witness cheetahs in action, particularly during the cooler hours of dawn or dusk when these agile predators are most active. Tsavo East is known for its rugged terrain and red elephants, offering a true wilderness experience in Kenya’s largest national park.

Whether exploring the intimate interactions at Giraffe Manor, witnessing wildlife in Nairobi National Park, marveling at birdlife in Amboseli, or seeking predators in Tsavo East, each location offers a distinct safari experience that showcases Kenya’s natural beauty and wildlife diversity. These destinations not only provide opportunities to observe giraffes up close but also present a chance to connect with Africa’s rich cultural heritage and conservation efforts, ensuring unforgettable memories for all who visit.

South Africa

South Africa stands as a premier destination for giraffe sightings, offering diverse national parks that showcase these majestic animals in their natural habitats. Among the most renowned parks in the country, Kruger National Park ranks as a top choice for wildlife enthusiasts. Spanning vast landscapes along the borders with Mozambique and Zimbabwe, Kruger is celebrated for its abundant wildlife, including giraffes roaming freely across its plains and woodlands.

Pilanesberg National Park, situated within an ancient volcanic crater northwest of Johannesburg, provides another excellent opportunity to encounter giraffes amidst its diverse ecosystems. Visitors can explore Pilanesberg’s rolling hills, open grasslands, and scenic valleys, all of which support a variety of wildlife species, making it a popular destination for both day trips and extended safaris.

Addo Elephant National Park, located in the Eastern Cape province, has gained recognition for its successful conservation efforts and impressive wildlife encounters. Established in 1931 to protect the region’s remaining elephants, Addo has expanded to become a sanctuary for a wide range of species, including a growing population of giraffes. The park’s diverse landscapes, from semi-arid savannahs to dense thicket vegetation, offer unique opportunities to observe giraffes in a natural and protected environment.

South Africa’s commitment to wildlife conservation is further evidenced by private reserves and community-owned conservation areas that complement its national parks. These reserves often offer exclusive safari experiences and opportunities for wildlife photography, ensuring memorable encounters with giraffes and other iconic African wildlife.

Whether exploring the iconic Kruger National Park, the scenic Pilanesberg National Park, or the conservation success story of Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa promises exceptional safari experiences and unforgettable encounters with giraffes. Each destination offers a unique blend of natural beauty, diverse ecosystems, and wildlife conservation efforts that showcase Africa’s rich biodiversity and cultural heritage.


Mali, situated in West Africa, is known not only for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance but also for being home to significant populations of giraffes. These majestic creatures roam freely in various regions of the country, offering unique opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts and safari-goers to observe them in their natural habitat.

Banding together with the local communities and conservation efforts, Mali has made strides in protecting its giraffe populations and preserving their habitats. The country’s diverse landscapes, ranging from semi-arid Sahelian savannahs to the lush banks of the Niger River, provide ideal habitats for giraffes and a variety of other wildlife species.

For visitors interested in exploring Mali’s natural wonders and wildlife, several national parks and reserves offer excellent opportunities for giraffe sightings. The Boucle du Baoulé National Park, located in central Mali, is known for its diverse flora and fauna, including giraffes and other large mammals. The park’s expansive grasslands and acacia woodlands create a picturesque backdrop for safari adventures and wildlife photography.

In addition to its wildlife attractions, Mali is renowned for its vibrant cultural heritage, ancient cities, and traditional festivals. Visitors can explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the famous mosques of Timbuktu or the ancient city of Djenné, immersing themselves in Mali’s rich history and cultural traditions.

Traveling to Mali requires careful planning due to varying travel advisories and logistical considerations. However, with proper preparation and local guidance, visitors can experience the beauty of Mali’s landscapes, encounter its diverse wildlife, and witness giraffes in their natural environment, creating lasting memories of an authentic African safari experience.


Nigeria is home to the world’s largest giraffe population, with an estimated 3,000 giraffes living in the country. The best time to see them is between May and October, when the grasslands are green and lush.

Nigeria is home to several protected areas where you can see these beautiful creatures up close:

  • Dja Faunal Reserve (also known as Dja Reserve) – This reserve has been designated as one of Africa’s largest conservation areas for wildlife by UNESCO. It protects over 200 species, including elephants, lions, and leopards, but if you’re looking for something more unusual, here’s where it gets interesting! The park also features giant tortoises which roam freely through its forests! You’ll find plenty of other animals too like antelope (elk), black rhinos called Duiker Pigmy Hippos Elephants Giraffes Zebras Jackals Jackals Lions Zebras Elephants Kudu Antelopes Warthogs Zebras Waterbucks African wild dogs Red Lechwe Gemsbuck Oryx Giraffes Blesbok Impalas Kudus Springboks Wildebeests Koels Mountain Chows Scimitar Horned Oryx Gazelles Whipsnake Birds Of Paradise.

There are many places to see giraffes in Africa. The Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya (a popular safari destination). The African savanna is home to hundreds of species. Still, three places are particularly well-known for their giraffes: Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda, the Amboseli National Park in Kenya, and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania. Each park has a unique population of giraffes that can be seen on game drives through the park’s famous reserves.


In conclusion, Africa offers an array of remarkable destinations where giraffes roam freely across diverse landscapes, making each location a unique opportunity for wildlife enthusiasts and travelers alike. From the iconic savannas of Kenya’s Masai Mara and Tanzania’s Serengeti to the remote wilderness of Uganda’s Kidepo Valley and the conservation success of South Africa’s Kruger National Park, these top ten places showcase the beauty and biodiversity of the continent. Whether embarking on a safari adventure, birdwatching in Amboseli National Park, or experiencing the cultural richness of Mali, each destination promises unforgettable encounters with giraffes amidst Africa’s natural wonders. With their towering presence and graceful movements, giraffes continue to captivate and inspire, inviting visitors to connect with the wild and appreciate the importance of conservation efforts across the African continent..


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