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Tanzania Wildlife & Culture Safari 13 Day Tour


13 Days

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Travel on an epic journey-Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour through the diverse and enchanting landscapes of Tanzania with Exodus Safaris, where every moment promises to be a thrilling adventure steeped in natural beauty and cultural richness. Prepare to be captivated by the lush expanse of the Serengeti, where endless savannahs stretch as far as the eye can see, providing a picturesque backdrop for an unforgettable safari experience. Keep your camera ready as you traverse the park's diverse ecosystems, from verdant grasslands teeming with wildlife to dense woodlands where elusive predators lie in wait.

Continue your exploration with a visit to the alluring Lake Manyara, a shimmering oasis nestled at the base of the Great Rift Valley. Cruise along the lake's tranquil waters, keeping an eye out for sightings of flamingos, hippos, and other aquatic creatures that call this scenic sanctuary home. From birdwatching to bushwalks, there are endless opportunities to immerse yourself in the natural wonders of this breathtaking region.

Venture further off the beaten path to the impressive Lake Natron, a remote and otherworldly landscape that offers a glimpse into the raw beauty of Tanzania's lesser-known gems. Marvel at the lake's vivid hues, ranging from deep crimson to shimmering turquoise, and discover the unique flora and fauna that thrive in this harsh yet mesmerizing environment.

No trip to Tanzania would be complete without a visit to the iconic Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Africa's most renowned natural wonders. Descend into the caldera, where a vast expanse of grasslands and woodlands provides a sanctuary for an incredible array of wildlife, including the Big Five and countless other species. As you traverse the crater floor, guided by the expertise of our seasoned rangers, prepare to be awestruck by the sheer diversity and abundance of life that flourishes within this ancient volcanic basin.

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Tanzania with a tour of a local Maasai community, where you'll have the opportunity to learn about their traditional customs, rituals, and way of life. From traditional dances to ancient storytelling sessions, this immersive experience offers a fascinating glimpse into the timeless traditions of one of Africa's most iconic tribes.

For the ultimate adventure, embark on a trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest peak in Africa and a symbol of Tanzania's natural beauty and majesty. Marvel at the breathtaking vistas that unfold before you as you ascend through lush rainforests, alpine meadows, and towering glaciers, culminating in a sunrise summit bid that promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

After a day filled with adventure and exploration, retire to one of the many comfortable mobile safari camps that dot the landscape, such as the Serengeti Halisi or the Pakulala Safari Camp. Nestled amidst the wilderness, these exclusive retreats offer a sanctuary of tranquility where you can unwind and rejuvenate amidst the sights and sounds of the African bush.

So pack your sense of adventure and join us on this unforgettable journey through Tanzania, where every moment promises to be a thrilling adventure filled with discovery, wonder, and unforgettable memories. With Exodus Safaris as your guide, the possibilities are endless in this land of untamed beauty and boundless adventure.



  • Experience a one-of-a-kind adventure by participating in the harvesting process of a cooperative coffee plantation in Uru.
  • Get a glimpse of Tarangire National Park, home to centuries-old baobab trees.
  • Journey to Ngorongoro Crater, the world's largest unbroken caldera.
  • Spot lions and leopards as you traverse the beautiful Serengeti on a game drive.


  • Park fees
  • All activities
  • International flights
  • Additional accommodation before and at the end of the tour
  • Tips
  • Personal items
  • Government imposed increase of taxes and/or park fees
  • Drinks

Tour Plan

Day 01 Arrive in Tanzania

Do in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Once you have gone through baggage claim and customs, your safari guide will be ready to take you to the Kilimanjaro Halisi Retreat. There, you can take a break from your travels and prepare for your amazing adventure throughout Tanzania.

Day 02 Uru Coffee Tour & Kahawa Shamba Project

Begin your journey by driving to the quaint village of Uru, up the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. There, you can take part in an all-inclusive coffee cooperative tour and learn about the process of growing, harvesting, and roasting coffee. Get hands-on and brew yourself a cup of joe while visiting with local farmers. Complete the day enjoying a home-cooked meal prepared by the women of the cooperative before heading back to Moshi and exploring the city's traditional markets.

Day 03 Hike in Kilimanjaro National Park

Embark on a day hike of Mount Kilimanjaro, the iconic landmark of Tanzania that stands tall at nearly 6,000 meters. Jumpstart your journey at the Marangu Gate before navigating your way through the lush rainforest and up 800 meters to Mandara Hut. Once you've reached your destination, take a break to enjoy a picnic lunch before heading on to Maundi Crater. Make sure to pause and appreciate the views before returning to the Marangu Gate where you'll be transferred back to Moshi.

Day 04 Tarangire National Park

Spend your day exploring the Tarangire National Park, renowned for its iconic herds of elephants, towering baobab trees, and the highest concentration of wildlife beyond the Serengeti. During the dry season, from June to September, animals come from far and wide to quench their thirst with the waters of the Tarangire River. Make sure you get to the Tarangire Safari Lodge in time for a delicious dinner.

Day 05 Safari and Village Walk

Start your day with a first-light safari through Tarangire National Park before the sun gets too hot and animals are less active. After lunch, travel to the Rhotia Valley, where you'll be staying for the next two nights. Get an in-depth look into the community's culture and customs by taking a guided walk through the village this evening. You can also pay a visit to the lodge-adjacent Children's Home, which receives funding from the camp itself and provides nourishment, water, clothes, and educational opportunities to those in need.

Day 06 Mto Wa Mbu Cultural Tourism Program

Greet the day early and greet your knowledgeable tour guide from the Mto Wa Mbu Cultural Tourism Program who will lead you to the picturesque shores of Lake Manyara. The lake lies within the East African Rift, and during wetter months (August to October) in particular, it is a breathtaking sight as vast flocks of flamingos flock to its depths. For the rest of the year, travelers can still expect to see a multitude of diverse wildlife, such as leopards, lions, elephants, blue monkeys, dik-dik, gazelle, hippo, giraffe impala, among others. Make use of this rare chance to observe a variety of animals in their natural habitat, away from the confines of vehicles.

Experience the culture and community of Mto Wa Mbu, where locals from far and wide come together in harmony. Get a glimpse into the flavourful traditions and lifestyles of the Mbugwe, Iraqw, Gorowa, Irangi, Chagga and Maasai tribes. Taste the unique banana beer as you take a tour of a Chaaga family farm, or watch a Kigoma farmer process and extract palm oil. Come to Mto Wa Mbu for a unique and unforgettable cultural experience.

Alternatively, you can come across the Rangi people at Papyrus Lake and observe them amassing supplies for creating mats and baskets. Along the way, witness traditional rice farming and meet the Sandawe families who still craft traditional bow and arrows for hunting.

Day 07 Ngorongoro Crater

Take a journey to the Ngorongoro Crater and explore its expanse, nearly 100 square miles in area and home to around 20,000 large animals including the rare black rhino. Travel with 40,000 Maasai pastoralists and their cattle, goats, and sheep to witness how humans once lived in harmony with nature - a unique spectacle rarely seen. Or visit the famed Oldupai Gorge, with evidence of 3.6 million-year-old hominid footprints that were preserved in volcanic rock. Enrich your experience with a six hour tour for a glimpse into ancient times!

Day 08 Serengeti National Park

Tanzania Holiday Packages

Begin your day with a delicious breakfast, then set off for an exciting game drive to the remarkable Serengeti National Park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With its dense population of lions and leopards, the expansive Serengeti is widely renowned as the ideal spot for a Safari experience. The name Serengeti comes from the Maasai language, meaning "endless plains". During their annual migration, the Serengeti is flooded with over a million wildebeest, two hundred thousand zebras, and three hundred thousand Thomson's gazelle.

Day 09 Serengeti National Park

Embark on an early morning safari and be back in camp before breakfast. You can set out for a full day of exploration, discovering one of the most ancient landscapes on our planet. The Serengeti remains largely untouched beyond the preceding million years or so; you will still be able to observe the beloved plains, undulating wooded hills, towering termite mounds, craggy kopjes, and winding rivers with lush acacia trees. Depending on what time of year you go, you can have the chance to witness the famous Wildebeest Migration (December-July) or a profusion of predators (June-October).

Day 10 Serengeti National Park & Lake Natron

After your nourishing breakfast, take a journey to the nearby Lake Natron. Serengeti National Park is known for its diverse wildlife, so you never know what creatures you may spot on your drive. Lake Natron is a special soda lake situated beneath the Rift Valley, and thousands upon thousands of flamingos gather here to reproduce and thrive. Be sure to get a glimpse of Ol Dointo L’Engai, the only active carbonite volcano globally, then head to Lake Natron Halisi Camp for dinner.

Day 11 Lake Natron

In the morning, you can appreciate the serene scenery of the lake before heading out for an afternoon excursion to explore the nearby waterfalls. You could also opt for a side trip to a clinic or school nearby. The lake has earned its name from its high concentration of Sodium Carbonate particles that stay in it during the dry seasons. The temperature and saltiness of the lake stop any wildlife from living there, making it a safe spot for birds to establish nests.

Day 12 Maasai Boma | Mto Wa Mbu

Set off on your journey to Lake Manyara where you will have a chance to witness Maasai culture and observe cows being milked in the Maasai Boma. Hear tales of their customs, background, and heritage as you view a traditional Maasai hut. Stay one more night in Tanzania and embrace the surrounding beauty at Migunga Forest Camp.

Day 13 Depart Tanzania

Say goodbye to Tanzania, and make sure you enjoy one last game drive before you go. Make a visit to the Lake Manyara National Park for the ultimate game viewing experience. With luck, you might even catch a glimpse of a renowned tree-climbing lion while journeying through this unusual setting. Your excursion ends with a drop off at Moshi or the Kilimanjaro Airport in time for your flight back home.

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    Talia Heritage


    Cultural Heritage Unveiled

    The Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour unveils the rich cultural heritage of this remarkable country. From exploring UNESCO World Heritage Sites to learning traditional crafts from local artisans, the tour allows you to delve deep into Tanzania’s cultural tapestry. The wildlife encounters, including zebras and giraffes, add a touch of natural splendor to the journey.

    September 23, 2023

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    Aurora Safari


    A Serenade of Wildlife

    Allow yourself to be serenaded by the enchanting wildlife on the Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour. The symphony of lion roars, bird songs, and hippo grunts creates a mesmerizing soundtrack to your adventure. The tour provides ample opportunities to witness these captivating performances up close. A sensory delight for nature enthusiasts.

    September 23, 2023

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    Orion Dreamer


    Where Dreams Become Reality

    Step into a world where dreams become reality on the Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour. The encounters with lions, elephants, and other iconic wildlife species feel like a page out of a storybook. The cultural experiences, from learning traditional dances to tasting local cuisine, complete this dreamlike journey. Unforgettable memories await.

    September 23, 2023

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    Jade Nomad


    A Tapestry of Wildlife and Culture

    The Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour weaves a captivating tapestry of wildlife and culture. From witnessing the Great Migration to visiting local tribes, each day brings a new adventure. The knowledgeable guides enrich the journey with their insights, ensuring a well rounded experience. A true celebration of Tanzania’s natural and cultural heritage.

    September 23, 2023

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    Aria Safari


    Immersive Encounters Await

    Get ready for immersive encounters of a lifetime on the Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour. From tracking leopards in the Serengeti to visiting a Maasai village and participating in traditional ceremonies, the experiences are authentic and unforgettable. The tour strikes the perfect balance between wildlife exploration and cultural engagement.

    September 23, 2023

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    Savannah Adventurer


    A Majestic Wildlife Spectacle

    Prepare to be awestruck by the majestic wildlife spectacle on the Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour. From the massive herds of elephants to the graceful movement of wildebeests, nature’s grandeur unfolds at every turn. The experienced guides ensure you have front row seats to witness these extraordinary displays. A wildlife lover’s paradise.

    September 23, 2023

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    Zara Safari


    Cultural Immersion Extraordinaire

    The Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour offers a cultural immersion extraordinaire. From sharing meals with local families to learning traditional crafts, every interaction is an opportunity to connect with the Tanzanian way of life. The wildlife sightings, including elephants and zebras, add a touch of excitement to the cultural journey. A transformative experience.

    September 23, 2023

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    Phoenix Explorer


    An Epic Safari Adventure

    Brace yourself for an epic safari adventure on the Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour. Witness the circle of life unfold before your eyes as predators hunt, herbivores migrate, and birds take flight. The knowledgeable guides ensure you don’t miss a moment of the action. An exhilarating safari experience awaits.

    September 23, 2023

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    Amani Rhythm


    The Heartbeat of Africa

    Experience the heartbeat of Africa on the Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour. From the rhythmic drumming to the melodic chants, the pulse of the continent resonates throughout the journey. The warm hospitality of the Tanzanian people adds an extra layer of authenticity. A tour that will leave your heart singing.

    September 23, 2023

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    Luna Serengeti


    A Journey of Contrasts

    Prepare for a journey of contrasts on the Tanzania Wildlife & Culture 13 Day Tour. Witness the stark beauty of the Serengeti plains and the lush greenery of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of local markets and then find serenity in the tranquility of Lake Manyara. This tour showcases Tanzania’s diverse landscapes like no other.

    September 23, 2023

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